Opmerkelijk.. de arts bekritiseert een oud-patiëntie die érg veel geld heeft uitgegeven aan zijn experimentele behandelingen en daarmee niet is verbeterd of is hersteld/genezen?21 februari 2024: Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/drrichardhorowitz/ ..Sorry Yolanda. Your statement in this article is not true. I know you mean well, but you are not up to date with the recent science. You know how to contact me...
People don't have to spend massive amounts of money to get better from Lyme, and a potential cure (a 9 week treatment with two week pulses with dapsone combination therapy) or at least a short term treatment putting people into long term remission (if not a complete cure) has already been published in the medical literature 9 x. Its highly effective. Watch out for an upcoming article I plan on submitting shortly on several case studies on dapsone combination therapy, and you will read about some of these cases and how they went into long term remission.
Also, during the upcoming Healing from Lyme summit in early June, you will hear from 18 people who have completed dapsone therapy who have gotten their lives back. Stay tuned for the link, which will give you access to 40-50 of the worlds experts discussing Lyme and associated diseases. Its going to be a great summit..
..'but you are not up to date with the recent science'..?
Is het gestelde juist? Er verschijnen meer en meer opmerkelijke en zorgelijke reacties.. In combinatie met de

..Reactie: Lets talk about Dapsone side effects and risks too..
Reactie:..You are using this as a money-making opportunity. Don’t shame a person with Lyme to push your Dapsone treatment. What’s with you constantly peddling Dapsone? It nearly killed me..
Reactie:..Not all Lyme literate doctors will provide your protocol. So yes, I have spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get better to no avail..
Reactie:..If this is so available then how come, after 8 years of lyme I cannot get this medication? Even llmds who I respect and know well don't want to prescribe this stuff because of severe risks associated with them. Dr. H, do better. I dont trust this..
Reactie:..thank God the LLMDs are sanity-checking what Dr. H himself will not..
Reactie:..I wasn't able to tolerate the Double Dapsone Protocol. I greatly appreciate all of your work, but given how many people can't tolerate it, I'd still say there is no cure!..
Reactie:..I could not tolerate Double Dapsone either!..
Reactie:..same here. And even if I wanted to try again, I can’t afford any doctor who would prescribe it..
Reactie:..Dapsone just doesn't work for everyone. I spent 1.5 years trying and hoping really hard it would help me and it just did not. I did the double dose protocol three times and quad dose twice. (both following protocols)..
Reactie:..That’s not true. Not everyone can do dapasone. And the statement about a cure, there is no cure. Remission. You say short term treatment and the IDSA is jumping up and down. That’s just what they want to hear. So if we can do dapasone then what? People I know have ended up in the ER on that med..
Reactie:..18 people isn’t a sample size - it’s anecdotal at best. We need more..
Reactie:..How do your patients with super slow COMT take the high amounts of methylfolate and folinic acid needed to tolerate dapsone?
Reactie:..my Lyme MD put me on dapsone knowing I had MTHFR plus COMT plus gene missing to detox. Never kept an eye on my labs. I was about to having blood transfusions my blood dropped so low. For a year I had to see a hematologist added to my other issues. Natalie reading your comment truly angers me because I believe some of these Lyme doctors are money hungry and I seen it happen. So if you have those conditions DO NOT take dapsone..
Reactie:..We also spent a fortune, and the problem here is that the ilads doctors are not aloud to prescripe dapsone (netherlands)..
Reactie:..Really then why are we so sick still? Thousands of us, you don't have a cure, if you did we would all have it. Instead of chasing every money sucking cure people like you pettle. I use to believe in you until I noticed you just want to be a money sucking star. You also like to bash anyone who does not agree with you. It's also sad that even the less known PHDs don't respect or li..
Reactie:..The Lyme community is loosing respect for you. Stop pushing your drugs, your way isn’t the only way. You’re asking for a lot of money upfront. You’re just as bad as the others..
Reactie:..This doctor is wacko...and sooo incredibly arrogant!!! His ego drives this; not his concern for Lyme sufferers. It's infuriating to read this crap. I know people who have gone to him and despise him. And yes, I've read about how dangerous this treatment is. He is doing WAY more harm than good. He's scary..
