16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amsterdam

Voor nieuws, actualiteiten en acties specifiek over Lyme-Borreliose.
Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 31 Jul 2024, 16:09

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En de reacties van de auteur(s); Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/13/8/693/review_report
..Comment 20: Median pain scores dropping does not suggest a persistent infection responsive to antibiotics. Reduction in pain can simply be a natural course of a disease when an illness self-resolves. A big confounder could be placebo-effect in an open-labelled cohort study.

Response 20: Please refer to response 11.

Comment 21: Although it is true there is no good biomarker for pain, this does not emphasize the need for appropriate antibiotic treatment for TBIs. These seem to be two separate issues here.

Response 21: Please refer to response 4.

Comment 22: Line 432-438: It seems like the diagnosis of TBI is simply based on clinical suspicion. This may be prone to errors as there could be recall bias of tick bites and rash. There could be other differentials that could explain the patients’ presentations. As your reference of IDSA Lyme Disease Guidelines have stated, clinical diagnosis is made on potential tick exposure in a “Lyme disease endemic area” who have 1 or more skin lesions compatible with erythema migrans. But this study stated whether these patients had tick bite in endemic areas. The identity of the ticks are unknown (some may be not be known to be pathogenic). Besides, these patients might not have experience a high-risk tick-bite infection [i.e. (a) an identified Ixodes spp. vector species, (b) it occurred in a highly endemic area, and (c) the tick was attached for ≥36 hours] as per IDSA. Therefore, antibody testing should be sought for a confirmatory diagnosis i.e. antibody testing performed on an acute-phase serum sample (followed by a convalescent-phase serum sample at least 2-3 weeks after collection of the acute-phase serum sample), as per IDSA.

Response 22: Please refer to response 1.

Comment 23: Line 446-458: It seems unclear whether these patients had their laboratory testing performed in the same laboratory. Different laboratories use different methods to analyze immune indicators and biomarkers, potentially leading to different normal value range.

Response 23: Please refer to response 2.

Comment 24: Line 500: To ensure the methodologies are repeatable, the statistic softwares used need to be specified. Microsoft Excel would not be able to perform advanced functions like the Mann–Whitney U test.

Response 24: Section 4.4 of the materials and methods section provides specifications for all tools used to process data. Additionally, we have provided a link to the GitHub repository in the data availability statement. Anyone skilled in Python can download the code, review it, and repeat the analysis.

Comment 25: Was there a sample size calculation to ensure a sufficient sample size was achieved?

Response 25: Yes, a sample size calculation was performed. Based on an effect size of 0.43 and aiming for a power of 0.8 with an alpha of 0.05, calculated that 85 participants were needed per time point using the paired samples formula, which accounts for a moderate correlation between measurements at T0 and T2. Our study includes 186 participants at each time point, ensuring sufficient statistical power and robustness (lines 482 to 501)

Comment 26: Were the subjects blinded from knowing what treatment they received? This could play a role on whether patients perceive pain improvement from the treatment.

Response 26: The subjects in this study were not blinded to the treatment they received. This study reflects clinical practice and was not designed as a placebo-controlled trial. Conducting a placebo-controlled trial in this context would be unethical, as no placebo-controlled trial has been done for acute Lyme disease. It is common practice to administer questionnaires and assess responses to treatment in clinical settings without requiring the blinding of patients or clinicians.

Comment 27: Line 562-702: If the publication month of the journal articles do not need to be included as per the MDPI journal format, please remove it.

Response 27: We have reviewed the references and aligned their format to follow the MDPI antibiotics guidelines.

Comment 28: Line 583: Reference 9 is on the 2006 IDSA guidelines on Lyme Disease. There is now a 2020 edition of the IDSA guidelines on Lyme Disease. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa1215

Response 28: We have updated the recommended reference (see reference 5).

Comment 29: Line 689-694: It looks like you have different fonts for references 55 and 56. Please consider changing the font to make it uniform in the entire manuscript.

