16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amsterdam

Voor nieuws, actualiteiten en acties specifiek over Lyme-Borreliose.
Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 27 Aug 2024, 16:53

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=520#p30651 en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=520#p30645

..'The phb-PCR test has been evaluated using analytical, clinical and tick samples, and its accuracy and reliability have been validated and peer-reviewed, with results published in scientific literature'..?

Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=520#p30645 ..De References (Referenties) :arrow: 29, 15 en 19 worden genoemd als medisch én wetenschappelijk bewijs?
29. Shan, J., M.R. Clokie, and L. Teulières. Phage-based detection of borreliosis and means therefor, US11739388B2, PCT/GB2017/053323, WO 2018/083491 2018.

15. Shan, J., et al., Targeting Multicopy Prophage Genes for the Increased Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato (s.l.), the Causative Agents of Lyme Disease, in Blood. Front. Microbiol., 2021. 12: 651217.

19. Shan, J., et al., Combining citizen science and molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and Borrelia miyamotoi in tick pools across Great Britain. Front Microbiol, 2023. 14: p. 1126498..
Is het gestelde juist? De Phelix Phage Borrelia test is een experimentele en niet-gevalideerde test. Ter verificatie :arrow: Reference 19:

:arrow: En opmerkelijke verschillen tussen de publicaties van 12 juni 2023 en van 30 november 2023 'Overcoming the Challenges of Lyme Disease Diagnosis: The Role of Phage-based Testing'

Pre-prints.org; Bron https://www.preprints.org/
..This version is not peer-reviewed..
Publicatie 12 juni 2023
Review - 'Overcoming the Challenges of Lyme Disease Diagnosis: The Role of Phage-based Testing' by Ying Jia1, Tatjana Mijatovic2, Louis Teulières3, Martha Clokie1, Jinyu Shan1*; Bron https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202306.0816/v1
..Abstract: Tick-borne diseases are a growing concern worldwide, affecting both human and animal populations. Ticks are known to harbor a wide range of pathogens and are considered one of the most important vectors of disease. Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, is the most common tick-borne disease in the US and Europe. However, accurate diagnosis of Lyme disease can be challenging due to the complex immune evasion strategies employed by Borrelia species and the limitations of existing diagnostic tests. To address this issue, researchers are exploring novel approaches, including the use of bacteriophages as diagnostic tools. Bacteriophages are highly specific and offer advantages over traditional methods for detecting bacteria, including Borrelia.

In particular, the use of multicopy bacteriophages as molecular markers for Borrelia detection is a promising approach that may provide greater sensitivity than targeting single-copy bacterial genes. Nonetheless, the task of identifying trace amounts of bacteriophages in blood samples necessitates attention, and scientists are devising innovative techniques to surmount this hurdle. In summary, employing bacteriophages as a diagnostic tool for tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, by specifically targeting free circulating bacteriophages in blood samples, offers significant potential for enhancing patient outcomes and public health..
..Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest..

..Author Contributions:..**LT provided valuable advice on LD clinical diagnosis and treatment..

European Society of Medicine; Bron https://esmed.org/
Publicatie 30 november 2023
Open Access - 'Overcoming the Challenges of Lyme Disease Diagnosis: The Role of Phage-based Testing' by Ying Jia1, Tatjana Mijatovic2, Louis Teulières3, Martha Clokie1, Jinyu Shan1*; Bron https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/4650/99193547476 en Bron https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/4650
Tick-borne diseases are a growing concern worldwide, affecting both human and animal populations. Ticks are known to harbour a wide range of pathogens and are considered one of the most important vectors of diseases. Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, is the most common tick-borne disease in the US and Europe. However, accurate diagnosis of Lyme disease can be challenging due to the complex immune evasion strategies employed by Borrelia species and the limitations of existing diagnostic tests. To address this issue, researchers are exploring novel approaches, including the use of bacteriophages as diagnostic tools. Bacteriophages are highly specific and offer advantages over traditional methods for detecting bacteria, including Borrelia.

In particular, the use of multicopy bacteriophages as molecular markers for Borrelia detection is a promising approach that may provide greater sensitivity than targeting single-copy bacterial genes. Nonetheless, the task of identifying trace amounts of bacteriophages in blood samples necessitates attention, and scientists are devising innovative techniques to surmount this hurdle. In summary, employing bacteriophages as a diagnostic tool for Lyme disease, by specifically targeting free circulating bacteriophages in blood samples, offers significant potential for enhancing patient outcomes and public health. However, additional rigorous scientific validation is required to definitively ascertain the efficacy and accuracy of using a phage-based methodology for detecting Borrelia in blood samples.
..However, additional rigorous scientific :arrow: validation is required to definitively ascertain the efficacy and accuracy of using a phage-based methodology for detecting Borrelia in blood samples..

..However, all these advantages :arrow: will have to be proven and :arrow: validated in clinical practice through comprehensive research..
..Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare specific affiliations that may constitute a potential conflict of interest. The second author is affiliated with R.E.D. Laboratories, a commercial entity that offers testing using the “PHELIX PHAGE TEST.” Phelix Research and Development provided substantial support for these studies, and one of the authors is a member of Phelix R&D. Furthermore, the corresponding author is affiliated with Phelix Research and Development. While these affiliations exist, they were maintained in a consultative and advisory capacity with the intention of furthering understanding and development in LD diagnostics. No legal conflict of interest is claimed. However, the connections between the authors and the entities involved in the development and offering of the Phelix Phage Test are openly acknowledged. This disclosure is made to ensure transparency and allow readers to fully consider the context and any potential interests related to this work..

..Author Contributions:..**LT provided valuable advice on LD clinical diagnosis and treatment..

Er is géén sprake van onafhankelijk onderzoek en de Case-study kan niet dienen als medisch én wetenschappelijk bewijs. De auteurs en Louvet zijn leden (trustees, mede-oprichters én investeerders!) van Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ & Phelix France (Frankrijk); Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ en Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/about-us/ en hebben een financieel belang!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 28 Aug 2024, 17:14


..'The phb-PCR test has been evaluated using analytical, clinical and tick samples, and its accuracy and reliability have been validated and peer-reviewed, with results published in scientific literature'..?

9 juni 2024: Het lukt de wetenschapper/onderzoeker Shan niet om subsidie gelden te krijgen voor zijn 'Startup'; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&p=30466#p30465

Interessant is dat een van de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Team Phelix Research & Development in april 2021 in interviews noemt:
Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=590#p27099 Interessant is dat een van de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Team Phelix Research & Development; Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ in april 2021 in interviews noemt; Bron https://www.lymedisease.org/detect-acut ... ngle-cell/
..The technology will need further development before it is suitable for clinical use, but the researchers have already begun the groundwork for this.

We are currently working with a commercial partner, and investigating regulatory issues and the potential for a clinical trial for this technology,” said Shan..
En de onderzoeker/wetenschapper noemt bij Medscape; Bron https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/949349
..Although the novel test still needs evaluation in a clinical trial, it could represent a "step-change" in the detection of Lyme disease, Shan and associates suggest in their report published in Frontiers in Microbiology..
..The new phage-based PCR test Shan and associates have developed could change all that. With only 0.3 mL of blood being needed, it can potentially be developed as a simple point-of-care test, but that's a long way off.
At this stage, the research is very much a **"proof of concept," Shan said. One of the things he plans to try to work out next is whether the test can distinguish between active and dormant disease, which is a "big question" in the diagnosis of Lyme disease..

De experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test zit (pas) in fase **2. 'proof of concept'.
Het ontwikkelen van een nieuwe test vraagt veel tijd en geld in verband met de te nemen stappen van 1. proof of principle, 2. proof of concept, 3. onafhankelijke validatie, 4. implementatie.
De Phelix Phage Borrelia test zit (pas) in fase 2. 'proof of concept'. De ontwikkeling van de andere testen ( :arrow: Phelix Phage Bartonella test en de Phelix Phage Rickettsia test) zitten (pas) in fase 1.'proof of principle'.

