Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 09 Aug 2023, 16:40

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=190#p29587

Stand van zaken European Patent Office (EPO) - WO2022072615 (EP21876463/EP4221827) 'Method of manipulating phages within the body to attack infectious target cells'; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?number=EP21876463

Publicatie European Patent Bulletin 32|2023 09.08.2023; Bron https://www.epo.org/app/bulletin/bulletin2332.pdf
..Sectie (A61N) I.1(1)
..(86) US 2021/052850 30.09.2021
(87) WO 2022/072615 2022/14 07.04.2022
(30) 30.09.2020 US 202063085507 P
(71) Jernigan, David, A., 8388 S. Tamiami Trail,
Apt. 108, Sarasota, FL 34238, US
(72) Jernigan, David, A., Sarasota, FL 34238, US
(74) Barker Brettell LLP, 100 Hagley Road
Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands
B16 8QQ, GB..

..Sectie III.1
(71) Jernigan, David, A.
(51) A61N 2/02 (11) 4 221 827 A1..

Stand van zaken 7 juli 2023: - European Patent Office (EPO); Bron https://www.epo.org/
Status: Request for examination was made
07.07.2023: Publication in section I.1 EP Bulletin - published on 09.08.2023 [2023/32]
07.07.2023: Request for examination filed - published on 09.08.2023 [2023/32]

Description & Claims WIPO; Bron Bron https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/ ... GK-50238-1
..[0035] Of the people with Borrelia infections treated with INPT, the group reported that they experienced none or mild worsening of symptoms, in spite of the speed of Borrelia elimination. The reason for the rapid elimination and minimal "herx" reactions is due to the speed and manner in which the phage kill the bacteria, resulting in there being no cytokines released from the body’s immune cells. INPT appears to be able to target Borrelia and substantially eliminate it within two weeks, with little to no toxic and potentially harmful effects, which are common with all antibiotics, as documented by the newest and most sensitive Borrelia testing, the Phelix Borrelia-Phage Test..

31 mei 2021: European Patent Office (EPO); Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... ab=doclist
Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=140#p27181 Stand van zaken European Patent Office (EPO)
De gemachtigde (advocaat octrooirecht; Murgitroyd & Company) heeft namens de wetenschappers en uitvinders op 31 mei 2021 een reactie gegeven. De voorgestelde teksten (comments - claims) van de onderzoekscommissie van de European Patent Office (EPO) op 22 januari 2021 zijn goed gekeurd en zijn verwerkt in een Franse en een Duitse vertaling.
..Claims 2. Clarity (Art.84 EPC). A fragment of as short as or 3 animo acids is not specific for its origin and therefore does not indicate the precense of the phage. Hence it must be clear that the fragment has the necessary indicative power..

Frontiers in Microbiology
OPINION article
Publicatie 13 december 2021
Opinion: 'Methodological Shortcomings in the Study on a Prophage-based PCR Test for Lyme Borreliosis' by Freek R. van de Schoor, M. E. Baarsma, Mariska M. G. Leeflang, Volker Fingerle, Gabriele Margos, Joppe W. Hovius and Alje P. van Dam; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 02131/full en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=750#p27953

Teulières (Phelix France) en de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ en Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) hebben tot nu toe (nog) niet gereageerd op het Opinie artikel van het team wetenschappers-onderzoekers.

20 oktober 2022 - 'Proefschrift Ewoud Baarsma: Lymeziekte | Ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek en klinische aspecten' - Chapter 8 Opinion: Methodological shortcomings in the study on a prophage-based PCR test for Lyme borreliosisLyme borreliosis; Bron https://dare.uva.nl/search?field1=keywo ... startDoc=2
We conclude that while this technique might be promising, the paper provides more questions than answers, and contains a large number of inaccuracies. We would be interested to see the Ter-qPCR be validated on a cohort of clearly described LB patients and healthy controls from both North America and Europe before we could draw any conclusions on the diagnostic performance of the Ter-qPCR..

Een vervolg study op het gepubliceerde artikel van 15 maart 2021 en op het gepubliceerde artikel van 26 april 2023; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=190#p29272 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=190#p29415 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=190#p29413

Pre-prints.org; Bron https://www.preprints.org/
This version is not peer-reviewed
Publicatie 12 juni 2023
Review - 'Overcoming the Challenges of Lyme Disease Diagnosis: The Role of Phage-based Testing' by Ying Jia1, Tatjana Mijatovic2, Louis Teulières3, Martha Clokie1, Jinyu Shan1*; Bron https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202306.0816/v1

Frontiers in Microbiology
Publicatie 26 april 2023
Study - 'Combining citizen science and molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and Borrelia miyamotoi in tick pools across Great Britain' by Jinyu Shan, Ying Jia, Peter Hickenbotham, Louis Teulières and Martha R.J. Clokie; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 26498/full
..To investigate the prevalence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and B. miyamotoi in ticks first, we developed a PCR (Bmer-qPCR) that targets the phage terminase large subunit (terL) gene carried by B. miyamotoi. A similar approach had been used successfully in developing Ter-qPCR for detecting B. burgdorferi s.l..

..A similar approach had been used successfully in developing Ter-qPCR for detecting B. burgdorferi s.l. The terL protein functions as an enzyme in packaging phage DNA. Analytical validation of the Bmer-qPCR confirmed its specificity, efficiency and sensitivity..
..The tick pools were analysed using our newly developed Bmer-qPCR to detect B. miyamotoi and our previously established Ter-qPCR for B. burgdorferi s.l. This study revealed that the prevalence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and B. miyamotoi in tick pools in England could be as high as 67.6 and 7.1%, respectively, as compared to those of 78.8 and 4.5% in tick pools in Scotland. Overall, up to 5.2% of tick pools tested positive for both B. miyamotoi and B. burgdorferi s.l., demonstrating presence of both Borrelia species in the same location..
..Bmer-qPCR analytical specificity, sensitivity and efficiency
..Overall, the validation results of the Bmer-qPCR assay for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA suggest that the Bmer-qPCR assay is a reliable and sensitive tool for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA..

..The Bmer-qPCR and Ter-qPCR were conducted according to our established protocol (Shan et al., 2021)..
..Author contributions
..LT proofread the manuscript and provided valuable advice on B. miyamotoi clinical diagnosis and treatment..
..Conflict of interest
..LT is a physician who volunteers for Phelix Research and Development, a charitable organization..
..'Overall, the validation results of the Bmer-qPCR assay for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA suggest that the Bmer-qPCR assay is a reliable and sensitive tool for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA..'?