Response 29: The font type and size in the reference section have been aligned with the rest of the manuscript..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 31 Jul 2024, 16:42


:arrow: Vergelijk met..
Publicatie 24 augustus 2023
Open Access Article - 'A Longitudinal Study of a Large Clinical Cohort of Patients with Lyme Disease and Tick-Borne Co-Infections Treated with Combination Antibiotics' by David Xi, Abbie Thoma, Minha Rajput-Ray, Anne Madigan, Gordana Avramovic, Kunal Garg, Leona Gilbert, John S. Lambert; Bron https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11092152
..3. Results
3.1. Patient Characteristics
A total of 301 patients, 184 (61.13%) females and 117 (38.87%) males, from ages 16 to 89 years old, presented to the infectious disease clinic over 15 months, from December 2019 to February 2022. Of the 301 patients who came to the clinic at T0, 227 (75.42%) resided in Ireland. Dublin was listed as the county of residence within Ireland for the highest number of patients (52 patients, 17.28%). For the other patients, they were from various counties, such as Kerry, Meath, Wexford, and Wicklow (Table 1). The remaining patient (0.33%) was from Aran Island. For the patients who resided outside of the Republic of Ireland, 68 (22.59%) came from the United Kingdom, 2 (0.66%) came from the United States, 1 (0.33%) came from Hungary, 1 (0.33%) came from New Zealand, and the remaining patient (0.33%) came from Germany (Table 1). One (0.33%) patient did not indicate their country of residence..
..2. Materials and Methods
..2.3. Serology Analysis
An ELISA platform was used to assess IgM and IgG antibody responses to Borrelia spp (B. afzelii and B. garinii), Borrelia persister forms, Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, and Rickettsia in this patient cohort using a modified two-tiered testing protocol. Serological testing was conducted using the TICKPLEX® test at ArminLabs GmbH in Augsburg, Germany. TICKPLEX® has the capability to assess IgM and IgG immune responses present in human serum samples against various species of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in both spirochete and persistent forms, as well as against co-infections and opportunistic microbes. Specifically, TICKPLEX® encompasses Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia garinii in their spirochete and persistent forms. It also covers other pathogens, like Babesia microti, Bartonella henselae, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Rickettsia akari, Coxsackievirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Human parvovirus B19, Mycoplasma fermentans, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae [34]. The serological results were compiled and entered into an Excel spreadsheet for the handling of the data and analysis. We indicated if patients had positive, weakly positive, or negative antibody responses to the microorganisms. Using the serological data, we categorized patients into those with one TBI and those with multiple TBIs..

De :arrow: 301 patiënten zijn getest met de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only; en de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only van Tezted (Finland)?!! Met de testen kunnen géén diagnoses Lyme/chronische Lyme/neuroborreliose/Post-lymeziektesyndroomworden en of coinfecties worden gesteld en kunnen géén behandelingen worden gemonitord!!

:arrow: En verglijk met..
Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) Dublin: Publicatie Posters & Powerpoint Slides - 3rd European Crypto-Infections Conference 2023; Bron https://www.lymeresourcecentre.com/3rd- ... rence-2023

Slides: 'Incidence of various tick-born infections (TBIs) and co-infections in a cohort of patients presenting to an infectious disease clinic with Lyme-like symtoms' by Thoma A¹, Avramovic G², Rajput-Ray M³, Gilbert L⁴, Madigan A², Lambert J¹,²; Bron https://www.lymeresourcecentre.com/_fil ... f517b4.pdf

Slides: 'A Decrease In CD57+ NK Cells Is Demonstrated In Patients Positive For Tick-Borne Infections' by Thoma A¹, Avramovic G², Rajput-Ray M³ Gilbert L⁴, Madigan A², Lambert J¹,²; Bron https://www.lymeresourcecentre.com/_fil ... 50a769.pdf

Slides: 'A Greater Severity Of Fatigue Is Demonstrated In Weakly Antibody-Positive Patients In A Tick-Borne Infection (TBI) Cohort' by Thoma A¹, Avramovic G², Rajput-Ray M³, Gilbert L⁴, Madigan A², Lambert J¹,²; Bron https://www.lymeresourcecentre.com/_fil ... 2d0421.pdf

Duidelijk is intussen dat de door de Lymevereniging, Stichting Lymefonds/het Lymefonds en Stichting Tekenbeetziekten aangehangen; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=190#p29443 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=230#p29628 verschillende zogenoemde 'Lyme-helden' Ilads Lyme artsen in Nederland en in het buitenland en de aangehangen commerciële laboratoria en zogenoemde :arrow: 'Nederlandse vrienden van Tezted (Finland)'; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=200#p29478 in het buitenland de laatste tijd meer en meer :arrow: door het ijs zijn gaan zakken!!!; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=220#p29589 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=220#p29590