Er zullen verschillende klinische onderzoeken, dubbelblind gerandomiseerd placebo gecontroleerd onderzoek (Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)), moeten worden gedaan met verschillende groepen mensen en patiënten om het gestelde te kunnen bevestigen en bewijzen. Dat proces zal veel tijd(jaren) gaan vragen.
Er zal een goede onafhankelijke validatie van de test moeten worden gedaan.
Het EU-proces voor markttoelating is niet doorlopen. Richtlijnen CE-IVD certificering; Bron https://www.rvo.nl/onderwerpen/eu-wetge ... iagnostiek Dat betekent dat de test voorlopig geen CE-IVD certificering heeft.

Ter verificatie:
Stand van zaken Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ & Phelix France (Frankrijk); Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ periode t/m 31 december 2022; Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/about-us/
..During the year, the charity received income totalling £60.205 and incurred expenditure of £80.501, giving a net loss position of £20.269.

Phelix R&D recognised income of £52.908 from RedLab Belgium form the commercialisation of the Phage based test for the year 2022..

..Activity update
Activity 2022:
- Improving the sensitivity of the Phage Based borrelia test with our partner in Belgium, RedLabs, who are in charge of the commercialisation of the Test.
- Exploring new technologies in order to automate the DNA extraction from biological samples.
- University of Leicester and Phelix Research and Development: Trying to redesign a Phage Based test for :arrow: Bartonella sp. as the previous test did not show promising sensitivity.
- University of Leicester and Phelix Research and Development: working on the next research paper on Borrelia Miyamotoi.
- Finalising the documents for the filing of the Patent of the Borrelia phage based test: UK, USA, EU (Patent attorney Murgitroyd law firm)..

..Whilist the trustees are aware of the need to build reserves for a substaniable future. This is not considered necessary at this time due to the support of the trustees..
Interessant is hoe de verdere ontwikkelingen zullen gaan. Er is een tekort van £20.269 (€23.403) ontstaan. De trustees, mede-oprichters én investeerders die een financieel belang hebben (Teulières en Louvet (Charity trustees are the people who ultimately exercise control over and are legally responsible for the charity. If the charity is a company these people may also be known as directors or board members)) moeten verschillende leningen (totaal 2022: £382.246 in 2021: £378.492) zien terug te verdienen in de komende jaren.

Er zijn door de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ & Phelix France (Frankrijk); Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ en Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/about-us/ duidelijk nog steeds géén faag voor (20 soorten?; Bron https://biologixcenter.com/inpt-phage-t ... e-testing/) Borrelia, géén faag voor Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever soorten, géén faag voor B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever soorten, géén faag voor Rickettsia en andere soorten Rickettsia en géén faag voor verschillende soorten :arrow: Bartonella gevonden?!

:arrow: Helaas worden de (nieuwe) Lyme patiënten in Nederland vanaf 2018 reeds misleid! En ook de luisteraars van Radio Weetlust zijn misleid! En bleek tevens heel duidelijk dat de medische én wetenschappelijke kennis van Geelhoed totaal onder de maat is!
2018 interview Jinyu Shan; Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/lymeverenigi ... 1560850413 en 2018 interview Jinyu Shan; Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/lymeverenigi ... 7382729300 en interview Jinyu Shan 2021; Bron https://www.facebook.com/Lymefonds/vide ... 0761366102
2020: Lymefonds - Lancering Lymefonds; Bron https://www.facebook.com/Lymefonds/vide ... cale=nl_NL

2022: 27 april 2022: Radio Weetlust aflevering 117: Teek; Bron https://sleutelstad.nl/programma/radio- ... 022-04-27/
Radio Weetlust - woensdag 27 april 2022 // aflevering 117: TEEK
Te gast in deze uitzending: initiator en directeur Fred Verdult - Lymefonds Nederland. Presentatie Lucien Geelhoed.
Interview deel 3: over fagen en de fagentest directeur Stichting Lymefonds/het Lymefonds: 'dus als iemand de Borrelia faag heeft dan weet je zeker dat iemand op dat moment ook de Borrelia bacterie heeft'..(?)

Is het gestelde juist? Nee! En kan de fagentest het onderscheid; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595#p28596 maken tussen 1.) mensen die geen lyme hebben, 2.) mensen die net lyme hebben opgelopen en 3.) mensen die al langer lyme hebben? Nee!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 04 Sep 2024, 19:42

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=500#p30605 en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=490#p30515
Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/drrichardhorowitz/ 3 septemer 2024:..We gave 5 million tax dollars to Dr Auwaerter to provide the AMA with guidance for chronic Lyme? Wow, that is a tremendous waste of tax dollars. The IDSA denies chronic persistent Lyme and now AMA physicians are going to read biased material? What a shame.
I could have saved them 5 million, by reading my on line publications which gives solid advice that gets patients better. Here is the proof:..
Is het door de arts en Carl Tuttle gestelde juist?

3 september 2024 Carl Tuttle: American Medical Association Lyme Disease: A Clinician Toolkit; Bron https://www.change.org/p/the-us-senate- ... u/32867249

5 augustus 2024: American Medical Association (AMA) - Improving Care for Patients with Prolonged Symptoms and Concerns about Lyme Disease: A Clinician Toolkit; Bron https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-car ... about-lyme en Bron; https://www.aphl.org/aboutAPHL/publicat ... orting.pdf
..Some laboratories offer tests that have not been cleared by FDA. Use of these tests is not recommended, as their accuracy and clinical usefulness have not been adequately established. Additionally, use of alternative or laboratory-specific criteria for interpretation of serologic test results is not recommended..

..When is it useful to test for antibodies to Borrelia species which cause Lyme disease in Europe?
In addition to the testing described in this document, some laboratories offer testing for additional species of Borrelia that are not found in the United States, but which cause Lyme disease in Europe. These tests are not appropriate for patients without a travel history outside the US..

Ilads Annual Scientific Conference November 7-10, 2024 San Antonio, TX
Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=330#p30000 Ilads Annual Scientific Conference November 7-10, 2024 San Antonio, TX; Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/ ... n-antonio/
Conference Schedule & Speakers (Conference Schedule* *Subject to change); Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/ ... n-antonio/
..8 November 2024: 8 AM: Dapsone Trial Update - Richard Horowitz, MD..

..'Here is the proof'..?

Tegenover de getuigenissen van de 18 patiënten genoemd in de Dapsone presentatie; Bron https://players.brightcove.net/63144520 ... 3288590112 staan de vele getuigenissen van mensen-patiënten; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=400#p30156 die Dapson hebben gebruikt waarbij het niet goed is gegaan en sommigen in een noodsituatie of op de ER (spoedeisende hulp ziekenhuis) terecht zijn gekomen.

:arrow: En duidelijke reactie van Innatoss Laboratories op 'Comparison of the Efficacy of Longer versus Shorter Pulsed High Dose Dapsone Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome with Bartonellosis and Associated Coinfections'; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/11/9/2301 ; Bron https://www.facebook.com/Lymefonds/
1 oktober 2023:..Helaas heeft dit weinig met wetenschap te maken. Geen study design, geen inclusie of exclusiecriteria, geen semi-objectieve manier om "beter" te definieren, geen poweranalyse, geen statistiek, geen medisch ethsche commissie, geen data safety monitoring board wat bij de combinatie van deze geneesmiddelen zeker geeist zou worden. De "special" waar dit verhaal onderdeel van is, bevat alleen dit artikel. Tot mijn verrassing wordt er geen "conflict of interest" gerapporteerd terwijl de auteurs de enigen zijn die patienten op deze manier behandelen en daar :arrow: zeer goed voor betaald worden. Ik gun iedere Lymepatient een goede behandeling, maar deze cocktail van sterk werkende medicatie met serieuze bijwerkingen (van de cocktail zijn de bijwerkingen niet gerapporteerd) is zeer dubieus..