De (slechts) 153 teken van de tekenpools uit heel Engeland zijn getest met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test?
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 09 Aug 2023, 17:33

ICLB conferentie 2022 Amsterdam; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=170#p29082 De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) en het uitvoerend commercieel laboratorium van de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test op 4 en 5 september 2022 - Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
Dr Tatjana Mijatovic1
1R.E.D. Laboratories N.V. /S.A., Zellik, Belgium

The high failure rate of tick-borne infection (TBI) testing and treatment underscores the necessity to reassess the pathogen prevalence in infected ticks in order to refine the patients’ testing strategies.

Following an initial small study on 30 ticks we aimed to conduct a large study (110 tested ticks) comparing different testing approaches for tick-borne pathogens. The goal of this contribution is to bring the focus on the importance to enlarge TBI-related testing targets and shed some light on high prevalence of Borrelia Relapsing fever (RF) strains both in ticks and late stage undiagnosed patients.

We used Phage-based real-time PCR test for Borrelia (searching for 3 major Borrelia groups (Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Borrelia miyamotoi and RF group) and Rickettsia, Hybrispot dot-blot multiplex test for 7 TBIs, and various PCRs for Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Bartonella and Babesia testing.

110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed 30% positive for B. miyamotoi, 42% for RF (mainly B.hermsii group), 14% positive for both B.miyamotoi and RF and only 10% positive for B. burgorferi sl. In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains. The positivity rate for other TBIs were: Rickettsia 10%, Babesia 3,6%, Ehrlichia 1,8%, Bartonella 9%, Anaplasma 2,7%. Notably, 32,7% of tested ticks were positive for more than one pathogen. In addition, over 6000 results from patients (mainly late stage/chronic) are showing over 60% of tested samples positive for RF strains (mainly B.miyamotoi and B.hermsii).

This is the first large-scale report on prevalence of Borrelia RF strains in ticks, along with an important percentage of Rickettsia positive ticks and over 32% of tested ticks carrying more than one pathogen. Seen this high prevalence of Borrelia RF in tested ticks, further supported by similar high percentages found in patients, the overall high expansion of undiagnosed TBD cases worldwide might be linked to the screening choice focusing only on B. burgdorferi sl and only rarely testing for RF while the later ones seem to be much more prevalent. Enlarged testing of ticks removed by patients could prevent the onset of chronic disease in bitten patients..
..'the first large-scale report..'?
..'In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains?'..
..'110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed?'..
..'(slechts) 110 teken?: European ticks (mainly from Belgium, France and Norway)?'..

De 110 teken zijn getest met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'. Met de 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test' kan géén diagnose B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever en of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (ziekte van Lyme) worden gesteld(!). En kan dat ook niet bij de geteste teken worden vastgesteld.

Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=170#p29084 ..De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories (België)) over geteste teken - Presentatie Mijatovic Dublin 2020; Bron https://www.iddoctor.eu/docs/Crypto-Inf ... atovic.pdf en Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJd0F-DrFMQ en teken test met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'; Bron https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BiXk3m ... FqXJ_/view
..Results of the Tests
Done on Ticks
40% of analysed ticks were negative (no detected pathogens)
60% of analysed ticks were positive for at least 1 pathogen..

..Pathogens found in positive ticks:
Borrelia burgdorferi sl: 17% pos
Borrelia miyamotoi: 60% pos
Borrelia Relapsing Fever Group 23% pos
25% of positive ticks were for 2 pathogens

Unexpected high rate of B. miyamotoi and Relapsing Fever Borrelia Phages in tested ticks..

De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories (België)) - ICLB Amsterdam 4 en 5 september 2022: Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks – the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
What we learned from testing the ticks – the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
Dr Tatjana Mijatovic1
1R.E.D. Laboratories N.V. /S.A., Zellik, Belgium

We used Phage-based real-time PCR test for Borrelia (searching for 3 major Borrelia groups (Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Borrelia miyamotoi and RF group) and Rickettsia, Hybrispot dot-blot multiplex test for 7 TBIs, and various PCRs for Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Bartonella and Babesia testing.

110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed 30% positive for B. miyamotoi, 42% for RF (mainly B.hermsii group), 14% positive for both B.miyamotoi and RF and only 10% positive for B. burgorferi sl. In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains. The positivity rate for other TBIs were: Rickettsia 10%, Babesia 3,6%, Ehrlichia 1,8%, Bartonella 9%, Anaplasma 2,7%. Notably, 32,7% of tested ticks were positive for more than one pathogen. In addition, over 6000 resultsfrom patients (mainly late stage/chronic) are showing over 60% of tested samples positive for RF strains (mainly B.miyamotoi and B.hermsii)..
Er zitten aanzienlijke verschillen in de percentages van de gepresenteerde onderzoeksresultaten van het tekenonderzoek met (slechts) 110 teken? Interessante data gegevens zullen zijn hoeveel teken pér land uit België, Frankrijk en Noorwegen Red Laboratories (België) heeft getest.
Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) was ook weer aanwezig op de Crypto-infections Conference 17-18 Juni 2023 in Dublin; Bron https://www.lymeresourcecentre.com/eucic2023 Agenda; Bron https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rb7W8E ... wWQHv/view
..12:15 TWO ABSTRACTS (10 minute presentations and 10 minutes for questions)
..*Tanja Mijatovic, PhD, CSO & Lab Manager, R.E.D. Laboratories..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 09 Aug 2023, 20:08

Stand van zaken European Patent Office (EPO) - WO2022072615 (EP21876463/EP4221827) 'Method of manipulating phages within the body to attack infectious target cells'; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?number=EP21876463