Reactie:..Dapsone literally almost killed me..
Reactie:..I could count up the thousands and thousands I have paid you. And then for you to tell me how “lucky “ I was to get into your practice early. Because you had started to charge some ridiculous fee now to get in..
Reactie:..And. I’m really venting now. My hemoglobin went to six. It was a Saturday. My local dr wanted to take me to the er for a blood transfusion.*He called the emergency number. Got a call back. The callback was from John Fallon who never identified himself.! My Dr thought he talked to Horowitz. Unacceptable..
Reactie:..Speaking from experience people with Lyme DO have to spend massive amounts of money to get better and antibiotics are NOT a panacea. In my situation I think the antibiotics did more harm than good and my doctor followed YOUR protocol. I don’t think you are being realistic about what patients are truly facing and coming from you it’s insulting!..
Reactie:..In some countries (Netherlands) dapsone may not be prescribed by the doctor for Lyme..
Reactie:..This coming from the man who last I heard was charging $7,000 out of pocket for the first appointment/u].. [u]well that’s what his office told me when I called..
Reactie:..Dr H made me way worse and missed a ton of things. I was 27 and very hopeful. I went broke 4 years with them and they just tried to shift me on to the next guy. Now I’m 44 and still fighting daily to cure babesia and Bartonella. I wish I had gone to Jemsek. Biggest mistake I ever made going to NY. If I had of been treated properly and mthfr parasites and mold diagnosed and treated I would be better long ago I’m certain. Once you loose your income and can’t work your screwed. Shove your “cure” up your..
Reactie:..I know multiple people still disabled after taking dapsone. Not everyone can tolerate it’s side effects. We need an accrual cure. And most importantly regardless of the success rate most people can’t afford to see you Dr. Horowitz your prices are astronomical. Most people can’t afford to pay for dapsone out of pocket or the amount of $ it would cost to have llmd supervision on dapsone and blood work etc. Respectfully Your solution is only healing the wealthy. We need a drug with minimal side effects that is easy for a PCP to prescribe..
Reactie:..I also have permanent heart damage and can't take Dapsone. And I agree, we all know MOST PEOPLE CAN'T AFFORD to even see Dr. Horowitz. Yolanda started treatment over ten years ago, he knows know of this was an option back then. We still can't get help..
Reactie:..Are you serious? I contacted your office and I pretty much would have had to have sold a kidney or something to afford it..
Reactie:..Really Dr H?! Shaming a patient for their experience?! Unfair to say to say her statement are not true. Dapsone wasn’t being used for treatment when she was finally diagnosed. I was diagnosed around the same time and NO one mentioned Dapsone. ALSO, what about late stage diagnosis, co-infections, viruses (long-covid), mold, heavy metals?! Dapsone is not a one stop shop for all the above, is it?! And finally the out of pocket costs for LLMDs, tests and supplements are NOT cheap! This is an incredibly expensive disease unless you get diagnosed immediately or MAYBE only have Lyme and lucky enough to afford an LLMD..
Reactie:..The more I think about this post the angrier I get. Who are you to tell Yolanda how to spend her money? You obviously already had a chance with her. You sound like a bitter child. There’s a reason doctors and patients aren’t jumping on the dapsone bandwagon. I do think it almost killed me. Glad is worked for some. But you bully patients into doing it..
ls er een

Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=370#p30079 ..Horowitz heeft een nieuwe wetenschappelijke publicatie op zijn naam staan samen met onderzoeker gezondheidspsychologie Phyllis R. Freeman en verpleegkundig specialist John Fallon..
..Reactie:..Phyllis R. Freeman - Thank you for including the work from our Center. (Horowitz and Freeman research on Dapsone Combination Therapy) on your list.
..Lymefonds - Of course Phyllis R. Freeman. Thank you so much for your persistent research efforts!..