Het eerdere plan was om te starten met een Pilot study met 100 patiënten. Dat is (nog) niet gelukt? En daarna een Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) te gaan opzetten?; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=390#p30144
..If I can get a :arrow: RCT done on dapsone combination therapy and the role of MSIDS factors in CLD/PTLDS :arrow: by the end of this year/or next, I will prove to the world what many of my patients know: that this short term oral generic protocol can lead to long lasting positive effects and help patients get back to work..

..With support from the **Lyme community, this could be a reality by :arrow: mid-2024. Now that we have new, more effective answers for Bartonella, it is time to launch **a 100 patient :arrow: pilot study..
Een **Pilot study is een kleinschalige voorstudie die wordt uitgevoerd om de haalbaarheid, duur, kosten, bijwerkingen te evalueren en het onderzoeksontwerp te verbeteren voorafgaand aan de uitvoering van een grootschalig onderzoeksproject.

Voor de **Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) (is klinisch onderzoek en wetenschappelijk onderzoek een (cohort) study met verschillende patiëntengroepen én een controle groep) zijn de ambities erg hoog en de tijd zal leren of er een RCT opgezet kan worden en of de resultaten hetzelfde gaan bevestigen als allemaal is genoemd. Er is véél geld (5 miljoen dollar?!) voor nodig en de voorbereiding en het onderzoek zullen een aantal jaren gaan duren.

Zal het :arrow: Eva Garland consulting; Bron https://www.evagarland.com/ lukken om de benodigde gelden/subsidies voor een RCT te gaan krijgen?

LivLyme symposium; Bron https://www.facebook.com/drrichardhorowitz
..8 maart 2023: Lyme treatment protocols are not always covered by insurers. This is why a RCT of dapsone combination therapy is essential. Appx 50% go into long term remission after an 8 week oral, generic protocol if all MSIDS factors have been addressed. Once I have more information about the success of our recent Lyme-Bart protocols, I will design a study and get input from the major Lyme organizations. I mentioned in jest this weekend during the LivLyme conference, that the major Lyme organizations need to consider giving Johns Hopkins center 5 million dollars to do the dapsone study. Its really not a joke. They have the largest PTLDS patient group and a successful study there would help move the needle towards proving the success of recent biofilm/persister regimens..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Ma 07 Okt 2024, 16:27

28 september 2024: Tick Boot Camp - Episode 434: Lyme Tezted - an interview with Doctor Leona Gilbert; Bron https://tickbootcamp.com/ en Bron https://tickbootcamp.com/episode-434-ly ... a-gilbert/ en Bron https://www.facebook.com/TickBootCamp/
..We sat down with Dr. Leona Gilbert, CEO of Tezted, to discuss the future of Lyme disease diagnostics. Dr. Gilbert shares her personal journey and reveals the limitations of traditional testing. If you’ve been struggling to find answers, this episode is a must-listen!
Stay tuned for cutting-edge insights on comprehensive testing that looks beyond just Lyme and digs into co-infections like Bartonella and Babesia. Could this new test be a game-changer?..
..- Comprehensive Testing for Tick-Borne Illnesses: Dr. Gilbert’s research emphasizes the importance of screening for multiple pathogens simultaneously. Her work led to the development of TickPlex Plus, a test that screens for various Borrelia strains, Bartonella, Babesia, and other microbes.

..4. Comprehensive Testing: Dr. Gilbert discusses the importance of her work in providing more accurate diagnostics through Tezted’s TickPlex Plus test, which evaluates a wide range of tick-borne illnesses.
..Where to Find the TickPlex Plus Test:
- The TickPlex Plus test :arrow: can be ordered through ArminLabs.
- It will soon be available directly in the US, with updates expected on Tezted.com within the next four weeks..

..ArminLabs (Duitsland): Additional testing recommendations:
Negative results of antibodies by the modern TickPlex assay may not exclude an infection due to potential seronegativity. Therefore, we recommend the following additional test methods for any patient suspected of chronic borreliosis:
***Borrelia EliSpot - actual T-cell activity
***CD3-/CD57+ cell count - chronic T-cell activity..

Is het gestelde juist? De mensen-(Lyme)patiënten en of de zieke, de zoekende mensen én ook de ('activistische') patiëntenorganisaties wereldwijd worden misleid!!! Met de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test kunnen géén diagnoses Lyme/chronische Lyme/neuroborreliose/Post-lymeziekte-syndroom en of coinfecties worden gesteld!! En kunnen er géén behandelingen mee worden gemonitord!!

Leer en lees meer en ter verificatie: over Tezted (Finland); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30574 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30594 En over IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test van Tezted (Finland); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30575

Leer en lees meer en ter verificatie: over ArminLabs (Duitsland); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30649#p30595 En over de na validatie onbetrouwbaar gebleken ***EliSpot/iSpot Lyme test (Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH (AID)/GenID) en de ***CD3/CD57 testen van ArminLabs (Duitsland) en de samenwerkende partner Infectolab Americas (Verenigde Staten); Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=400#p30176

Tezted (Finland) is :arrow: fabrikant! en ArminLabs (Duitsland) is :arrow: verkoper! van de kostbare (Basic: £120 is €140) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (Plus: £585 is €686) en
:arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (£232 is €270) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test.
Bron https://www.tezted.com/tickplex-validation en Bron https://www.tezted.com/order-tickplex
..TICKPLEX is a CE and *IVD test..

Bron https://www.tezted.com/toxiplex

:arrow: Een gewaarschuwd mens (patiënten én behandelaars) telt voor twee!!! Research misconduct (fraude) en ontslagen: Rapport: University of Jyväskylä Finland - Rector's decision in 2020; Bron https://lymescience.org/rogues/Leona-Gi ... onduct.pdf
En Yle (Yleisradio Oy of Rundradion Ab, afgekort als Yle, is een Finse publieke omroep) in 2020; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&p=30214#p30206 en Yle (Yleisradio Oy of Rundradion Ab, afgekort als Yle, is een Finse publieke omroep) in 2022; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=460#p30416 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=130#p29165 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=130#p2915
....“Canadian-born researcher Leona Gilbert at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland has not only been fired. Her team has been stripped of its research grants and the university has informed the entire research world about the cheating, something that the Swedish Yle; Bron https://svenska.yle.fi/a/7-1502452 was the first to report on.
- I think justice has been done now, says Mats Reimer to SVT Nyheter Väst.

It all started more than three years ago when Leona Gilbert, associate professor of cell and molecular biology, was awarded a fine entrepreneur prize in Finland for her commercial Lyme disease tests. Her own group’s research was the basis for the test, which according to Mats Reimer has not been scientifically evaluated. […]

The university’s investigation team concluded that Leona Gilbert did not even know where the test blood came from, which made the investigation highly uncertain. In addition, she allegedly mixed up different categories of antibodies, which is considered a serious error.”..

ArminLabs (Duitsland) over TickPlex Validation Process; Bron https://arminlabs.com/nl/testen/tickplex en Bron https://dev.arminlabs.com/assets/img/pa ... rocess.pdf Is het gestelde juist?

..'Clinically proven: 1500 patiënts tested for 20 microbes from a tick bite Garg et al :arrow: 2018, Garg et al :arrow: 2021, Xi et al 2023'..?; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=420#p30209

Het door Tezted (Finland) :arrow: fabrikant! en door ArminLabs (Duitsland) :arrow: verkoper! genoemde validation material; Bron https://www.tezted.com/tickplex-validation kan niet dienen als validatie en als medisch én wetenschappelijk bewijs!