Stand van zaken 25 april 2022: Priority document (electronically transmitted); Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... ab=doclist
..WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
Of the people with Borrelia infections treated with INPT, the group reported that they experienced none or mild worsening of symptoms, in spite of the speed of Borrelia elimination. The reason for the rapid elimination and minimal “herx” reactions is due to the speed and manner in which the phage kill the bacteria, resulting in there being no cytokines released from the body's immune cells. INPT appears to be able to target Borrelia and substantially eliminate it within two weeks, with little to no toxic and potentially harmful effects, which are common with all antibiotics, as documented by the newest and most sensitive Borrelia testing, the Phelix Borrelia-Phage Test..
Of these 280 people, in an IRB supported retrospective registry study, 60 qPCR Borrelia-phage blood tests were performed on almost 30 people with previously diagnosed, non-responsive Borrelia sp. spirochete infections. A before and after Borrelia-Phage test was used to first document that they did indeed have the Borrelia infection. A Borrelia-targeted INPT treatment was administered orally two-three times a day for the first five days. Another Borrelia-phage test was performed two weeks after the initial test, allowing 7 days for the Borrelia-phages to die, due to having killed all of their hosts, which were needed to replicate more of the Borrelia phages. The results of the second test showed that in the people who were positive just two weeks prior, that greater than 95% of the people were now negative for any residual Borrelia. A third Borrelia-phage test was performed between 45-60 days after the second test to confirm long term elimination of the Borrelia. Of the people who were negative on their second test, 100% of them were still negative. If there had been any persistent Borrelia anywhere in the body, the 45-60 day window of time would have allowed the bacteria time for several replication cycles and the test would once again be positive. Thankfully this was not the case. Clinical-symptomatic improvements were often above expectations, while others who had suffered from years of damage to their tissues as a result of the many failed treatments and from the illness itself, experienced slight to significant improvements in clinical symptoms, though the Borrelia infection was successfully treated using the INPT treatment method..
Ticks which were infected with Bartonella bacteria were topically treated with one drop of an INPT Bartonella-phage inducing remedy, with the idea that due to the fact that the INPT effect is its unique electromagnetic signature, its frequencies would easily penetrate the tick, inducing the Bartonella-phages already using the Bartonella bacteria as a lysogenic host, to switch to lytic actions, killing all of the Bartonella bacteria inside the tick. Within one hour none of the Bartonella bacteria were detectable when retested. A controlled laboratory study is in process to confirm the therapeutic effects of the INPT remedy as applied topically to ticks and other infections carrying insects..
If a person is re-infected through vector-borne transmission, INPT induced-phages will work as effectively as during the prior infection, as the microbe involved with the infection, will enter the body already parasitized by its phage-type from nature. These native phages will have never experienced INPT induction, and therefore the treatment will work as anticipated. The complete annihilation of the targeted microbe, due to its inability to resist or adapt to the phage attacks, insures against the host from mutating and becoming phage-resistent, as is commonly seen in microbes building resistance or adapting to an antibiotic or vaccine treatment. The INPT treatment has a relative low cost of treatment and short duration of treatment of five days of treatment, with the possible need for a booster round of another five days. An unlimited variety of targets such as microbes/organisms can be quickly and conveniently targeted using the INPT method. The INPT treatment can only affect the targeted type or types of bacteria, leaving friendly flora unaffected. Phages are known to cross the blood-brain-barrier to reduce or substantially eliminate brain infections. The INPT treatment provides little to no ability of the targeted microbe/organism to defend against the induced-phage attacks. Multiple strains and species of microbe can be targeted at the same time using a suitable treatment EMF selection. The INPT remedy utilizes a parallel but somewhat cooperative regulation of microbes with the humeral immune system. Rapid elimination of targeted microbe, with some targeted organisms being apparently fully eliminated within 48 hours. INPT-induced phages auto-dose as their host microbes are killed, releasing prophages from within the host organism. Organisms which are swarmed by lytic phages are also unable to regain their viability. The INPT treatment has been shown, by laboratory testing to apparently completely eradicate bacteria, in a retrospective study of INPT treatment of people with qPCR Borrelia-Phage testing confirmed Borrelia, Borrelia-persistor cells, and different strains of Borrelia sp., typically in less than seven days. INPT induced phages can also penetrate bacterial biofilms to reach hidden target bacteria within the subject..
..'as documented by the newest and most sensitive Borrelia testing, the Phelix Borrelia-Phage Test'..?
..'in an IRB supported retrospective registry study'..?
..'A controlled laboratory study is in process to confirm the therapeutic effects of the INPT remedy as applied topically to ticks and other infections carrying insects'..?
..'The INPT treatment has been shown, by laboratory testing to apparently completely eradicate bacteria, in a retrospective study of INPT treatment of people with qPCR Borrelia-Phage testing confirmed Borrelia, Borrelia-persistor cells, and different strains of Borrelia sp., typically in less than seven days'..?

De 'claims' van Jernigan natuurarts (Biologix Center Verenigde Staten) over de test: 'high-sensitivity of >90% and 100% specificity' in Cureus 29 november 2021; Bron https://www.cureus.com/articles/76183-i ... one-clinic en '96% of People in this Study Did Not Have Classic Lyme Borrelia maar B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever'; Bron https://biologixcenter.com/lyme-disease ... -borrelia/ en Bron https://biologixcenter.com/lyme-disease ... e-disaease

15 februari 2023: Inducen Formulas Validated by Independent Research Study; Bron https://biologixcenter.com/inpt-phage-t ... rch-study/
..PhagenCorp’s Inducen-LDRF formula, available at The Biologix Center, has been validated by an independent research study published recently.

The Study
You can read the study here: https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... ent_system

The research study tested the Inducen-LD/RF and Inducen-Res formulations by exposing solutions of each to a complex electromagnetic field. The aim of the study was to determine whether the solutions were imprinted with the electromagnetic field and to detect any changes in the physicochemical state of the solutions. The researchers used spectroscopy to analyze the solutions and compared them to a control solution of the same chemical composition that had not been exposed to the electromagnetic field. The results showed that the imprinted solutions did have unique electromagnetic signatures and that their physicochemical states were different from the control solution. This indicates that the Inducen-LD/RF and Inducen-Res formulations are effective and have stable electromagnetic signatures.

Significance of Research
This conclusion is of key importance because it shows that the electromagnetic signatures are stable in the formulation beyond 24-months, which is the standard minimum shelf-life for any product.

The Inducen-LDRF formula is one of the many tools available in the doctor’s toolbox for healing at The Biologix Center. It is not a standalone treatment for chronic infections or the damage caused by previous failed treatments, but part of a program of care designed to determine everything that has gone wrong in the patient’s body and facilitate correction.

This validation of the Inducen-LDRF formula by an independent research study is a significant milestone for PhagenCorp and The Biologix Center. The study’s results provide scientific evidence for the efficacy and stability of the formula, which can help healthcare professionals make informed decisions about its use in patient care. As the research protocols continue, the formula remains available only at The Biologix Center and is a valuable addition to their range of healing tools..

BION Institute - Study (February 2023) - 'Validating complex electromagnetic signatures (EMS) from Inducen-LD/RF and Inducen-Res preparations by physicochemical and UV spectroscopy measurement system' by Igor Jerman BION Institute; Linda Ogrizek BION Institute; Vesna Periček Krapež BION Institute; Bron https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... ent_system
..Preprints and early-stage research may not have been peer reviewed yet..
Dit getuigt van goed onafhankelijk wetenschappelijk validatie onderzoek van Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT)/Inducen-LDRF formula?

BION Institute in Slovenië(?); Bron https://bion.si/en/
..BION, Institute for Bioelectromagnetics and New Biology, is a private research institution founded in 1990. It is registered as a research institution at the Ministry of education, science, and technology. Since the beginning, it has been devoted to fundamental and applied research in bioelectromagnetics and water science. The BION Institute has developed standardized tests concerning various devices and therapists regarding their objectively demonstrable capabilities to influence the physiology of human organisms and the vibrational state of water. It continually conducts tests and improves as well as evolves them. The institute also runs an educational program that is focused on complementary healing. Besides, it enabled many diplomas, successful master theses, and doctorates. The scientific staff continually grows in knowledge and experience and presents new scientific findings at international congresses as well as professional publications. In the past 16 years, the Institute staff also developed many practical applications stemming from the research.