1 oktober 2023:..Helaas heeft dit weinig met wetenschap te maken. Geen study design, geen inclusie of exclusiecriteria, geen semi-objectieve manier om "beter" te definieren, geen poweranalyse, geen statistiek, geen medisch ethsche commissie, geen data safety monitoring board wat bij de combinatie van deze geneesmiddelen zeker geeist zou worden. De "special" waar dit verhaal onderdeel van is, bevat alleen dit artikel. Tot mijn verrassing wordt er geen "conflict of interest" gerapporteerd terwijl de auteurs de enigen zijn die patienten op deze manier behandelen en daar zeer goed voor betaald worden. Ik gun iedere Lymepatient een goede behandeling, maar deze cocktail van sterk werkende medicatie met serieuze bijwerkingen (van de cocktail zijn de bijwerkingen niet gerapporteerd) is zeer dubieus..
Disulfiram is niet dé oplossing gebleken; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=320#p29941
Disulfiram (indicaties: als hulpmiddel bij de psychosociale begeleiding van alcoholisme, ter ondersteuning van het stoppen met drinken van alcohol) - Farmacotherapeutisch Kompas; Bron https://www.farmacotherapeutischkompas. ... disulfiram

..5. Brian Fallon (Columbia universiteit): Wanneer symptomen persisteren/ Symptomen na behandeling
..Maar: disulfiram-gerelateerde risico's kunnen ernstig zijn.
Fallon bespreekt veel voorkomende bijwerkingen: vergiftiging van de lever en ernstige bijwerkingen voor het perifere en centrale zenuwstelsel. Meestal zijn de bijwerkingen omkeerbaar na stoppen van de behandeling. Disulfiram kan ook nadelige interacties hebben met andere geneesmiddelen..

..Meer recentelijk is er bij een kleine groep artsen interesse ontstaan om chronische lyme te behandelen met disulfiram, een geneesmiddel dat wordt ingezet bij de behandeling van alcoholverslaving. Los van de discussie over wat nou precies onder de term chronische lyme wordt verstaan (zie 3.2), is ook hiervan niet aangetoond dat het werkt. Wel wordt hier nog verder onderzoek naar gedaan. Met het oog op recente beschrijvingen van ernstige (en soms langdurige) bijwerkingen van patiënten die dit middel gebruiken ter verlichting van hun klachten, lijkt het verstandig de resultaten van dergelijk onderzoek af te wachten alvorens dit in de praktijk toe te passen..
Lyme Disease.org
5 oktober 2021
LYME SCI: My re-cap of recent LDA/Columbia Lyme conference; Bron https://www.lymedisease.org/lda-columbi ... onference/
On October 2, I attended the 21st annual scientific conference put on by the Lyme Disease Association and Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons. The virtual event was entitled Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Diseases: Research for a Cure...Disulfiram - Dr. Fallon made a point of stating the use of disulfiram is **experimental and not currently approved for Lyme disease..
En Dapson lijkt ook niet dé oplossing te gaan worden. Eerdere opmerkelijke en duidelijke reacties..
22 december 2023: Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/drrichardhorowitz/ ..I always wonder, with all the research we are publishing on the benefits of dapsone combination therapy for CLD, why people are using alternative therapies that have not been proven to clear the infection. Unaware? Unsure of safety and efficacy?
I spoke with the MSIDS Research Foundation board (501c3) this past weekend during our annual board meeting, and we discussed fundraising for a randomized trial on dapsone combination therapy next year. After 8 years, and publishing 8 articles on dapsone, tweaking the protocols for greater efficacy and safety, I am ready to prove to the world that this is a large part of the answer we have been looking for, while addressing abnormalities on the 16 point MSIDS map. We have more and more patients every year who are better, with many in long term remission.
I will also be co-hosting a large online summit next year for Doctors Talks, on Healing Lyme. Stay tuned. This will be a very comprehensive summit on all things Lyme and tick-borne.
Anyone who is interested in helping with being part of the fundraising project for the dapsone trial, please contact research@hvhac.com. Thank you....Reactie:..I will tell you why.. Doctors are NOT offering your protocols. Ask the doctors on your own list who are trained in your protocol why THEY won't treat with dapsone. My friend and I, who are both Lyme patients, have spent countless hours trying to find a doctor who will actually treat using your groundbreaking protocols... But they don't. We reached out to your office and was given a list of practitioners who are trained in the dapsone protocol in the Midwest (Ohio, Indiana, etc) and NONE of them actually offer it! We were more than devastated after contacting each practitioner on your list. It's been months of searching and we haven't come up with anyone trained in your protocol who actually offer it at their practice..