:arrow: 2018: Het gepubliceerde artikel - **'Evaluating polymicrobial immune responses in patients suffering from tick-borne diseases' by Kunal Garg, Leena Meriläinen, Ole Franz, Heidi Pirttinen, Marco Quevedo-Diaz, Stephen Croucher & Leona Gilbert van 29 oktober 2018; Bron https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-34393-9 is zelfs ingetrokken op 21 februari 2022.
..The Editors have retracted this Article.
The main method utilised in this study is an ELISA assay. An investigation by the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, has concluded that the patient selection and description in this Article, and in an unpublished report validating the methods used, do not justify the results presented. The Editors therefore no longer have confidence in the results and conclusions presented in this Article..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 08 Okt 2024, 16:39

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=460#p30433

9 oktober 2024: The Academy of Nutritional Medicine (AONM) (Engeland)/ArminLabs(Duitsland) - TITLE: :arrow: Adaptive Immune Response Investigation in Lyme Borreliosis - Round Table Discussion - Speakers: Professor Leona Gilbert, Dr. Mihail Pruteanu, Mr. Markus Berger and Mr. Kunal Garg; Bron https://aonm.org/upcoming_events/ en Bron https://www.facebook.com/AcademyofNutritionalMedicine/
In this webinar the authors of :arrow: Chapter 6 in Borrelia Burgdorferi – Methods and Protocols (Edited by Professor Leona Gilbert) – ‘Adaptive Immune Response Investigation in Lyme Borreliosis’ will discuss the nuances of diagnosing Lyme Borreliosis through humoral and cellular immunity.

You will learn about the innovative EliSpot assay, unveiling T cell responses to Borrelia burgdorferi infection and gain an understanding of how this T cell-based approach bridges diagnostic gaps, especially for seronegative patients.

The authors will offer insights into the dissociation between humoral and cellular immune responses, and the great potential of EliSpot in identifying Borrelia infections..
..'You will learn about the innovative EliSpot assay, unveiling T cell responses to Borrelia burgdorferi infection and gain an understanding of how this T cell-based approach bridges diagnostic gaps, especially for seronegative patients'..?
..'The authors will offer insights into the dissociation between humoral and cellular immune responses, and the great potential of EliSpot in identifying Borrelia infections'..?

De inhoud van het nieuwe boek (NB: kost veel geld $199 is €196; eBook €149) van Gilbert - 'Borrelia burgdorferi Methods and Protocols' zal bij menigeen de wenkbrauwen kunnen doen fronsen; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 716-3561-2 en 'Table of contents (18 protocols)'; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 3561-2#toc
:arrow: Chapter 6 ..Adaptive Immune Response Investigation in Lyme Borreliosis by Mihail Pruteanu, Armin Schwarzbach, Markus Berger - Pages 77-90

To diagnose Lyme Borreliosis, it is advised to use an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test to check for serum antibodies specific for Lyme and all tests with positive or ambiguous enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results being confirmed by immunoblot. This method of measuring the humoral immunity in human fluids (e.g., by ELISA) has provided robust and reproducible results for decades and similar assays have been validated for monitoring of B cell immunity. These immunological tests that detect antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi are useful in the diagnosis of Borreliosis on a routine basis. The variety of different Borrelia species and their different geographic distributions are the main reasons why standards and recommendations are not identical across all geographic regions of the world. In contrast to humoral immunity, the T cell reaction or cellular immunity to the Borrelia infection has not been well elucidated, but over time with more studies a novel T cell-based assay (EliSpot) has been :arrow: developed and validated for the sensitive detection of antigen-specific T cell responses to B. burgdorferi.

The EliSpot Lyme assay can be used to study the T cell response elicited by Borrelia infections, which bridges the gap between the ability to detect humoral immunity and cellular immunity in Lyme disease. In addition, detecting cellular immunity may be a helpful laboratory diagnostic test for Lyme disease, especially for seronegative Lyme patients. Since serodiagnostic methods of the Borrelia infection frequently provide false positive and negative results, this T cell-based diagnostic test (cellular assay) may help in confirming a Lyme diagnosis. Many clinical laboratories are convinced that the cellular assay is superior to the Western Blot assay in terms of sensitivity for detecting the underlying Borrelia infection.

Research also suggests that there is a dissociation between the magnitude of the humoral and the T cell-mediated cellular immune responses in the Borrelia infection. Lastly, the data implies that the EliSpot Lyme assay may be helpful to identify Borrelia infected individuals when the serology-based diagnostic fails to do so. Here in this chapter the pairing of humoral and cellular immunity is employed to evaluate the adaptive response in patients..
..'but over time with more studies a novel T cell-based assay (EliSpot) has been :arrow: developed and validated for the sensitive detection of antigen-specific T cell responses to B. burgdorferi'..?

21 februari 2024: Tezted (Finland) - Chapter 6 Revealed; Bron https://www.facebook.com/tickplex/
.. :arrow: Chapter 6 Revealed.
New Advances in Lyme Disease Diagnosis!
Colleagues from ArminLabs bring light to the complexities of diagnosing Lyme borreliosis. While traditional ELISA tests have been a staple for detecting antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi, they must be more foolproof. Variations in Borrelia species and their different effects across global populations have made a one-size-fits-all approach to testing challenging.

TICKPLEX aids in serology testing by testing immune responses against various species of Borrelia and its persistent forms. The EliSpot Lyme assay is designed to reveal the T cell response to Borrelia infection. This test is a useful, particularly for patients who don't produce enough antibodies to be detected by standard serological tests, often leading to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.
The EliSpot assay paired with TICKPLEX ELISA bridges a gap, integrating humoral (antibody-mediated) and cellular (T cell-mediated) immunity to provide a fuller picture of the body’s response to infection..
..'The EliSpot assay paired with TICKPLEX ELISA bridges a gap, integrating humoral (antibody-mediated) and cellular (T cell-mediated) immunity to provide a fuller picture of the body’s response to infection'..?

En ArminLabs (Duitsland) 'adviseert':.. en wordt daarmee de verkoopcirkel van de aanbevolen testen in stand gehouden?
Bron https://arminlabs.com/en/tests/tickplex ..ArminLabs (Duitsland): Additional testing recommendations:
Negative results of antibodies by the modern TickPlex assay may not exclude an infection due to potential seronegativity. Therefore, we recommend the following additional test methods for any patient suspected of chronic borreliosis:
*Borrelia EliSpot - actual T-cell activity
*CD3-/CD57+ cell count - chronic T-cell activity..

Is het gestelde juist? Nee! Patiënten én patiëntenorganisaties, 'activistische Lyme organisaties&groepen', Ilads Lyme&me/cvs artsen, AVIG Lyme artsen, natuurartsen, therapeuten en behandelaars in privé-klinieken (wereldwijd) worden misleid!!!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 08 Okt 2024, 18:24


:arrow: Leer en lees meer informatie ter verificatie over de na validatie onbetrouwbaar gebleken EliSpot/Lyme iSpot test (Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH (AID)/GenID) en de niet-gevalideerde TickPlex testen/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only testen en de CD3/CD57 testen; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=400#p30176

ArminLabs (Duitsland) geeft heden en in 2016 verschillende informatie:..
Bron https://arminlabs.com/en/faq ..Compared to the EliSpot standard assay (which is based only on variability in correlation with the number of activated T cells and secreted IFN-g), the iSpot assay is based on variability in correlation with the number of activated T cells and secreted IFN-g and IL2. IFN-γ is associated with acute or active infection, while IL2 represents the memory function of the immune system and thus convalescence. EliSpot/iSpot provides accurate information about the current, or reactive situation in relation to the presence or absence of infection. In some cases, a positive EliSpot test can be associated with autoimmune diseases: Collagenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Vasculitis etc..
In herinnering..
Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=50#p28813 Infectolab Americas
22 april 2019
'The New ELISpot Test: A Massive Breakthrough In The Identification Of Lyme Disease'; Bron https://lyme-time.com/2019/04/22/the-ne ... e-disease/
..Chronic Lyme disease diagnosis requires a blood test. Previously this was done with an ELISpot, but issues arose with its accuracy; a not insignificant number of tests were returning as false negatives. Thus, a new method was required.
The new LymeSpot was :arrow: developed in Germany **by AID, with support and patient samples from BCA-clinic, one of the most prominent and well-respected Lyme disease clinics in the world. This new test is far more accurate than previous incarnations of the ELISpot, and can tell doctors a lot about their patient’s current condition..

