MPDI - 'Emerging Research on Tick-Borne Pathogens and Diseases'; Bron ... 94X32914N7..21 October 2023 4:45-5:15 PM: Emerging Trends in Tick-Borne Disease Research: Year in Review - Leona Gilbert, PhD..
MDPI - Special Issue Information van de gast auteurs L.G en J.L; Bron
..Dear Colleagues,
Recently, it was reported that the estimated rate of global Borrelia burgdorferi seropositivity is at 1.2 billion people, and that tick-borne diseases are on the rise. In some countries, tick-borne diseases are not recognized as major health issues, and cases are not officially reported. In addition, in a field of polarized conversation with respect to Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Debilitating Symptom Complexes Attributed To Ticks (DSCATT), or Chronic Lyme (CL), research-based evidence should be allowed to take a place in the narrative. To circumvent the rise in tick-borne disease cases, it is imperative that emerging research in tick-borne pathogens and diseases becomes a focus for many stakeholders and receives the attention it deserves. This Special Issue, entitled “Emerging Research on Tick-Borne Pathogens and Diseases”, seeks the submission of original research papers and comprehensive reviews to create a more inclusive account. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide cutting-edge research that will improve awareness of tick-borne diseases, with the hope that basic research in this area will allow actionable clinical studies to improve awareness and patient outcomes..
Tezted (Finland) is verkoper! van de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only; en de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only; en de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test.
Bron en Bron
..TICKPLEX is a CE and IVD test..
In een kritisch artikel van de wetenschapsjournalist Schneider van 14 februari 2023 - Chronic Lymerics (Tezted Finland); Bron ... xcellence/ is opmerkelijke informatie genoemd dat goed is te verifiëren.
..MDPI has announced a special issue where you already know what horrors to expect. The journal Microorganisms has an open call for papers for a Special Issue titled “Emerging Research on Tick-Borne Pathogens and Diseases” edited by a certain L.G (plus someone called J.L); Bron ..
..What qualified Gilbert as MDPI special issue editor? Two things. Being a quack and a research fraudster..
In 2020, Gilbert was found guilty of research misconduct by the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, where she used to work as tenured faculty member (before she was sacked in March 2021). The translated report is here, published on the website, dedicated to fighting Chromic Lyme Disease quackery. The quackery which Gilbert now offers with her newly founded company Tezted (or Te?ted).
..“Canadian-born researcher Leona Gilbert at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland has not only been fired. Her team has been stripped of its research grants and the university has informed the entire research world about the cheating, something that the Swedish Yle; Bron was the first to report on.
- I think justice has been done now, says Mats Reimer to SVT Nyheter Väst.
It all started more than three years ago when Leona Gilbert, associate professor of cell and molecular biology, was awarded a fine entrepreneur prize in Finland for her commercial Lyme disease tests. Her own group’s research was the basis for the test, which according to Mats Reimer has not been scientifically evaluated. […]
The university’s investigation team concluded that Leona Gilbert did not even know where the test blood came from, which made the investigation highly uncertain. In addition, she allegedly mixed up different categories of antibodies, which is considered a serious error.”..
7 september 2020: University of Jyväskylä Finland - Rector's decision on an alleged violation of the responsible conduct of research; Bron ... f-research en Bron ... onduct.pdf
..According to the understanding of the investigation committee, it is unquestionable that opportunistic EBV and CMV infections are observed with a quantitative nucleic acid definition from plasma. Therefore, the use of an antibody test for the same purpose is misleading..
..In its answers, the investigation committee also justified in detail and with references why serology is not suitable for finding opportunistic CMV and EBV infections even though the authors claim so....TARGET OF THE DECISION:
1. A multiplex and multifunctional enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for microbes associated with tick-borne diseases1 (Published on line in 2017; no more available publicly)
2. Evaluating polymicrobial immune responses in patients suffering from tick-borne diseases2; Bron
Het in 2019 aanprijzen van **de niet-gevalideerde 'TickPlex test'..Bron ... xcellence/ ..Now Tezted sells also tests for molds and COVID-19..
..He **previously advertised for Tezted product Tickplex e.g.:
O’Loughlin S; Avramovic G; Lambert JS (2019) 'The use of TickPlex Plus in diagnosing Lyme Disease: A comparison to the standard testing methods'. In Irish Journal of Medical Science doi: 10.1007/s11845-019-02130-4; Bron ... 19-02130-4
It was an abstract for the Summer Student Research Awards 2019 at the UCD School of Medicine.
In short, L.G and J.L are the perfect team to run an MDPI special issue.
Reimer told me this: “It’s sad to see MDPI provide a platform for the pseudo-scientific side in the Lyme wars.“..
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -)
Volume 188, supplement issue 11, December 2019; Bron ... supplement
Publicatie 22 november 2019
Study - 'The use of TickPlex Plus in diagnosing Lyme Disease: A comparison to the standard testing methods' by O’Loughlin S1, Avramovic G2, Lambert JS1, 2
1 UCD School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
2 Department of Infectious Disease, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, University College Dublin, Eccles St, Dublin 7, Ireland.