Opmerkelijk is dat de patiëntenorganisaties in Nederland Tezted (Finland) fabrikant! omarmen en :arrow: zelfs plaats hebben laten nemen in een Wetenschappelijke adviescommissie. Van de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only testen van Tezted (Finland) wordt géén afstand genomen maar wordt indirect gepromoot in de Brochure van de Lymevereniging - ICLB & Patiëntensymposium 2022; Bron https://lymevereniging.nl/wp-content/up ... 221115.pdf en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=210#p29549
Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=140#p29177 ..Stichting Lymefonds/het Lymefonds - Namens het Lymefonds heeft directeur Fred Verdult deelgenomen aan het patëntensymposium en aan ICLB, de internationale wetenschappelijke conferentie over lyme en andere tekenbeet-infecties. Op deze pagina’s deelt Fred enkele impressies: En ik sprak Leona Gilbert, directeur van het in lyme gespecialiseerde testbedrijf Tezted in Finland en de drijvende kracht achter het internationale samenwerkingsverband Lyme Global..

Stichting Tekenbeetziekten; Bron https://www.tekenbeetziekten.nl/over-ons/organisatie/ en Nieuwsbrief Jaargang 10 nummer 4, september 2022; Bron https://www.tekenbeetziekten.nl/over-ons/nieuwsbrieven/
..In het kader van onderzoek was dr. Leona Gilbert (CEO for Te?ted Oy and Docent in Cell and Molecular Biology) afgevaardigd door Stichting Tekenbeetziekten. Zij was aanwezig bij zowel het patiëntensymposium als het hoofdcongres..

..Wetenschappelijke adviescommissie
Leona Gilbert
Joop Klein Haneveld
Dominic Smith
Diana Uitdenbogerd-Drenth..
En wordt :arrow: gepromoot!!! in 2024; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=460#p30416 Wat is het werkelijke medische én wetenschappelijke niveau van het bestuur van de Nederlandse patiëntenorganisatie(s)? De (nieuwe) Lyme patiënten in Nederland worden hier absoluut niet mee geholpen en worden misleid!!!

Hiermee wordt door de patiëntenorganisaties een verkeerd signaal afgegeven aan de (nieuwe) Lyme patiënten in Nederland! Dat geldt ook voor de :arrow: 'Nederlandse vrienden van Tezted (Finland) (Testimonials from our friend associations and patients)' mei 2023; Bron https://www.tezted.com/lymeawarenessmonth en leden en vertegenwoordiger(s) van de Nederlandse patiëntenorganisaties; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=160#p29290

Conclusie & wake-up call: de gevolgen voor de (geteste en te testen) patiënten zijn: een onjuiste testuitslag, een gemiste diagnose, een verkeerd gestelde diagnose, een verkeerde voorgeschreven behandeling, veroorzaakte (blijvende) schade aan de gezondheid.
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Do 01 Aug 2024, 16:40

1 augustus 2024: Tezted (Finland) - New Study Highlights: Effective Pain Relief in Tick-Borne Illnesses!; Bron https://www.facebook.com/tickplex/
..New Study Highlights: Effective Pain Relief in Tick-Borne Illnesses!
Tick-borne illnesses (TBIs)**, especially those caused by *Borrelia* (like Lyme disease), are on the rise globally. These diseases progress through multiple stages and can lead to persistent, non-specific symptoms, including severe pain that lasts over six months after antibiotic therapy.

Key Findings:**
1. **Significant Pain Reduction**: After antibiotic treatment, patients reported a notable decrease in pain, with median pain scores dropping from 7 to 5. This indicates that persistent infections are responsive to antibiotics.
2. **Inflammatory Markers**: Markers like CRP and TNF-alpha indicate ongoing inflammation. The study also found correlations between pain ratings and biomarkers such as transferrin, CD4%, platelets, and neutrophils.
3. **Demographic Factors**: Neither age nor gender influenced pain ratings before or after treatment.
4. **Complex Pain-Biomarker Relationship**: While some biomarkers showed significant changes, they did not directly predict pain changes, suggesting other factors might influence pain variability among long-term TBI patients.

**Human Rights & Treatment**: This study emphasizes the need for appropriate antibiotic treatment for TBIs, raising concerns about the ethical implications of withholding pain relief and treatment due to ongoing scientific debates.

**Implications for Patients**: Effective antibiotic treatment can significantly improve functional ability and quality of life for those suffering from chronic symptoms of TBIs.

**Takeaway**: This study underscores the importance of timely and adequate treatment for TBIs, advocating for patient rights to access necessary healthcare.