..As it stands, :arrow: BCA-clinic in Germany and :arrow: Infectolab in the U.S. are the only two laboratories running this specific iteration of the ELISpot, making them the most accurate source of Lyme disease diagnostics so far..
In herinnering..
Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=10#p28646 The Tick Factor - Amsterdam, The Netherlands 23 september 2016; Bron https://www.betterhealthguy.com/tickfactor
..There were over 150 people attending the event and helping to educate practitioners in Europe about how to approach the treatment of Lyme disease..
..Armin Schwarzbach, PhD spoke on "Lyme and Coinfections Test Panels for CFS, MS, RA, Fibromyalgia, Alzheimers, and, Parkinsonism" and shared:
.. :arrow: ***EliSpot is **similar to the ***iSpot Lyme test in the US. It is a T-Cell test for Lyme..

..EliSpot is 84% sensitive and 94% specific for Borrelia..
..EliSpot looks for responses to Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia garinii..
..3% of ticks evaluated had T-cell responses to Borrelia miyamotoi..
..EliSpot is available for Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia miyamotoi, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Ehrlichia, Yersinia, EBV, CMV, and HSV1/HSV2..

3 februari 2023 - Proefschrift F.R van de Schoor | Diagnostic challenges of Lyme borreliosis/Uitdagingen in de diagnostiek voor lymeziekte; Bron https://repository.ubn.ru.nl/handle/2066/288651 Volledige tekst; Bron https://repository.ubn.ru.nl/bitstream/ ... sAllowed=y

Hoofdstuk 6 - Diagnostic parameters of cellular tests for Lyme borreliosis in Europe (VICTORY study): a case-control study
The two-colour iSpot is a test that is currently commercially available in Germany, having been developed by the **company AID (also known as GenID). The iSpot is performed on-site at the facilities of AID/GenID in Strassberg, Germany. It uses 10 ml of heparinized blood.
:arrow: ***The iSpot uses an ***ELISPOT technique. The technique used for the present study is identical to the techniques used in daily clinical practice at AID/GenID’s facilities.
Whole blood samples are incubated with Borrelia lysate (B31) and a mix of recombinant Borrelia proteins (OspC, DbpB and OspA), as well as with a negative and a positive control. The production of two cytokines by T cells, namely IFN-γ and interleukin-2 (IL-2), is then assessed using the so-called ‘traffic light principle’. After incubation and development, wells that contain a high concentration of IFN-γ and a low concentration of IL-2 turn red, which according to the manufacturer indicates the presence of mainly effector T cells, which would be suggestive of an active infection.
A reversed concentration of IFN-γ and IL-2 is indicated by a green colour, suggesting a higher concentration of memory T cells, indicating a past infection. A balanced concentration of IFN-γ and IL-2 is said to indicate a latent infection. Test results are interpreted following the manufacturer’s instruction..
..This means that for the iSpot Lyme for example, ~70% of individuals without Lyme borreliosis will receive a false-positive test result. This is important as the iSpot Lyme and LTT-MELISA have been commercially available for patients..

Met de na validatie onbetrouwbaar gebleken EliSpot/iSpot Lyme testen (ArminLabs (Duitsland) & Infectolab Americas (Verenigde Staten) van Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH (AID)/GenID) kunnen géén diagnoses Lyme/chronische Lyme/neuroborreliose/Post-lymeziekte-syndroom worden en of coinfecties worden gesteld. En kunnen er kunnen géén behandelingen mme worden gemonitord!!

Met de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test kunnen géén diagnoses Lyme/chronische Lyme/neuroborreliose/Post-lymeziekte-syndroom en of coinfecties worden gesteld!! En kunnen er géén behandelingen mee worden gemonitord!!

Conclusie & wake-up call: Veel mensen-patiënten zijn jarenlang(!) en worden tot op heden nog steeds misleid!!! Patiënten moeten beter leren om zich zélf ook goed in de materie te leren verdiepen en hetgeen dat wordt gepromoot & geadviseerd door anderen (patiëntenorganisaties, patiënten, 'activistische Lyme organisaties&groepen', Ilads Lyme&me/cvs artsen, AVIG Lyme artsen, natuurartsen, therapeuten en behandelaars in privé-klinieken) goed te verifiëren en daarmee het risico te vermijden om ergens (onwetend, in goed vertrouwen, naïef, 'blind') achter aan te gaan lopen of achter zogenoemde op een voetstuk geplaatste 'Lyme-helden' aan te gaan lopen.

De :arrow: gevolgen voor de (geteste en te testen) patiënten zijn: een onjuiste testuitslag, een gemiste diagnose, een verkeerd gestelde diagnose, een verkeerde voorgeschreven behandeling, veroorzaakte (blijvende) schade aan de gezondheid.
Gezondheid is een kostbaar bezit. Een verkeerd gestelde diagnose of een verkeerde experimentele behandeling kan érg schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid. Patiënten kunnen als gevolg van de behandeling ernstige langdurige (of blijvende) klachten (neurologische en of psychische) krijgen en of blijvende schade aan de darmen en de werking van het afweersysteem (immuunsysteem) krijgen. Mensen worden in dat geval niet beter maar zieker!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Do 17 Okt 2024, 16:53

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=450#p30404 en vevolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2641&start=10#p29227

Interessante nieuwe publicatie!

European Journal of Immunology; Bron https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/15214141/2024/54/10
Volume 54, Issue 10
October 2024
Publicatie 13 oktober 2024
Open Access Article: 'Bridging the gap: Insights in the immunopathology of Lyme borreliosis' by Marijn E. Snik, Noor E.I.M. Stouthamer, Joppe W. Hovius, Melissa M.J. van Gool; Bron https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10. ... .202451063
Lyme borreliosis (LB), caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl) genospecies transmitted by Ixodes spp. ticks, is a significant public health concern in the Northern Hemisphere. This review highlights the complex interplay between Bbsl infection and host–immune responses, impacting clinical manifestations and long-term immunity. Early localized disease is characterized by erythema migrans (EM), driven by T-helper 1 (Th1) responses and proinflammatory cytokines. Dissemination to the heart and CNS can lead to Lyme carditis and neuroborreliosis respectively, orchestrated by immune cell infiltration and chemokine dysregulation. More chronic manifestations, including acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans and Lyme arthritis, involve prolonged inflammation as well as the development of autoimmunity. In addition, dysregulated immune responses impair long-term immunity, with compromised B-cell memory and antibody responses. Experimental models and clinical studies underscore the role of Th1/Th2 balance, B-cell dysfunction, and autoimmunity in LB pathogenesis. Moreover, LB-associated autoimmunity parallels mechanisms observed in other infectious and autoimmune diseases. Understanding immune dysregulation in LB provides insights into disease heterogeneity and could provide new strategies for diagnosis and treatment..
LB presents a broad clinical spectrum with varying manifestations driven by the host–immune response. Inflammatory responses triggered by Bbsl infection play a central role in the pathogenesis of LB, with diverse cytokines, chemokines, and immune cell subsets orchestrating the disease process. Failure to establish long-term immunity against Bbsl, as well as emerging evidence for a potential link between LB and the development of auto-inflammatory responses or autoimmunity, highlights the complexity of host-pathogen interactions. Future research should focus on elucidating the mechanisms underlying host–immune responses and their role in LB disease progression. A comprehensive understanding of the immunopathogenesis of LB could be crucial for the development of targeted interventions and the mitigation of its clinical burden on affected individuals..