Reactie:..I don’t think this protocol works for everyone, if there’s anything we’ve learned over the last decade of research it’s that what works for one doesn’t work for another, there is no magic cure.
There are lots of people that have failed this treatment like many other treatments, some have said they feel they get blamed for treatment failure when it happens which is unfortunate if true.
Please continue your great work as you are making a difference but please don’t oversell your treatment protocol as the end all be all golden ticket for everyone with these conditions as many don’t tolerate it. I mean that sincerely as most of us have learned a great deal from your literature and books..
Reactie:..I’m all for dapsone and wanted it to work for me so badly - I found the protocols before I even knew what an LLMD was. I did dapsone (double dose and quad) for 1.5 years with very little improvement unfortunately. Like others said, some treatments work for individuals and some don’t. It’s such a process..
Reactie:..Dapasone didn’t work for me. 2 friends ended up in the ER on it. It might help with remission for some but it doesn’t work for everyone..
Reactie:..same here! Landed in ER. Oxygen dropped to 57% last year after first week on dapsone. I was so hopeful for positive results, based on the research and others responding well to the protocol. But it was a terrifying experience actually. I think the risks are too high if you’re not monitored closely. And there are too few LLMDs to monitor us closely….and ER well, we all know how that generally goes for anyone with Lyme..
Reactie:..I think it's great that dapsone is an option and it has some utility in treatment. However, The last 2 Lyme Drs I've discussed this with only use it as a last resort, and even then it sounds like their patients who try it, can't tolerate it. It simply is not the magic bullet you keep promoting. Too many people can't tolerate it..
Reactie:..Dapsone combination therapy can have severe side effects. I had to stop it. They are ongoing unfortunately. Sometimes it would be good if you mentioned that too. Because it is not the magic bullet. Sadly enough. Though I am happy for those fir whom it worked..
Reactie:..I wish so much it worked for me but after being on it a few days to a week I ended up severely ill in the hospital. Dapsone can cause methemoglobinemia a severe blood disorder and yup lucky me got it from taking Dapsone..
..There is a test they can give you in the hospital to see if you test positive for this severe blood disorder too. I tested positive after taking Dapsone and getting severely ill..

- ernstige anemie;
- acute porfyrie;
- ernstige G6PD-deficiëntie.
**Waarschuwingen en voorzorgen
- Leverfunctie: Controleer vóór en tijdens de therapie de leverfunctie; bij abnormale waarden de therapie met dapson uitstellen totdat de oorzaak van de abnormaliteit is vastgesteld. Toxische hepatitis en icterus zijn gerapporteerd in het begin van de therapie. Hyperbilirubinemie kan vaker optreden bij patiënten met G6PD-deficiëntie.
- Bloedbeeld: Wees voorzichtig bij licht tot matig ernstige G6PD-deficiëntie (de ernstige vorm vormt een contra-indicatie, zie rubriek Contra-indicaties), methemoglobinereductase-deficiëntie, andere condities die hemolyse kunnen uitlokken (bv. infectie, diabetische ketoacidose), hartaandoeningen, longziekten en lever- of nierfunctiestoornissen. Bij een hoge dosering (200-300 mg/dag) treden hemolyse, methemoglobinemie en leukopenie vaak en binnen enkele weken op. Controleer het bloedbeeld regelmatig: de eerste maand wekelijks, dan gedurende 6 maanden maandelijks en daarna 2×/jaar; controleer bij lever- en/of nierfunctiestoornissen vaker. Bij een significante reductie van leukocyten, trombocyten of van de hematopoëse de toediening staken.
- Bij ontstaan van een dapson-allergie de toediening onmiddellijk staken; bij doorbehandelen kunnen reacties als exfoliatieve dermatitis, hepatitis, albuminurie en psychose ontstaan, soms met fatale afloop.
- Irreversibele motorische neuropathie: Bij het optreden van spierzwakte of verergering hiervan de toediening staken om irreversibele motorische neuropathie te voorkómen..