**Learn More**: Garg K, Thoma A, Avramovic G, Gilbert L, Shawky M, Ray MR, Lambert JS. Biomarker-Based Analysis of Pain in Patients with Tick-Borne Infections before and after Antibiotic Treatment. Antibiotics. 2024; 13(8):693. https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics13080693 ..
..'New Study Highlights: Effective Pain Relief in Tick-Borne Illnesses!'..?

Is het gestelde juist? Lees meer; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=490#p30551 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=490#p30564
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Do 01 Aug 2024, 17:11

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=460#p30448 en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=460#p30433

De inhoud van het nieuwe boek (NB: kost veel geld $199 is €196) van Gilbert - 'Borrelia burgdorferi Methods and Protocols' zal bij menigeen de wenkbrauwen kunnen doen fronsen; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 716-3561-2 en 'Table of contents (18 protocols)'; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 3561-2#toc

31 juli 2024: Tezted (Finland) - Chapter 6 Revealed ( :arrow: wordt herhaald; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=390#p30150 ..); Bron https://www.facebook.com/tickplex/
..Chapter 6 Revealed.
New Advances in Lyme Disease Diagnosis!
Colleagues from ArminLabs bring light to the complexities of diagnosing Lyme borreliosis. While traditional ELISA tests have been a staple for detecting antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi, they must be more foolproof. Variations in Borrelia species and their different effects across global populations have made a one-size-fits-all approach to testing challenging.

TICKPLEX aids in serology testing by testing immune responses against various species of Borrelia and its persistent forms. The EliSpot Lyme assay is designed to reveal the T cell response to Borrelia infection. This test is a useful, particularly for patients who don't produce enough antibodies to be detected by standard serological tests, often leading to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.

The EliSpot assay paired with TICKPLEX ELISA bridges a gap, integrating humoral (antibody-mediated) and cellular (T cell-mediated) immunity to provide a fuller picture of the body’s response to infection..
..'Colleagues from ArminLabs bring light to the complexities of diagnosing Lyme borreliosis'..?
..'The EliSpot assay paired with TICKPLEX ELISA bridges a gap, integrating humoral (antibody-mediated) and cellular (T cell-mediated) immunity to provide a fuller picture of the body’s response to infection'..?
..'This test is a useful, particularly for patients who don't produce enough antibodies to be detected by standard serological tests, often leading to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment'..?

Is het gestelde juist? Lees meer; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=390#p30150
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Vr 02 Aug 2024, 15:08

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=490#p30551 en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=490#p30552

Publicatie 25 juli 2024
Open Access Article: 'Biomarker-Based Analysis of Pain in Patients with Tick-Borne Infections before and after Antibiotic Treatment' by
Kunal Garg 1,†, Abbie Thoma 2,†, Gordana Avramovic 2, Leona Gilbert 1, Marc Shawky 3, Minha Rajput Ray 4 and John Shearer Lambert 2,5,6,*; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/13/8/693
1 Te?ted Oy, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland
2 Department of Infectious Diseases, Catherine Mc Auley Education & Research Centre, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, 21 Nelson Street, Dublin 7, D07 A8NN Dublin, Ireland
3 Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Costech Laboratory, Alliance Sorbonne Université, Centre de Recherches, 60203 Compiègne, France
4 Curaidh Clinic: Innovative Solutions for Pain, Chronic Disease and Work Health, Perth PH2 8EH, UK
5 Catherine Mc Auley Education & Research Centre, University College Dublin, 21 Nelson Street, Dublin 7, D07 A8NN Dublin, Ireland
6 Infectious Diseases Department, The Rotunda Hospital, D01 P5W9 Dublin, Ireland
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work..
..Conflicts of Interest
K.G. and L.G. have a financial and economic stake in ‘Te?ted Oy’, but they do not have any commercial collaborations with the writers of this paper..

..Institutional Review Board Statement
This study received ethics approval from the Institutional Review Board of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (Institutional Review Board Reference: 1/378/1946). It complies with the study protocol (version 6), the EU CT Directive 2001/20/EC, GCP Commission Directive 2005/28/EC, ICH/GCP, the Declaration of Helsinki (1996 Version), and all other local and international applicable regulatory requirements..