ZonMw - Radboudumc (onderzoek Borrelia Escape) Project - 'Borrelia-induced inhibition of antigen presentation: a novel escape mechanism from the host defense system' - looptijd 2017 - 2024; Bron https://www.zonmw.nl/nl/onderzoek-resul ... t-defense/

Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij (BWM)
17 april 2023
Hoe de Lyme bacterie onze afweer misleidt; Bron https://www.biomaatschappij.nl/artikel/ ... -misleidt/
..Het Radboudumc is de studie LymeEscape gestart waarin onze afweer tegen de lymebacterie wordt onderzocht. Hiermee hopen de onderzoekers betere testen en behandelingen te ontwikkelingen tegen de ziekte van Lyme.

De Borrelia-bacterie is de veroorzaker van de ziekte van Lyme. Wanneer we die bacterie via een tekenbeet binnenkrijgen komt er in de eerste dagen na de infectie in het lichaam een afweerreactie op gang om de Borrelia-bacterie op te sporen en te doden. De LymeEscape-studie kijkt naar de rol van verschillende afweercellen in de ontwikkeling van de afweer; Bron https://www.biomaatschappij.nl/artikel/ ... unsysteem/ tegen die bacterie en de rol van de presentatie van antigenen door afweercellen tijdens het bestrijden van de infectie.

Antigeenpresentatie is een proces waarbij bepaalde afweercellen fragmenten of eiwitten (de antigenen) van de ziekteverwekker aan de buitenkant van hun celmembraan tonen om zo andere specialistische afweercellen te activeren. Dit proces is belangrijk voor ontwikkeling van specifieke antistoffen en afweercellen; Bron https://www.biomaatschappij.nl/artikel/ ... -maatwerk/ (T-cellen) tegen de Borrelia-bacterie.

Afweer onderdrukken
Uit eerder onderzoek met bloed en cellen van mensen bleek de Borrelia-bacterie bepaalde eiwitten (HLA-DR, CD74 en HLA-DM), die nodig zijn om antigenen te tonen, kan onderdrukken. Dit gebeurde voornamelijk bij cellen van de aangeboren afweer: de monocyten, macrofagen en dendritische cellen, ofwel de antigeenpresenterende afweercellen (zie figuur). Hierdoor werd de activering van T-cellen voor langere tijd geremd en kwam ook de productie van antistoffen maar langzaam op gang. Dat zou kunnen verklaren waarom lymeziekte soms zo makkelijker kan ontstaan.

Afweer herstellen
De LymeEscape-studie onderzoekt bij gezonde mensen en mensen met lymeziekten of de eiwitten die betrokken zijn bij de antigeenpresentatie verschillen. Hierbij gaat het om mensen met een rode ring of vlek op de plek van de tekenbeet (erythema migrans); Bron https://www.biomaatschappij.nl/artikel/symptomen-lyme/ , maar ook om mensen met latere symptomen van lymeziekte (gedissemineerde lymeziekte); Bron https://www.biomaatschappij.nl/artikel/ ... yme-later/

Daarnaast wordt gezocht naar mogelijkheden om het presenteren van de antigenen door de afweercellen te herstellen en zo de afweerreactie te verbeteren. Hiervoor worden de antigeenpresenterende cellen van lymepatiënten in het laboratorium blootgesteld aan de Borrelia-bacterie om zo de verschillende factoren die zijn betrokken bij de afweerreactie in kaart te brengen. Met het verkregen inzicht hopen de onderzoekers betere diagnostische en mogelijk therapeutische strategieën te ontwikkelen. Het project is begonnen in 2017 en loopt tot 2024..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 23 Okt 2024, 16:36

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=530#p30738

7 oktober 2024: Tezted (Finland) - A Revolution in Lyme Disease Diagnostics – easy, virtually painless sample collection; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Ag3B31eis
..Our partner ArminLabs is excited to introduce :arrow: a new, innovative test kit in the field of infectious disease diagnostics! With our revolutionary Tasso Remote Kit, FDA-certified (“Tasso+™️Device Earns FDA 510(k) Class II Medical Device Clearance”), ArminLabs is transforming blood collection – now conveniently done from the comfort of your home. No more trips to the lab..
Tezted (Finland) spreekt in het filmpje over de TickPlex Plus test terwijl ArminLabs (Duitsland) spreekt over de TickPlex Basic test?
En Tezted (Finland) noemt/claimt in het filmpje na zogenoemd 'intern onderzoek' dat het gebruik van de Tasso+ Kit betere resultaten geeft dan de traditionele afgenomen bloedmonsters in een laboratorium?

14 oktober 2024: ArminLabs (Duitsland) - Revolutionary Lyme Disease Diagnostics with Convenient At-Home Testing; Bron https://arminlabs.com/en/news/revolutio ... me-testing en Bron https://alianzabiohealth.com/at-home-collection/
..ArminLabs is represented in the United States by Alianza Biohealth..
..Two specialized tests for Lyme disease, designed to detect even chronic and difficult-to-diagnose forms of the disease..

..We are offering both tests at an unbeatable price of $399 (until 31.12.24, then $450) – including all shipping costs for sending and returning your sample kit to our lab. This means maximum flexibility and convenience with minimal effort..

.. :arrow: TickPlex Basic (ELISA)
TickPlex Basic is specifically designed to detect pleomorphic forms of Borrelia, which are particularly present in chronic Lyme disease cases. This test can detect Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia burgdorferi, and Borrelia garinii spirochete and persistent forms – an essential step in comprehensive diagnostics, especially for patients with chronic symptoms..
..5. ArminLabs runs the test..
:arrow: De niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test kost in de Verenigde Staten (V.S) $450 (is €417)? En in Engeland (UK) £120 (is €140) kost?

Het bloedmonster van de Tasso+ Kit wordt van de Verenigde Staten (V.S) naar ArminLabs (Duitsland) gestuurd?

:arrow: Is 'Tasso Remote Kit, FDA-certified (“Tasso+™️Device Earns FDA 510(k) Class II Medical Device Clearance') iets nieuws? Nee!
Tasso Inc. Seattle United States; Bron https://www.tassoinc.com/
..The Tasso-M20 device delivers whole dried blood samples from the patient to the lab. The device can be used for a number of applications, including PK (pharmacokinetic) monitoring in patients enrolled in clinical trials..

..'Revolutionary Lyme Disease Diagnostics with Convenient At-Home Testing'..?
..'ArminLabs runs the test'..?
..'Two specialized test for Lyme disease, designed to detect even chronic and difficult-to-diagnose forms of the disease'..?

Is het gestelde juist? De mensen-(Lyme)patiënten en of de zieke, de zoekende mensen én ook de ('activistische') patiëntenorganisaties wereldwijd worden misleid!!! Met de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test kunnen géén diagnoses Lyme/chronische Lyme/neuroborreliose/Post-lymeziekte-syndroom en of coinfecties worden gesteld!! En kunnen er géén behandelingen mee worden gemonitord!!

Leer en lees meer en ter verificatie: over Tezted (Finland); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30574 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30594 en over Research misconduct (fraude) en ontslagen; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&start=10#p30777 En over IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test van Tezted (Finland); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30575

Leer en lees meer en ter verificatie: over ArminLabs (Duitsland); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30649#p30595 En over de na validatie onbetrouwbaar gebleken **EliSpot/iSpot Lyme test (Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH (AID)/GenID) en de **CD3/CD57 testen van ArminLabs (Duitsland) en de samenwerkende partner Infectolab Americas (Verenigde Staten); Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=400#p30176

Tezted (Finland) verwacht in samenwerking met ArminLabs (Duitsland) veel geld te gaan verdienen?; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=420#p30207
..TickPlex Market Dynamics
- Serviceable obtainable market in Germany 6M€ by 2028
- Serviceable available market in NA and Europe 1.5B€
- Total available market in NA, Europe, Russia and Japan 11B€..

..Immidiate Capital Aquirements
- Raising 1.2M€ for expansion in Germany and subsequently 5M€ each for rollout for other territories Mexico, USA and Canada
- Cornerstone investor already identiefied
- Opportunity for other investors to participate in the round..