"Is contemporary science capable of measuring everything there is to be measured? There is absolutely no scientific evidence that we are at the end of knowing everything there is to be known. Everybody who heard about dark matter and dark energy should remain humble. From the thirties of the previous century, physicists are still ignorant regarding the physical nature of these two vast presumed components of our universe. They are known only by their effects, yet they should represent more than 96% of the whole known universe. It is a strong indication that we live in an immense ocean of unknown matter and energy that as yet evades even our finest measuring devices. It should only very weakly interact with our known 4% energy/matter. It gives a strong scientific and moral imperative to seriously reconsider some rather rigid views held by the majority of scientists regarding biological and other effects of various ultra-weak emissions. True scientists with sufficient moral courage should hear the calling to conduct serious research in this academically persecuted and stigmatized area."..

Er zijn door de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Team Phelix Research & Development; Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ en Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ duidelijk nog steeds géén faag gevonden voor (***20 soorten?; Bron https://biologixcenter.com/inpt-phage-t ... e-testing/) Borrelia, géén faag voor Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever soorten, géén faag voor B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever soorten, géén faag voor Rickettsia en andere soorten Rickettsia en géén faag voor verschillende soorten Bartonella?!
..Recent research reported by the Biologix Center in Franklin, TN has revealed that Borrelia burgdorferi is not the dominant strain of Borrelia in many people with what is being considered chronic Lyme disease. The ramifications are that doctors may be prescribing the incorrect types of antibiotics for patients, due to the assumption that they are dealing with B. burgdorferi. In a study conducted by R.E.D. Laboratories, 96% of people from sixteen states had other Borrelia strains that cannot be treated with the same antibiotics. This finding further emphasizes the importance of the Phelix Borrelia-Phage test, which can detect not just the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi ***but all 20 types of Borrelia that can cause tick-borne and vector-borne illness..

De arts (natuurarts; geen wetenschapper & onderzoeker) had eerder al een 'eureka moment' en noemde de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test' 'a eureka lab test!' en noemde Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) een 'briljant wetenschapper'(?) op 6 september 2022; Bron https://biologixcenter.com/lyme-disease ... -bacteria/
..Both of these important ideas were later proven by a brilliant scientist, Tanja Mijatovik, PhD..

..My Eureka Moment!
November, 2019 will always be a pinnacle date in my mind. I was flying to Boston to attend the International Lyme and Associated Diseases (ILADS) annual conference. At the airport store, I bought the latest Scientific American magazine. As I sat on the jet, I read an article on bacteriophage treatment of incurable bacterial infections. Epiphany after epiphany hit me as I read the article. I was highlighting, underlining, and jotting ideas in the margins of the magazine for the rest of the flight. It was a true, eureka moment and the birth of ideas that lead to me developing a new treatment I called, Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT)..

..A Eureka Lab Test!
Interestingly, at the Boston ILADS conference was a speaker, Louis Teulieres, MD, PhD, introducing a new type of Lyme test developed by Leicester University Phage laboratory, the Phelix Borrelia-Phage test, a test with never-before-seen accuracy and sensitivity, both for recent infection and long-term infection, using of all things…bacteriophages as the test target for diagnosis..
Helaas zijn verschillende Ilads Lyme artsen en commerciële laboratoria de laatste tijd door het ijs aan het zakken?!; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=220#p29589 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=220#p29590 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=190#p29443

Conclusie: de (nieuwe) patiënten én de te testen of geteste mensen én de AVIG Lyme artsen, natuurartsen, therapeuten en behandelaars in privé-klinieken worden misleid! Met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test' kan géén diagnose B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever en of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (ziekte van Lyme) worden gesteld(!).

BMC Microbiology volume 23, Article number: 204 (2023)
Publicatie 1 augustus 2023
Open access - 'Lyme borreliosis diagnosis: state of the art of improvements and innovations' by Mickaël Guérin, Marc Shawky, Ahed Zedan, Stéphane Octave, Bérangère Avalle, Irene Maffucci & Séverine Padiolleau-Lefèvre; Bron https://bmcmicrobiol.biomedcentral.com/ ... 23-02935-5
..Traditional PCR assays and PCR improvements
Moreover, bacteriophages have a specific tropism towards certain bacteria. In other words, phages infect a specific bacterial species and their genetic material is specific to the bacteria they infect, resulting in a high specificity of the test exploiting this approach, **such as the Phelix Phage test patented by Dr. Louis Teulières [196].

Even if this technique is promising, **an analysis of this study shows inaccuracies in terms of statistical analysis or cohort composition and comparison with healthy controls, thus requiring validation [199]..
**Frontiers in Microbiology
OPINION article
Publicatie 13 december 2021
Opinion: 'Methodological Shortcomings in the Study on a Prophage-based PCR Test for Lyme Borreliosis' by Freek R. van de Schoor, M. E. Baarsma, Mariska M. G. Leeflang, Volker Fingerle, Gabriele Margos, Joppe W. Hovius and Alje P. van Dam; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 02131/full en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=750#p27953
We conclude that while this technique might be promising, the paper provides more questions than answers, and contains a large number of inaccuracies. We would be interested to see the Ter-qPCR be validated on a cohort of clearly described LB patients and healthy controls from both North America and Europe before we could draw any conclusions on the diagnostic performance of the Ter-qPCR..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 20 Sep 2023, 16:26

Biologix Center (Verenigde Staten); Bron https://www.facebook.com/BiologixCenter/
8 september 2023
..New research is shaking up what we know about Lyme disease! We're thrilled to unveil findings that could redefine Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment. Our Phelix Borrelia-Phage test is a game-changer, capable of detecting 20 different strains of Borrelia bacteria.

Why does this matter? Our recent research uncovers that many cases of chronic Lyme aren't just caused by the commonly diagnosed Borrelia burgdorferi but by a variety of other strains. This means the prescribed antibiotics could be ineffective for many patients.
***Even more compelling, The Lancet Microbe validates our insights, flagging strains like Borrelia miyamotoi as emerging threats. These aren't just "new" findings; they may have been mislabeled as chronic Lyme for years!

Doctors and healthcare providers, let's elevate our diagnostic and treatment protocols. Accurate, next-level testing like our Phelix Borrelia-Phage test is imperative for improved patient outcomes and combating tick-borne diseases effectively..
Is het gestelde juist?