..4.2. Patient Cohort and Sample Size Estimation
This study invited individuals over 16 who obtained consultations at the outpatient infectious diseases clinic at The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in Ireland..
Is het gestelde juist? De studie met bevindingen is géén onafhankelijk onderzoek! En er zijn commerciële samenwerkingsverbanden tussen de auteurs! En Lambert is consultant bij Mater Misericordiae University Hospital; Bron https://www.mater.ie/consultants/ en Bron https://www.mater.ie/services/infectiou ... /index.xml

Gilbert van Tezted (Finland) (fabrikant!) en Lambert van Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) Dublin (Ierland) en de Reviewer 1; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/13/8/693/review_report werken samen in de 'Advisory Panel' van AONM; Bron https://aonm.org/about/

Er wordt reeds jarenlang samengewerkt! Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) conferentie 14 september 2019 Dublin - 'Tick-borne Disease Diagnostics: The Good the Bad and the Ugly - Dr. Leona Gilbert'; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNqk3HNHUTc

In een kritisch artikel van de wetenschapsjournalist Schneider van 14 februari 2023 - Chronic Lymerics (Tezted Finland); Bron https://forbetterscience.com/2023/02/14 ... xcellence/ is opmerkelijke informatie genoemd dat goed is te verifiëren.
..MDPI has announced a special issue where you already know what horrors to expect. The journal Microorganisms has an open call for papers for a Special Issue titled “Emerging Research on Tick-Borne Pathogens and Diseases” edited by a certain L.G (plus someone called J.L); Bron https://www.mdpi.com/si/microorganisms/94X32914N7 ..

..“Canadian-born researcher Leona Gilbert at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland has not only been fired. Her team has been stripped of its research grants and the university has informed the entire research world about the cheating, something that the Swedish Yle; Bron https://svenska.yle.fi/a/7-1502452 was the first to report on.
- I think justice has been done now, says Mats Reimer to SVT Nyheter Väst.

It all started more than three years ago when Leona Gilbert, associate professor of cell and molecular biology, was awarded a fine entrepreneur prize in Finland for her commercial Lyme disease tests. Her own group’s research was the basis for the test, which according to Mats Reimer has not been scientifically evaluated. […]

The university’s investigation team concluded that Leona Gilbert did not even know where the test blood came from, which made the investigation highly uncertain. In addition, she allegedly mixed up different categories of antibodies, which is considered a serious error.”..
:arrow: Research misconduct (fraude) en ontslagen: Rapport: University of Jyväskylä Finland - Rector's decision in 2020 en
Yle (Yleisradio Oy of Rundradion Ab, afgekort als Yle, is een Finse publieke omroep) in 2020; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&p=30214#p30206 en Yle (Yleisradio Oy of Rundradion Ab, afgekort als Yle, is een Finse publieke omroep) in 2022; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=460#p30416 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=130#p29165 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=130#p2915

MDPI - Special Issue Information van de gast auteurs L.G en J.L; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/si/microorganisms/94X32914N7
..Dear Colleagues,
Recently, it was reported that the estimated rate of global Borrelia burgdorferi seropositivity is at 1.2 billion people, and that tick-borne diseases are on the rise. In some countries, tick-borne diseases are not recognized as major health issues, and cases are not officially reported. In addition, in a field of polarized conversation with respect to Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Debilitating Symptom Complexes Attributed To Ticks (DSCATT), or Chronic Lyme (CL), research-based evidence should be allowed to take a place in the narrative. To circumvent the rise in tick-borne disease cases, it is imperative that emerging research in tick-borne pathogens and diseases becomes a focus for many stakeholders and receives the attention it deserves. This Special Issue, entitled “Emerging Research on Tick-Borne Pathogens and Diseases”, seeks the submission of original research papers and comprehensive reviews to create a more inclusive account. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide cutting-edge research that will improve awareness of tick-borne diseases, with the hope that basic research in this area will allow actionable clinical studies to improve awareness and patient outcomes..
..Now Tezted sells also tests for molds and COVID-19..

..He previously advertised for Tezted product Tickplex e.g.:

O’Loughlin S; Avramovic G; Lambert JS (2019) 'The use of TickPlex Plus in diagnosing Lyme Disease: A comparison to the standard testing methods'. In Irish Journal of Medical Science doi: 10.1007/s11845-019-02130-4; Bron https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 19-02130-4

It was an abstract for the Summer Student Research Awards 2019 at the UCD School of Medicine.

In short, L.G and J.L are the perfect team to run an MDPI special issue.