- 5M in 2024
- 10M in 2025
- 20M in 2026
- 25M in 2027
- 35M in 2028
- 66M in 2029
- 800M in 2034..
Bron https://www.kauppalehti.fi/yritykset/yr ... /2787049-5 ..Netto-omzet 2023 €490.000..
Tezted (Finland) is :arrow: fabrikant! en ArminLabs (Duitsland) is :arrow: verkoper! van de kostbare (Basic: £120 is €140) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (Plus: £585 is €686) en
:arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (£232 is €270) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test.
Bron https://www.tezted.com/tickplex-validation en Bron https://www.tezted.com/order-tickplex
..TICKPLEX is a CE and *IVD test..

Bron https://www.tezted.com/toxiplex
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Do 14 Nov 2024, 15:59

Vervolg en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=430#p30273 en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=130#p29159

6 november 2024: ArminLabs (Duitsland) geeft op de vernieuwde site voor de kostbare (£232 is €270) en niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; Bron https://arminlabs.com/en/news/toxiplex- ... h-damage-2 als zogenoemd medisch en wetenschappelijk bewijs :arrow: dit artikel???; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/14/11/727
Bron https://www.tezted.com/tickplex-validation en Bron https://www.tezted.com/order-tickplex
..TICKPLEX is a CE and *IVD test..

Bron https://www.tezted.com/toxiplex

AONM/ArminLabs (Duitsland) - ToxiPlex Mycotoxines test from a one blood serum sample; Bron https://aonm.org/mycotoxin-testing/ en Bron https://www.facebook.com/AcademyofNutritionalMedicine/
To find more about the Toxiplex Test please see our website here: https://aonm.org/mycotoxin-testing/ ..
..'ToxiPlex is the first of its kind globally that tests simultaneously five of the most common mycotoxins on an ELISA platform with outstanding analytical performance'..?
..'ToxiPlex provides a quantitative and qualitative in-vitro assay (is in een reageerbuis!!!) for mycotoxins and detects aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisin (FUM), ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearalenone (ZEA) in human serum'..?
..'ToxiPlex provides a direct immunochemical detection of mycotoxins. It detects the presence of mycotoxins rather than the antibody response to mycotoxins. Thus, the test is suitable for people with immunodeficiency and chronic diseases..'?

..'Accuracy = ≥ 93%, detection limit = 0.15 ppb to 19.53 ppb (“parts per billion”)'..?
..'Published article describing the :arrow: analytical validation of this test for the detection of multiple mycotoxins in human serum'..?

:arrow: In herinnering:.. ArminLabs (Duitsland) verkoper! is op 13 januari 2023 al begonnen met het promoten van de ToxiPlex test van de fabrikant! Tezted (Finland) bij de collega's, de partners en de patiënten(?) in Nederland en in het buitenland; Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/arminlabs/ en Bron; https://mailchi.mp/9d80d4eee6f3/new-lab ... tests-2023
..ArminLabs introduces new diagnostic opportunities in 2023
Dear Colleagues and Partners,
We wish you all a very happy and successful 2023. ArminLabs is introducing several exciting innovations to ring the changes. We will present these in greater detail, but this newsletter will present a brief overview in advance of more detailed explanations over the coming weeks. All of these tests can already be requested..

This test provides a quantitative and qualitative in vitro assay for mycotoxins in human serum. ToxiPlex detects aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisin (FUM), ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearalenone (ZEA) in human serum.
Rather than simply identifying the presence of the agent itself, ToxiPlex signals cellular sensitivity to the toxins with high accuracy, precision and sensitivity..

:arrow: In herinnering:.. Tezted (Finland) fabrikant! en ArminLabs (Duitsland) verkoper!; Bron https://www.facebook.com/tickplex/ en Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/arminlabs/
..Great #news to start #2023!
@ArminLabs has validated TOXIPLEX!
#TOXIPLEX is Tezted's Mycotoxins #test that can identify 5 types of #mycotoxins simultaneously from a one blood #serum sample.
To know more about TOXIPLEX go to: https://www.arminlabs.com/en/tests/toxiplex
If you can test, you can treat!..
..Armin Schwarzbach: Very proud about being first in Europe..
..'ArminLabs has validated TOXIPLEX?'..'If you can test, you can treat?'..'Very proud about being first in Europe?'..
Met de kennis van nu wordt duidelijk dat het slechts om een technische validatie; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=980#p29058 van een samenwerkende collega laboratorium partner; Bron https://www.tezted.com/partners gaat.
Een test kan pas betrouwbaar worden ingezet voor de medische diagnostiek als deze klinisch is gevalideerd. Mensen-patiënten doen er goed aan om geen geld aan de kostbare test uit te gaan geven.

25 oktober 2022: :arrow: Publicatie van Tezted (Finland) en :arrow: Sanoviv Medical Institute (Mexico); Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/14/11/727: Study - 'Analytical Validation of a Direct Competitive ELISA for Multiple Mycotoxin Detection in Human Serum' by Kunal Garg1, Fausto Villavicencio-Aguilar2, Flora Solano-Rivera2 and Leona Gilbert1
1 Tezted Ltd., Mattilaniemi 6-8, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland
2 Sanoviv Medical Institute, KM 39 Carretera Libre Tijuana-Ensenada s/n Interior 6, Playas de Rosarito, Baja 11 California, Rosarito 22710, Mexico: Lees en leer meer; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=430#p30273
..2. Results
The results presented below provide an analytical **proof-of-concept for using the direct competitive ELISA format for measuring AFB1, DON, FUM, OTA, and ZEA in human serum..
De niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test zit (pas) in fase **2. 'proof of concept'.
Het ontwikkelen van een nieuwe test vraagt veel tijd en geld in verband met de te nemen stappen van 1. proof of principle, 2. proof of concept, 3. onafhankelijke validatie, 4. implementatie.

Er zullen verschillende klinische onderzoeken, dubbelblind gerandomiseerd placebo gecontroleerd onderzoek (Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)), moeten worden gedaan met verschillende groepen mensen en patiënten om het gestelde te kunnen bevestigen en bewijzen. Dat proces zal veel tijd(jaren) gaan vragen.
Er zal een goede onafhankelijke validatie van de test moeten worden gedaan.
Het EU-proces voor markttoelating is niet doorlopen. Richtlijnen CE-IVD certificering; Bron https://www.rvo.nl/onderwerpen/eu-wetge ... iagnostiek
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Do 14 Nov 2024, 17:02


De financiële belangen van de betreffende samenwerkende partijen zijn duidelijk. De samenwerkende partner Sanoviv Medical Institute (Mexico) werkt al enige tijd met de niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test en er wordt veel geld verdiend.
Samenwerkende Laboratorium partners; Bron https://www.tezted.com/partners
1) Sanoviv Medical Centre - Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2023 - Tezted campaign; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNyiprYXdao
..As part of Tezted's campaign for Lyme Disease Awareness Month, we invited our partner diagnostic laboratories and clinics to share their vision for the future of Lyme patients and to leave us a message for them.
Sanoviv Medical Institute is a world-class healthcare facility specializing in chronic and degenerative diseases including Lyme Disease.
In this video, the multidisciplinary Sanoviv team of medical professionals, dietitians, and scientists illustrates the successful testing and treatments they use to assist people with Lyme disease.
The Sanoviv team sends a message of hope and encourages patients to be optimistic since improvements are possible..
..Laboratory Tests
Mycotoxin Panel (Qualitative Elisa Toxiplex)
2 Weeks at Sanoviv $21,500 USD.. Bron https://www.sanoviv.com/medical-program ... x-program/ en Bron https://www.sanoviv.com/protocolos/MedicalProgram.pdf

..Chronic Lyme Disease and associated Co-Infections
CD57 Count
Lyme Testing (if indicated by your doctor following treatment)..
2) Dr Scharzbach ArminLabs - Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2023 - Tezted campaign; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRnmJLARZfw
..As part of Tezted's campaign for Lyme Disease Awareness Month, we invited our partner diagnostic laboratories to share their vision for the future of Lyme patients and to leave us a message for them.
Dr. Armin Schwarzbach is CEO of ArminLabs, a laboratory specializing in diagnosing infections such as tick-borne diseases.
​In this video, Dr. Schwarzbach outlines the current situation regarding the diagnostic tools available for Lyme patients, as well as the future measures that science must take to improve the situation.
Dr. Schwarzbach emphasizes the need for evidence-based research to get successful tests and therapies, and he encourages patients to be optimistic since improvements are achievable..