Frontiers in Microbiology
OPINION article
Publicatie 13 december 2021
Opinion: 'Methodological Shortcomings in the Study on a Prophage-based PCR Test for Lyme Borreliosis' by Freek R. van de Schoor, M. E. Baarsma, Mariska M. G. Leeflang, Volker Fingerle, Gabriele Margos, Joppe W. Hovius and Alje P. van Dam; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 02131/full en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=750#p27953
We conclude that while this technique might be promising, the paper provides more questions than answers, and contains a large number of inaccuracies. We would be interested to see the Ter-qPCR be validated on a cohort of clearly described LB patients and healthy controls from both North America and Europe before we could draw any conclusions on the diagnostic performance of the Ter-qPCR..
20 oktober 2022: Een belangrijke stelling behorende bij het proefschrift M.E. Baarsma: Lymeziekte | Ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek en klinische aspecten; Bron https://dare.uva.nl/search?field1=keywo ... startDoc=2
....4. Fabrikanten hebben een morele verplichting om diagnostische tests grondig en transparant te valideren, voordat ze deze aan de eindgebruiker aanbieden - dit proefschrift..
Een test kan pas betrouwbaar worden ingezet voor de medische diagnostiek als deze klinisch is gevalideerd.

Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=590#p27099 Interessant is dat een van de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Team Phelix Research & Development; Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ in april 2021 in interviews noemt; Bron https://www.lymedisease.org/detect-acut ... ngle-cell/
..The technology will need further development before it is suitable for clinical use, but the researchers have already begun the groundwork for this.

We are currently working with a commercial partner, and investigating regulatory issues and the potential for a clinical trial for this technology,” said Shan..
En de onderzoeker/wetenschapper noemt bij Medscape; Bron https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/949349
..Although the novel test still needs evaluation in a clinical trial, it could represent a "step-change" in the detection of Lyme disease, Shan and associates suggest in their report published in Frontiers in Microbiology..
..The new phage-based PCR test Shan and associates have developed could change all that. With only 0.3 mL of blood being needed, it can potentially be developed as a simple point-of-care test, but that's a long way off.
At this stage, the research is very much a **"proof of concept," Shan said. One of the things he plans to try to work out next is whether the test can distinguish between active and dormant disease, which is a "big question" in the diagnosis of Lyme disease..

De experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test' zit (pas) in fase **2. 'proof of concept'.
Het ontwikkelen van een nieuwe test vraagt veel tijd en geld in verband met de te nemen stappen van 1. proof of principle, 2. proof of concept, 3. onafhankelijke validatie, 4. implementatie.
De 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test' zit (pas) in fase 2. 'proof of concept'. De ontwikkeling van de andere testen ('Phelix Phage Bartonella test' en de 'Phelix Phage Rickettsia test') zitten (pas) in fase 1.'proof of principle'.

Er zullen verschillende klinische onderzoeken, dubbelblind gerandomiseerd placebo gecontroleerd onderzoek (Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)), moeten worden gedaan met verschillende groepen mensen en patiënten om het gestelde te kunnen bevestigen en bewijzen. Dat proces zal veel tijd(jaren) gaan vragen.
Er zal een goede onafhankelijke validatie van de test moeten worden gedaan.
Het EU-proces voor markttoelating is niet doorlopen. Richtlijnen CE-IVD certificering; Bron https://www.rvo.nl/onderwerpen/eu-wetge ... iagnostiek Dat betekent dat de test voorlopig geen CE-IVD certificering heeft.

Stand van zaken: European Patent Office (EPO) - Federated register; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... =federated
In Europa is in veel landen het patent(octrooi) EP3535412 (WO2018083491A1) - 'Phage-based detecition of Borreliosis and means therfor'; (inventors Clokie, Shan en Teulières 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'); Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... n&tab=main ) komen te vervallen (in 2021, 2022 en 2023).
'Lapse of the patent in a contracting state' - Event history; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... &tab=event
Bij enkel de landen België; Bron https://bpp.economie.fgov.be/fo-eregist ... ?locale=en Frankrijk; Bron https://data.inpi.fr/brevets/EP3535412 Engeland; Bron https://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-ipsum/Case/App ... 17795037.5 is het patent(octrooi) niet vervallen.

***..'Even more compelling, The Lancet Microbe validates our insights, flagging strains like Borrelia miyamotoi as emerging threats'..?
Meevaren op een wetenschappeljjke publicatie van andere wetenschappers&onderzoekers?

The Lancet Microbe 2022
Article - Online First; Bron https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/onlinefirst
Publicatie 13 september 2022
Open access - 'Prevalence and clinical manifestation of Borrelia miyamotoi in Ixodes ticks and humans in the northern hemisphere: a systematic review and meta-analysis' by Dieuwertje Hoornstra, MD, Tal Azagi, MSc, Jacqueline A van Eck, MSc, Alex Wagemakers, MD PhD, Joris Koetsveld, MD PhD, René Spijker, MSc, Prof Alexander E Platonov, PhD, Hein Sprong, PhD, Prof Joppe W Hovius, MD PhD; Bron https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPd ... %2900157-4 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&p=29091#p29085
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 10 Okt 2023, 18:23

The 6th World Congress on Targeting Phage Therapy 2023 on June 1-2, 2023 in Paris; Bron https://phagetherapy-site.com/

De natuurarts (geen wetenschapper & onderzoeker) heeft 'zijn uitvinding en zijn zogenoemde 'gevalideerde' wetenschappelijk onderzoek'; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=200#p29595 niet aan de wereld gepresenteerd op het 6th World Congress on Targeting Phage Therapy 2023 in Parijs?; Bron https://biologixcenter.com/news/biologi ... -in-paris/ en Speakers; Bron https://phagetherapy-site.com/
Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=180#p29119 ..De natuurarts gaat 'zijn uitvinding en zijn zogenoemde 'gevalideerde' wetenschappelijk onderzoek' aan de wereld presenteren op de 6th World Congress on Targeting Phage Therapy 2023 in Paris; Bron https://biologixcenter.com/news/biologi ... -in-paris/ en Bron https://phagetherapy-site.com/
..We are thrilled to announce that our very own Dr. David Jernigan, the founder of Biologix Center, has been invited to speak at the prestigious 6th World Congress on Targeting Phage Therapy 2023. Dr. Jernigan will present his latest research on “Inducing Native Phages From the Human Virome to Address Targeted Infections.”

This is an incredible opportunity for us to showcase our groundbreaking research and share our innovative approach to phage therapy with experts from around the world. Dr. Jernigan’s research focuses on the strategic manipulation of native phages to mitigate or eliminate targeted infections. With over 30,000 unique phage populations comprising 97.7% of the human virome, the potential of this approach is nothing short of astounding.