Reimer told me this: “It’s sad to see MDPI provide a platform for the pseudo-scientific side in the Lyme wars.“..

Het reeds in 2019 aanprijzen van de niet-gevalideerde TickPlex test..
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -)
Volume 188, supplement issue 11, December 2019; Bron https://link.springer.com/journal/11845 ... supplement
Publicatie 22 november 2019
Study - 'The use of TickPlex Plus in diagnosing Lyme Disease: A comparison to the standard testing methods' by O’Loughlin S1, Avramovic G2, Lambert JS1, 2
1 UCD School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
2 Department of Infectious Disease, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, University College Dublin, Eccles St, Dublin 7, Ireland.
..Standard testing (ST) for Lyme disease (LD) targets the spirochete form of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. This study aims to compare ST to a new testing platform, *the Tickplex plus (TPP), which tests for spirochetes, round bodies and co-infections. This study will assess if this broader scope of testing improves the diagnosis of persistent LD.
For this cross-sectional study a chart review was performed of 216 charts, with 28 participants deemed eligible. Results from the TTP, ST, self-reported symptom scores and blood tests were extracted. Descriptive statistical analysis, Cohen’s kappa and paired t-tests were used to compare results.
There was a 39.29% agreement between TPP and ST (Cohen’s k: 0.1119). No participants received positive results on ST and negative results on TPP. 59% tested positively on TPP but not ST. 22% tested positively on both TPP and ST. 19% received negative results from both tests. All groups improved with treatment but this was not statiscially significant (p=0.765, p=0.251 p= 0.640). 90% of all participants tested positively for co-infections. 60% of participants with negative results for LD, tested positively for co-infections. 100% of those who tested positively for Borrelia, responded to round bodies, while 75% responded to spirochetes.
As round bodies are associated with persistent infection 1 and co-infections are common in Ireland 2 , their prevalence is unsurprising but unaccounted for by ST. The TPP demonstrates the importance of their inclusion in a comprehensive assay for the diagnosis and management of persistent LD. Further research with a larger sample size is warranted.
1. Garg, K., et al., Evaluating polymicrobial immune responses in patients suffering from tick-borne diseases. Sci Rep, 2018. 8(1): p. 15932.
2. Zintl, A., et al., Ticks and Tick-borne diseases in Ireland. Ir Vet J, 2017. 70: p. 4.
Presenting Author: Sarah O'Loughlin
Supervisor: Prof John Lambert
Co-Supervisor: Ms Gordana Avramovic..

Tezted (Finland) is fabrikant! en ArminLabs (Duitsland) is verkoper! van de kostbare (Basic: £120 is €140) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (Plus: £585 is €686) en
:arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (£232 is €270) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test.
Bron https://www.tezted.com/tickplex-validation en Bron https://www.tezted.com/order-tickplex
..TICKPLEX is a CE and *IVD test..

Bron https://www.tezted.com/toxiplex
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Ma 05 Aug 2024, 16:06

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=340#p30013

Persoonlijk vind ik dit erg interessant wetenschappelijk onderzoek! De eerste resultaten worden na de zomer van 2024 verwacht.

26 juni 2024
Blog: wat verandert er in de skeletspieren en het bloed bij ME/CVS en post-exertionele malaise?; Bron https://www.zonmw.nl/nl/artikel/blogree ... -bloed-bij
..Patiënten met ME/CVS ervaren veel spiergerelateerde klachten, zoals vermoeidheid en spierpijn. Inspanning maakt de klachten nog erger (post-exertionele malaise). Wat gebeurt er precies in de skeletspieren en het bloed, en welke rol speelt het afweersysteem hierbij? Als we dit weten, is er dan een behandeling mogelijk? Onderzoeker Rob Wüst van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam wil hierachter komen.

In het onderzoeksprogramma ME/CVS; Bron https://www.zonmw.nl/nl/programma/onder ... amma-mecvs wordt biomedisch onderzoek naar de oorzaken, diagnose en behandeling van ME/CVS gefinancierd. De eerste onderzoeken zijn in 2023 van start gegaan. In deze blogreeks; Bron https://www.zonmw.nl/nl/artikel/blogree ... zoek-beeld vertellen de onderzoekers meer over wat ze doen en wat hun onderzoek naar ME/CVS moet opleveren. Er verschijnt iedere maand een nieuwe blog, dit is de vijfde uit de reeks.