Een test kan pas betrouwbaar worden ingezet voor de medische diagnostiek als deze klinisch is gevalideerd.
Er wordt niet voldaan aan de eisen van de wettelijke regels IVDR (In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation). De IVDR is op 26 mei 2022 in werking getreden en vanaf dat moment moeten alle fabrikanten van IVD hulpmiddelen zich aan de nieuwe regels houden; Bron https://www.diagnotix.com/nl/ivdr-validatie en Bron https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpe ... abrikanten
..De prestatie-evaluatie dient te bestaan uit de volgende onderdelen (art 58 lid 3 IVDR):
1. Wetenschappelijke Validiteit
2. Analytische Prestaties
3. Klinische Prestaties..
Zijn er een uitgebreide validatie, wetenschappelijke onderbouwing én studies naar de klinische prestaties van de **ToxiPlex test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test beschikbaar waaruit blijkt dat de test werkzaam en veilig is? Nee!

Een belangrijke stelling behorende bij het proefschrift M.E. Baarsma: Lymeziekte | Ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek en klinische aspecten; Bron https://dare.uva.nl/search?field1=keywo ... startDoc=2
....4. Fabrikanten hebben een morele verplichting om diagnostische tests grondig en transparant te valideren, voordat ze deze aan de eindgebruiker aanbieden - dit proefschrift..
De fabrikant! Tezted (Finland) (ontwikkelaar/ :arrow: developer!) en ArminLabs (Duitsland) de verkoper! voelen de morele verplichting die zij hebben naar de eindgebruiker toe (de zieke mensen, patiënten) niet?!

Conclusie & wake-up call: patiënten zijn jarenlang(!) en worden tot op heden (wereldwijd) nog steeds misleid!!! door sommige patiëntenorganisaties, patiënten, 'activistische Lyme organisaties&groepen', Ilads Lyme&me/cvs artsen, AVIG Lyme artsen, therapeuten en behandelaars in privé-klinieken.
De gevolgen voor de (geteste en te testen) patiënten zijn: een onjuiste testuitslag, een gemiste diagnose, een verkeerd gestelde diagnose, een verkeerde voorgeschreven behandeling, veroorzaakte (blijvende) schade aan de gezondheid.

ArminLabs (Duitsland) noemt; Bron https://arminlabs.com/en/news/toxiplex- ... h-damage-2
..Clinical Background: Symptoms of Chronic Mycotoxin Exposure
Chronic mycotoxin exposure can lead to a wide range of symptoms depending on the toxin type, dose, and duration of exposure. Common symptoms include:

Cognitive Symptoms:
- Attention deficit (ADD), concentration problems
- Memory loss and cognitive impairment
- Mood swings, depression, anxiety

Neurological Symptoms:
- Headaches, dizziness, insomnia
- Seizures, neuropathies (numbness, tingling)

Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
- Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, leaky gut syndrome
- Nutrient absorption issues, especially linked to deoxynivalenol

Respiratory Symptoms:
- Chronic sinusitis, cough, asthma, frequent lung infections

Hormonal and Metabolic Dysregulation:
- Thyroid dysfunction, menstrual irregularities
- Infertility due to hormone imbalances caused by zearalenone

Immunological and Autoimmune Symptoms:
- Immune system weakening, frequent infections
- Autoimmune diseases promoted by immunotoxic mycotoxins like ochratoxin A

These symptoms vary depending on the type of mycotoxin, with aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol, fumonisin, ochratoxin A, and zearalenone among the most hazardous and widespread..

..Associated Autoimmune and Metabolic Disorders
Chronic mycotoxin exposure can lead to immediate symptoms and promote long-term autoimmune and metabolic diseases:

Autoimmune Diseases:
Studies indicate that mycotoxins like ochratoxin A and aflatoxin B1 influence the immune system and inflammatory processes, increasing the risk of autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Metabolic Disorders:
Mycotoxins like zearalenone can disrupt hormone balance, leading to estrogen-like effects that increase the risk of hormonal disorders and metabolic diseases like diabetes. Mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol and fumonisin also show immunosuppressive effects, impairing the immune system and increasing susceptibility to infections..

..Through these innovative features, the ToxiPlex test enables accurate diagnosis of mycotoxin exposure, supporting targeted therapeutic measures to prevent long-term damage..
Is het gestelde juist?

Een artikel dat stof tot nadenken kan geven.. Een heldere en duidelijke uitleg over :arrow: Mycotoxinen (schimmelstoffen) - leerzaam artikel van Unbiased Science Podcast; Bron https://www.facebook.com/unbiasedscipod
Vertaald:..Het verdrijven van de mythe van het toxische schimmelsyndroom... nog een valse diagnose die zich richt op mensen met chronische medische problemen.
Hoewel schimmel de afgelopen jaren de schuld heeft gekregen van verschillende symptomen, waaronder onverklaarbare vermoeidheid, cognitieve stoornissen, problemen met de spijsvertering, stemmingsstoornissen, gevoelloosheid of tintelingen in ledematen, algemene pijn en meer, is er geen wetenschappelijk bewijs dat het idee van het toxische schimmelsyndroom ondersteunt. Veel van deze symptomen zijn niet-specifiek en moeilijk te meten of te kwantificeren, waardoor mensen die ze ervaren moeite hebben met het diagnosticeren en behandelen van hun medische problemen.

Mycotoxinen zijn ten onrechte in verband gebracht met auto-immuunziekten en andere aandoeningen, ondanks dat er geen bewijs is dat ze in verband worden gebracht met bekende ziekten bij de mens. Hoewel het niet veilig is om te consumeren, zijn er geen aanwijzingen dat het inademen van mycotoxinen gezondheidsproblemen veroorzaakt. Dat gezegd hebbende, allergieën en astma kunnen worden veroorzaakt door schimmels, en specifieke schimmels zoals Aspergillus kunnen overgevoeligheids-pneumonitis veroorzaken. Als er schimmel in uw huis wordt aangetroffen, is het een goed idee om deze te verwijderen. Immuungecompromitteerde personen kunnen dermatologische en systemische infecties door schimmels ontwikkelen.

Hoe zit het met zwarte schimmel? Stachybotrys chartarum wordt meestal 'giftige schimmel' genoemd. Alle schimmels kunnen symptomen veroorzaken bij mensen die gevoelig of allergisch zijn voor schimmels. Maar er is geen reden om aan te nemen dat zwarte schimmel gevaarlijker is dan andere soorten of kleuren schimmels.

En hoewel het idee van het toxische schimmelsyndroom is weerlegd, worden er veel testtechnieken op de markt gebracht voor mensen die op zoek zijn naar een diagnose die niet gevalideerd zijn en totaal irrelevant voor een klinische ziekte. Ze zijn nutteloos, duur en geven mensen met chronische medische problemen een gevoel van zekerheid. Valse hoop dat ze een legitieme diagnose krijgen.

Deze praktijken omvatten het testen van huizen op schimmelsporen, het meten vanmycotoxinenin de urine en het testen van patiënten op schimmelvorming door IgG. In werkelijkheid is geen van deze technieken gevalideerd en hebben ze ook geen enkele klinische relevantie.
Helaas dienen deze tests alleen maar om desinformatie te verspreiden en onnodige kosten te veroorzaken voor patiënten die wanhopig op zoek zijn naar een diagnose..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

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