We are thrilled to have this opportunity to highlight Dr. Jernigan’s cutting-edge research and to share our approach with the world. We believe that this innovative approach has the potential to revolutionize the field of phage therapy and improve the health outcomes of patients around the world..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Vr 10 Nov 2023, 15:58

Stand van zaken European Patent Office (EPO) - WO2022072615 (EP21876463/EP4221827) 'Method of manipulating phages within the body to attack infectious target cells'; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?number=EP21876463

Stand van zaken 7 november 2023: - European Patent Office (EPO); Bron https://www.epo.org/
New entry: Additional fee for renewal fee: despatch of communication + time limit
6 november 2023: Notice drawing attention to the payment of the renewal fee and additional fee..
Bericht aan de gemachtigde (advocaat octrooirecht; Barker Brettell LLP) waarin de aandacht wordt gevestigd op de betaling van de verlengingsvergoeding en de aanvullende vergoeding binnen de gestelde termijn.
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Ma 20 Nov 2023, 15:39

Stand van zaken European Patent Office (EPO) - WO2022072615 (EP21876463/EP4221827) 'Method of manipulating phages within the body to attack infectious target cells'; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?number=EP21876463

Stand van zaken 17 november 2023: - European Patent Office (EPO); Bron https://www.epo.org/
Juridische status: Examination procedure 16 november 2023: Amendment by applicant (claims and/or description)
16 november 2023: Amended claims filed after receipt of (European) search report
Bericht van de gemachtigde (advocaat octrooirecht; Barker Brettell LLP) namens de aanvrager waarin een aantal claims zijn gewijzigd, vervallen of vervangen.

Vorige Claims; Bron https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/ ... anRegister
..Claims (17)
What is claimed is:
1. A method of regulating, manipulating or inducing a change of activity, from lysogenic to lytic activities in native or naturally occurring phages within a subject to treat a bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infection, or other pathological or biologically-physiologically advantageous target in the subject, the method comprising the steps of:
identifying the target within the subject;
exposing the subject to a treatment electromagnetic signature that is suitable to induce the native phages in the subject to attack the target, or advantageously modify the target pathology or substance.

2. The method of claim 1, wherein exposing the subject to the treatment electromagnetic field further comprises:
providing an aqueous solution;
passing either a specific selection of biologically or mechanically-generated electromagnetic currents through the solution for a predetermined amount of time, to imprint the treatment electromagnetic signature onto and into the solution as a carrier, to cause the solution to carry and propagate the treatment electromagnetic signature from the solution to the subject, and
administering the solution to the subject.

3. The method of claim 2, wherein the aqueous solution contains silica, gold and/or other metal nanoparticles.

4. The method of claim 2, wherein the aqueous solution comprises a saline solution.

5. The method of claim 2, wherein the aqueous solution is delivered either orally, intravenously, through injection, by aerosol, or via a nebulizer directly onto or into the subject.

6. The method of claim 1, wherein exposing the subject to a treatment electromagnetic signature comprises:
generating the treatment electromagnetic signature with an electromagnetic signature generation device; and
positioning the electromagnetic signature generation device adjacent the subject.

7. The method of claim 1, wherein the target is chosen from a Borrelia infection, a Staphylococcus infection, a Bartonella infection, an Asperigillus infection, and tape worm.

8. The method of claim 1, wherein the bacterial infection is a chronic Borrelia burgdorferi infection.

9. The method of claim 1, wherein exposing the subject to a treatment electromagnetic signature cause the native phages to substantially eliminate the target.

10. The method of claim 1, wherein the subject is one of ticks, mosquitos, or rodents.

11. The method of claim 1, further comprising:
identifying the target within the subject and determining a triggering electromagnetic signature suitable to induce the native phages in the subject to attack the target, or advantageously modify the target pathology or substance utilizing biological electro-optical, resonance emission spectroscopy; and
matching the treatment electromagnetic signature to the triggering electromagnetic signature.

12. The method of claim 1, further comprising:
identifying one or more additional targets within the subject; exposing the subject to one or more additional corresponding treatment electromagnetic signatures, each of the one or more additional corresponding treatment electromagnetic signatures suitable to induce corresponding additional native phages in the subject to attack the corresponding additional target, or advantageously modify the corresponding additional target pathology or substance.

13. A method of regulating, manipulating or inducing a change of activity, from lysogenic to lytic activities in native or naturally occurring phages within a subject to treat a bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infection, or other pathological or biologically-physiologically advantageous potential target in the subject, the method comprising the steps of:
identifying the potential target within the subject;
implanting a treatment electromagnetic signature into an ingestible carrier medium, the treatment electromagnetic signature suitable to induce the native phages in the subject to attack the potential target, or advantageously modify the potential target pathology or substance; and
providing the ingestible carrier medium to the subject to ingest to induce the native phages in the subject to attack the target or modify the target pathology or substance.

14. The method of claim 13, further comprising:
identifying one or more additional potential targets within the subject;
implanting one or more corresponding plurality of treatment electromagnetic signatures into the same ingestible carrier medium, each of the one or more corresponding treatment electromagnetic signatures suitable to induce corresponding native phages in the subject to attack the corresponding potential target, or advantageously modify the corresponding potential target pathology or substance.

15. The method of claim 13, wherein the ingestible carrier medium is a saline solution containing one or more types of metal nanoparticles.

16. The method of claim 15, wherein the one or more types of metal nanoparticles includes silica and/or gold.

17. A method of regulating, manipulating or inducing a change of activity, from lysogenic to lytic activities in native or naturally occurring phages within a subject to treat a bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infection, or other pathological or biologically-physiologically advantageous target in the subject, the method comprising the steps of:
identifying the target within the subject;
determining a triggering electromagnetic signature that, when exposed to native phages within the subject associated with the target, induces the native phages, which are already within the subject, to seek out and attack or modify the target via lytic swarming; and
exposing the subject to a treatment electromagnetic signature having that is substantially the same as the triggering electromagnetic signature that is suitable to induce the native phages in the subject to eliminate the target, or advantageously modify the target pathology or substance..
Description; Bron https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/ ... DEP4221827
..[0035] Of the people with Borrelia infections treated with INPT, the group reported that they experienced none or mild worsening of symptoms, in spite of the speed of Borrelia elimination. The reason for the rapid elimination and minimal “herx” reactions is due to the speed and manner in which the phage kill the bacteria, resulting in there being no cytokines released from the body's immune cells. INPT appears to be able to target Borrelia and substantially eliminate it within two weeks, with little to no toxic and potentially harmful effects, which are common with all antibiotics, as documented by the newest and most sensitive Borrelia testing, the Phelix Borrelia-Phage Test..
De claims zijn 'gevalideerd' met de 'Inducen Formulas Validated by Independent Research Study van BION Institute '?; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=200#p29595
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 28 Nov 2023, 16:26

Vervolg op: 'Stand van zaken Phelix Research & Development (Engeland) & Phelix France (Frankrijk)'; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=180#p29157

Stand van zaken Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ & Phelix France (Frankrijk); Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ periode t/m 31 december 2022; Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/about-us/
..During the year, the charity received income totalling £60.205 and incurred expenditure of £80.501, giving a net loss position of £20.269.