Veranderingen in de skeletspieren
Typische klachten bij ME/CVS patiënten, zoals vermoeidheid en spierpijn, worden doorgaans erger zodra de patiënt zich lichamelijk inspant. Dit heet post-exertionele malaise (PEM). De oorzaak hiervan is nog niet bekend. 'Aannemelijk is wel dat er iets verandert in de skeletspieren, het bloed, en mogelijk ook in de reactie van afweercellen', zegt spierfysioloog Rob Wüst van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Meer kennis hierover geeft richting aan het ontwikkelen van een passende behandeling.

'We denken dat de spierfunctie daadwerkelijk verandert bij mensen met ME/CVS. Mensen met hart- en longaandoeningen ondergaan bijvoorbeeld ook veranderingen in de skeletspieren en de stofwisseling. Vermoeidheid en concentratieverlies na inspanning zijn ook bekende symptomen bij deze aandoeningen, maar niet zo extreem als wat we zien bij ME/CVS. Mogelijk zijn deze symptomen niet bij alle ME/CVS patiënten in gelijke mate aanwezig, en spelen er bij PEM meer of andere stoffen mee. Daarom wil ik proberen uit te zoeken welke stoffen in de skeletspier en het bloed de vermoeidheidsklachten veroorzaken en welke specifiek zijn voor PEM.' Om dit te onderzoeken, ontving Wüst subsidie voor zijn project Adaptaties in de skeletspier en bloed tijdens post-exertionele malaise in patiënten met ME/CVS; Bron https://projecten.zonmw.nl/nl/project/a ... -met-mecvs

'We denken dat de spierfunctie daadwerkelijk verandert bij mensen met ME/CVS - Rob Wüst Projectleider, spierfysioloog en universitair docent bij de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam'

Skeletspier en bloed
'Zijn er stoffen in het bloed die de ernstige vermoeidheid bij PEM veroorzaken, of in de skeletspieren? Om dit te weten te komen is het nodig om informatie over de skeletspieren en het bloed van patiënten te verzamelen. We hebben ook toegang nodig tot de gegevens van genoeg gezonde personen, zodat we het uiterlijk van de spieren (skeletspier-fenotype) en de samenstelling van het bloed (bloed-fenotype) kunnen vergelijken met de patiënten met ME/CVS.

'Om een groot aantal gegevens mee te kunnen nemen in het onderzoek, maken we gebruik van de biobank van het Nederlandse ME/CVS Cohort en Biobank (NMCB); Bron https://projecten.zonmw.nl/nl/project/h ... rtium-nmcb Over ongeveer 2 maanden start het NMCB met patiënten en gezonde personen werven voor de biobank. Zelf gaan we ook patiënten en gezonde personen werven en de gegevens delen met de biobank. We zijn hier inmiddels mee begonnen en we hebben de eerste gegevens van 25 patiënten met ME/CVS verzameld.'

:arrow: Fietstest
'Om te weten wat de oorzaak is van vermoeidheidsklachten bij ME/CVS en ook specifiek bij PEM, vragen we patiënten langs te komen voor een inspannende fietstest. Met behulp van bloedmetingen en spierbiopten onderzoeken we of bepaalde stoffen in het bloed omhoog of omlaag zijn gegaan na inspanning. Het kan even duren voordat deze stoffen meetbaar zijn, want klachten van PEM kunnen ook pas na een dag ontstaan. Daar moeten we ook rekening mee houden. We willen patiënten met ME/CVS daarom vragen om een week voor de fietstest langs te komen voor de metingen, de dag van de fietstest en ook een dag erna. Dat geeft ons inzicht in het ontstaansmechanisme van PEM.'

'Ik realiseer me wel dat de fietstest een grote last kan zijn voor de patiënt met ME/CVS en meer klachten van PEM veroorzaakt. In overleg met 2 patiëntvertegenwoordigers maakten we daarom eerst nog een protocol. We vragen onszelf bij elke patiënt steeds af: weegt het hogere doel van het onderzoek en een beter begrip van de ziekte op tegen de persoonlijke inzet van de patiënt? Is het ethisch verantwoord om dit te vragen van mensen met ME/CVS? Mensen die ernstig ziek zijn, gaan we niet vragen om mee te doen aan dit type onderzoek.'