Standard testing (ST) for Lyme disease (LD) targets the spirochete form of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. This study aims to compare ST to a new testing platform, **the Tickplex plus (TPP), which tests for spirochetes, round bodies and co-infections. This study will assess if this broader scope of testing improves the diagnosis of persistent LD.
For this cross-sectional study a chart review was performed of 216 charts, with 28 participants deemed eligible. Results from the TTP, ST, self-reported symptom scores and blood tests were extracted. Descriptive statistical analysis, Cohen’s kappa and paired t-tests were used to compare results.
There was a 39.29% agreement between TPP and ST (Cohen’s k: 0.1119). No participants received positive results on ST and negative results on TPP. 59% tested positively on TPP but not ST. 22% tested positively on both TPP and ST. 19% received negative results from both tests. All groups improved with treatment but this was not statiscially significant (p=0.765, p=0.251 p= 0.640). 90% of all participants tested positively for co-infections. 60% of participants with negative results for LD, tested positively for co-infections. 100% of those who tested positively for Borrelia, responded to round bodies, while 75% responded to spirochetes.
As round bodies are associated with persistent infection 1 and co-infections are common in Ireland 2 , their prevalence is unsurprising but unaccounted for by ST. The TPP demonstrates the importance of their inclusion in a comprehensive assay for the diagnosis and management of persistent LD. Further research with a larger sample size is warranted.
1. Garg, K., et al., Evaluating polymicrobial immune responses in patients suffering from tick-borne diseases. Sci Rep, 2018. 8(1): p. 15932.
2. Zintl, A., et al., Ticks and Tick-borne diseases in Ireland. Ir Vet J, 2017. 70: p. 4.
Presenting Author: Sarah O'Loughlin
Supervisor: Prof John Lambert
Co-Supervisor: Ms Gordana Avramovic
Tezted (Finland), Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) (Ierland) en ArminLabs (Duitsland) spreken over 'round bodies'?
..'Kan met een positieve IgM en of IgG TickPlex test uitslag 'round bodies' voor Borrelia (Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii) en de genoemde coinfecties (Babesia microti, Bartonella henselae, Ehrlichia chaffensis, Rickettsia akari, and opportunistic infections such as Coxsackievirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Human Parvovirus B19, Mycoplasma fermentans, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae) worden bevestigd en aangetoond?'..Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=180#p29430 ....'Tickplex: Highly sensitive multiplex methodology - only test in the world that can identify “round bodies”?..
..voorbeeld uitslag; Bron ... 8-2022.pdf patiënt: Tickplex Plus: B.burg. +afz +garn +round bod. IgG negative 0.470..
..B.burg. +afz +garn +round bod. IgM positive 2.700..
De Schotse Petitie is afgerond en gesloten op 17 november 2021 en de ingebrachte gronden op 8 november 2021 (de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test' en de niet-gevalideerde 'TickPlex test') door Dr J.L en collega Dr J.C (Petitioner en trustee van Lyme Resource Centre (LRC)) zijn door de Schotse Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee en door de Schotse Minister VWS terecht afgewezen; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=980#p29056
Petitioner submission of 08 November 2021; Bron ... ember-2021
..'TickPlex Plus tests for multiple tick-borne infections but we have been told validation of such a test would be difficult because, for most of the infections, there is no existing test to compare it to. We will never make headway unless we start somewhere – though the ideal would be a test which did not rely on antibodies'..?..On research, although there is some limited research on testing, it does not include treatment research or our request to implement existing tests. Two tests look potentially useful:
- TickPlex Plus tests for multiple tick-borne infections but we have been told validation of such a test would be difficult because, for most of the infections, there is no existing test to compare it to. We will never make headway unless we start somewhere – though the ideal would be a test which did not rely on antibodies.
- The Phelix Borrelia Phage Test increases the detection of Lyme disease and can distinguish early and late disease. Although it still requires independent validation, we question why the Scottish reference laboratory could not undertake such validation to more quickly bring a promising test to patients..
..'The Phelix Borrelia Phage Test increases the detection of Lyme disease and can distinguish early and late disease. Although it still requires independent validation, we question why the Scottish reference laboratory could not undertake such validation to more quickly bring a promising test to patients'..?
Is het gestelde juist? Nee!; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=190#p29446 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=190#p29447
Schotse VWS
30 oktober 2020 - Brief van Schotse VWS - PE1662/PP Minister for Health, Sport and Wellbeing submission of 30 October 2020; Bron ... 662_PP.pdf
..SLDTRL is committed to investigating new testing methods and technologies and is constantly aiming to adapt and improve the service provided. However, as the NICE guidelines state, tests should only be used if they have been sufficiently validated, and this validation should include peer-reviewed published evidence on the test methodology, its relation to Lyme disease and independent reports of performance. To their knowledge, there are no other tests available that fulfil these criteria..