Phelix R&D recognised income of £52.908 from RedLab Belgium form the commercialisation of the Phage based test for the year 2022..

..Activity update
Activity 2022:
- Improving the sensitivity of the Phage Based borrelia test with our partner in Belgium, RedLabs, who are in charge of the commercialisation of the Test.
- Exploring new technologies in order to automate the DNA extraction from biological samples.
- University of Leicester and Phelix Research and Development: Trying to redesign a Phage Based test for Bartonella sp. as the previous test did not show promising sensitivity.
- University of Leicester and Phelix Research and Development: working on the next research paper on Borrelia Miyamotoi.
- Finalising the documents for the filing of the Patent of the Borrelia phage based test: UK, USA, EU (Patent attorney Murgitroyd law firm)..

....Whilist the trustees are aware of the need to build reserves for a substaniable future. This is not considered necessary at this time due to the support of the trustees..
Interessant is hoe de verdere ontwikkelingen zullen gaan. Er is een tekort van £20.269 (€23.403) ontstaan. De trustees, mede-oprichters en investeerders (Teulières en Louvet (Charity trustees are the people who ultimately exercise control over and are legally responsible for the charity. If the charity is a company these people may also be known as directors or board members)) moeten verschillende leningen (totaal 2022: £382.246 in 2021: £378.492) zien terug te verdienen in de komende jaren.

..'University of Leicester and Phelix Research and Development: working on the next research paper on Borrelia Miyamotoi'..?

ICLB conferentie 2022 Amsterdam; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=170#p29082 De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) - Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks

De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) - Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
Dr Tatjana Mijatovic1
1R.E.D. Laboratories N.V. /S.A., Zellik, Belgium

The high failure rate of tick-borne infection (TBI) testing and treatment underscores the necessity to reassess the pathogen prevalence in infected ticks in order to refine the patients’ testing strategies.

Following an initial small study on 30 ticks we aimed to conduct a large study (110 tested ticks) comparing different testing approaches for tick-borne pathogens. The goal of this contribution is to bring the focus on the importance to enlarge TBI-related testing targets and shed some light on high prevalence of Borrelia Relapsing fever (RF) strains both in ticks and late stage undiagnosed patients.

We used Phage-based real-time PCR test for Borrelia (searching for 3 major Borrelia groups (Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Borrelia miyamotoi and RF group) and Rickettsia, Hybrispot dot-blot multiplex test for 7 TBIs, and various PCRs for Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Bartonella and Babesia testing.

110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed 30% positive for B. miyamotoi, 42% for RF (mainly B.hermsii group), 14% positive for both B.miyamotoi and RF and only 10% positive for B. burgorferi sl. In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains. The positivity rate for other TBIs were: Rickettsia 10%, Babesia 3,6%, Ehrlichia 1,8%, Bartonella 9%, Anaplasma 2,7%. Notably, 32,7% of tested ticks were positive for more than one pathogen. In addition, over 6000 results from patients (mainly late stage/chronic) are showing over 60% of tested samples positive for RF strains (mainly B.miyamotoi and B.hermsii).

This is the first large-scale report on prevalence of Borrelia RF strains in ticks, along with an important percentage of Rickettsia positive ticks and over 32% of tested ticks carrying more than one pathogen. Seen this high prevalence of Borrelia RF in tested ticks, further supported by similar high percentages found in patients, the overall high expansion of undiagnosed TBD cases worldwide might be linked to the screening choice focusing only on B. burgdorferi sl and only rarely testing for RF while the later ones seem to be much more prevalent. Enlarged testing of ticks removed by patients could prevent the onset of chronic disease in bitten patients..
..'the first large-scale report..'?
..'In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains?'..
..'110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed?'..
..'(slechts) 110 teken?: European ticks (mainly from Belgium, France and Norway)?'..

De 110 teken zijn getest met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'. Met de 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test' kan géén diagnose B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever en of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (ziekte van Lyme) worden gesteld(!). En kan dat ook niet bij de geteste teken worden vastgesteld.
Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=170#p29084 ..De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories (België)) over geteste teken - Presentatie Mijatovic Dublin 2020; Bron https://www.iddoctor.eu/docs/Crypto-Inf ... atovic.pdf en Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJd0F-DrFMQ en teken test met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'; Bron https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BiXk3m ... FqXJ_/view
..Results of the Tests
Done on Ticks
40% of analysed ticks were negative (no detected pathogens)
60% of analysed ticks were positive for at least 1 pathogen..

..Pathogens found in positive ticks:
Borrelia burgdorferi sl: 17% pos
Borrelia miyamotoi: 60% pos
Borrelia Relapsing Fever Group 23% pos
25% of positive ticks were for 2 pathogens

Unexpected high rate of B. miyamotoi and Relapsing Fever Borrelia Phages in tested ticks..
De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories (België)) - ICLB Amsterdam 4 en 5 september 2022: Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks – the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
What we learned from testing the ticks – the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
Dr Tatjana Mijatovic1
1R.E.D. Laboratories N.V. /S.A., Zellik, Belgium

We used Phage-based real-time PCR test for Borrelia (searching for 3 major Borrelia groups (Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Borrelia miyamotoi and RF group) and Rickettsia, Hybrispot dot-blot multiplex test for 7 TBIs, and various PCRs for Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Bartonella and Babesia testing.

110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed 30% positive for B. miyamotoi, 42% for RF (mainly B.hermsii group), 14% positive for both B.miyamotoi and RF and only 10% positive for B. burgorferi sl. In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains. The positivity rate for other TBIs were: Rickettsia 10%, Babesia 3,6%, Ehrlichia 1,8%, Bartonella 9%, Anaplasma 2,7%. Notably, 32,7% of tested ticks were positive for more than one pathogen. In addition, over 6000 resultsfrom patients (mainly late stage/chronic) are showing over 60% of tested samples positive for RF strains (mainly B.miyamotoi and B.hermsii)..
Er zitten aanzienlijke verschillen in de percentages van de gepresenteerde onderzoeksresultaten van het tekenonderzoek met (slechts) 110 teken? Interessante data gegevens zullen zijn hoeveel teken pér land uit België, Frankrijk en Noorwegen Red Laboratories (België) heeft getest.

Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) was ook weer aanwezig op de Crypto-infections Conference 17-18 Juni 2023 in Dublin; Bron https://www.lymeresourcecentre.com/eucic2023 Agenda; Bron https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rb7W8E ... wWQHv/view
..12:15 TWO ABSTRACTS (10 minute presentations and 10 minutes for questions)
..*Tanja Mijatovic, PhD, CSO & Lab Manager, R.E.D. Laboratories..
Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) Dublin 8 augustus 2023: Tanja Mijatovic, PhD - What we learned from testing ticks - Multipathogen study in European ticks; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEair0ZbPU8

Een vervolg study van 26 april 2023 op het gepubliceerde artikel van **15 maart 2021.. 'Targeting multicopy prophage genes for the increased detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.), the causative agents of Lyme disease, in blood' by Jinyu Shan, Ying Jia, Faizal Patel, Louis Teulières and Martha R. Clokie
Claims 26 april 2023:..'Overall, the validation results of the Bmer-qPCR assay for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA suggest that the Bmer-qPCR assay is a reliable and sensitive tool for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA..'?

Frontiers in Microbiology
Publicatie 26 april 2023
Study - 'Combining citizen science and molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and Borrelia miyamotoi in tick pools across Great Britain' by Jinyu Shan, Ying Jia, Peter Hickenbotham, Louis Teulières and Martha R.J. Clokie; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 26498/full
..To investigate the prevalence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and B. miyamotoi in ticks first, we developed a PCR (Bmer-qPCR) that targets the phage terminase large subunit (terL) gene carried by B. miyamotoi. A similar approach had been used successfully in developing Ter-qPCR for detecting B. burgdorferi s.l..

..A similar approach had been used successfully in developing Ter-qPCR for detecting B. burgdorferi s.l. The terL protein functions as an enzyme in packaging phage DNA. Analytical validation of the Bmer-qPCR confirmed its specificity, efficiency and sensitivity..
..The tick pools were analysed using our newly developed Bmer-qPCR to detect B. miyamotoi and our previously established Ter-qPCR for B. burgdorferi s.l. This study revealed that the prevalence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and B. miyamotoi in tick pools in England could be as high as 67.6 and 7.1%, respectively, as compared to those of 78.8 and 4.5% in tick pools in Scotland. Overall, up to 5.2% of tick pools tested positive for both B. miyamotoi and B. burgdorferi s.l., demonstrating presence of both Borrelia species in the same location..
..Bmer-qPCR analytical specificity, sensitivity and efficiency
..Overall, the validation results of the Bmer-qPCR assay for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA suggest that the Bmer-qPCR assay is a reliable and sensitive tool for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA..

..The Bmer-qPCR and Ter-qPCR were conducted according to our established protocol (Shan et al., 2021)..
..Author contributions
..LT proofread the manuscript and provided valuable advice on B. miyamotoi clinical diagnosis and treatment..
..Conflict of interest
..LT is a physician who volunteers for Phelix Research and Development, a charitable organization..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 28 Nov 2023, 16:55


BMC Microbiology volume 23, Article number: 204 (2023)
Publicatie 1 augustus 2023
Open access - 'Lyme borreliosis diagnosis: state of the art of improvements and innovations' by Mickaël Guérin, Marc Shawky, Ahed Zedan, Stéphane Octave, Bérangère Avalle, Irene Maffucci & Séverine Padiolleau-Lefèvre; Bron https://bmcmicrobiol.biomedcentral.com/ ... 23-02935-5
With almost 700 000 estimated cases each year in the United States and Europe, Lyme borreliosis (LB), also called Lyme disease, is the most common tick-borne illness in the world. Transmitted by ticks of the genus Ixodes and caused by bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, LB occurs with various symptoms, such as erythema migrans, which is characteristic, whereas others involve blurred clinical features such as fatigue, headaches, arthralgia, and myalgia. The diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis, based on a standard two-tiered serology, is the subject of many debates and controversies, since it relies on an indirect approach which suffers from a low sensitivity depending on the stage of the disease. Above all, early detection of the disease raises some issues. Inappropriate diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis leads to therapeutic wandering, inducing potential chronic infection with a strong antibody response that fails to clear the infection. Early and proper detection of Lyme disease is essential to propose an adequate treatment to patients and avoid the persistence of the pathogen. This review presents the available tests, with an emphasis on the improvements of the current diagnosis, the innovative methods and ideas which, ultimately, will allow more precise detection of LB..
..Traditional PCR assays and PCR improvements
Moreover, bacteriophages have a specific tropism towards certain bacteria. In other words, phages infect a specific bacterial species and their genetic material is specific to the bacteria they infect, resulting in a high specificity of the test exploiting this approach, **such as the Phelix Phage test patented by Dr. Louis Teulières [196].

Even if this technique is promising, **an analysis of this study shows inaccuracies in terms of statistical analysis or cohort composition and comparison with healthy controls, thus requiring validation [199]..

**Frontiers in Microbiology
OPINION article
Publicatie 13 december 2021
Opinion: 'Methodological Shortcomings in the Study on a Prophage-based PCR Test for Lyme Borreliosis' by Freek R. van de Schoor, M. E. Baarsma, Mariska M. G. Leeflang, Volker Fingerle, Gabriele Margos, Joppe W. Hovius and Alje P. van Dam; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 02131/full en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=750#p27953

Teulières (Phelix France) en de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ en Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) hebben tot nu toe (nog) niet gereageerd op het Opinie artikel van het team wetenschappers-onderzoekers.

20 oktober 2022 - 'Proefschrift Ewoud Baarsma: Lymeziekte | Ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek en klinische aspecten' - Chapter 8 Opinion: Methodological shortcomings in the study on a prophage-based PCR test for Lyme borreliosisLyme borreliosis; Bron https://dare.uva.nl/search?field1=keywo ... startDoc=2
We conclude that while this technique might be promising, the paper provides more questions than answers, and contains a large number of inaccuracies. We would be interested to see the Ter-qPCR be validated on a cohort of clearly described LB patients and healthy controls from both North America and Europe before we could draw any conclusions on the diagnostic performance of the Ter-qPCR..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7817
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: Zijn er ervaringen met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 28 Nov 2023, 18:53

..Finalising the documents for the filing of the Patent of the Borrelia phage based test: UK, USA, EU (Patent attorney Murgitroyd law firm)'..?; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=200#p29929

Stand van zaken: European Patent Office (EPO) - Federated register; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... =federated
In Europa is in veel landen het patent(octrooi) EP3535412 (WO2018083491A1) - 'Phage-based detecition of Borreliosis and means therfor'; (inventors Clokie, Shan en Teulières 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'); Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... n&tab=main ) komen te vervallen (in 2021, 2022 en 2023).
'Lapse of the patent in a contracting state' - Event history; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... &tab=event

Bij énkel de landen België; Bron https://bpp.economie.fgov.be/fo-eregist ... ?locale=en Frankrijk; Bron https://data.inpi.fr/brevets/EP3535412 Engeland; Bron https://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-ipsum/Case/App ... 17795037.5 is het patent(octrooi) niet vervallen.
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

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