Ook post-COVID onderzoeken
'Omdat een virusinfectie aan de basis kan liggen van het ontstaan van PEM, willen we ook post-COVID patiënten meenemen in het onderzoek. Ook post-COVID patiënten ervaren klachten van PEM na inspanning. In eerder onderzoek van onze groep; Bron https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-44432-3 hebben we gezien dat er kleine stolsels - microstolsels - in het bloed circuleren bij post-COVID patiënten. Ook hebben deze patiënten een verlaagde energieproductie, wat waarschijnlijk de vermoeidheidsklachten veroorzaakt. De rol van de microstolsels is onbekend. We gaan dit verder onderzoeken, bij zowel patiënten met ME/CVS als post-COVID, met onze samenwerkingspartner in Zuid-Afrika. Zij voeren nu metingen uit op het verzamelde bloed van zowel de post-COVID patiënten als de eerste ME/CVS-patiënten. We kijken daarna of het aantal microstolsels toeneemt na inspanning, en misschien ook de grootte ervan. Wat doen deze microstolsels bij patiënten met post-COVID of ME/CVS? Na de zomer van 2024 verwachten we de eerste resultaten.'

Rol auto-immuniteit
'Behalve de veranderingen in de skeletspieren en het bloed, verwachten we ook dat we een ontregeld afweersysteem zien bij mensen met ME/CVS. Bij post-COVID patiënten hebben de collega’s in Zuid-Afrika gezien dat de microstolsels stoffen bevatten die het eigen lichaam aanvallen, ofwel auto-immuniteit. Ook in het bloed zijn patronen te zijn van auto-immuniteit, maar hoe dit samenhangt met de spierveranderingen weten we niet. Dit zal mogelijk ook het geval zijn bij mensen met ME/CVS, dat willen we nu onderzoeken. We verwachten lastenverlichting en de kwaliteit van leven te verhogen als we ook meer weten over de rol van het afweersysteem bij ME/CVS.'

'Zodra we zo'n biomarker of meerdere biomarkers gevonden hebben, is er hoop op een betere diagnose voor mensen met ME/CVS en klachten van PEM - Rob Wüst Projectleider, spierfysioloog en universitair hoofddocent bij de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam'

Aangrijpingspunt voor zoektocht
'Met zowel de analyse van de patiëntgegevens uit de biobank, als de fietstest in de praktijk, hopen we stoffen te ontdekken die de beperkte skeletspierfunctie bij ME/CVS-patiënten kunnen verklaren. Deze stoffen, die we hopelijk gaan zien bij (matig) zieke patiënten, zijn misschien ook aanwezig in het bloed van ernstig zieke patiënten vanuit de biobank. Deze groepen kunnen we met elkaar vergelijken. Dan hebben we een aangrijpingspunt voor een verdere zoektocht naar moleculen die op deze stoffen invloed uitoefenen. Deze meetbare moleculen noemen we ook wel biomarkers. Die zeggen iets over de veranderde spierfunctie en de ernst van de ziekte.

'Zodra we zo'n biomarker of meerdere biomarkers (een biomarkcluster) gevonden hebben, is er hoop op een betere diagnose voor mensen met ME/CVS en klachten van PEM. Ook kan er sneller een geschikte behandeling ontwikkeld worden, omdat de biomarkers meer inzicht geven in de oorzaak van de klachten. Dat kan als uitgangspunt dienen voor de zoektocht naar een medicijn. Wel zal het met name lastenverlichting geven.'

'Mijn interesse voor ME/CVS komt eigenlijk door de coronapandemie. Ik heb als spierfysioloog met eigen ogen gezien dat mensen niet goed hersteld zijn van een coronavirusinfectie. Daar wil je dan wat aan doen. Ook kregen we direct vragen van patiënten of we niet verder onderzoek wilden doen naar PEM bij ME/CVS. Daar zijn we vervolgens verder mee gegaan en dat heeft geleid tot dit onderzoek, dat we nu dankzij de ZonMw-subsidie kunnen uitvoeren.'..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Ma 05 Aug 2024, 16:45

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=490#p30521
Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/drrichardhorowitz/ 5 augustus 2024:..For more information, read my last few Substacks and stay tuned for this week's Medical Detective Substack. It will explain how to use lab testing in helping to establish a clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease. It will be released this Wed and you will want to share this with your healthcare provider, especially if they are confused as to how to properly test for Lyme and TBDs..
Ik ben benieuwd.. Het 16 point MSIDS model; Bron https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6316761/ noemt heel véél testen en laboratoria.
..2.4. Laboratory Testing
Analysis of MSIDS variables were conducted using blood testing from several national reference laboratories (Quest Diagnostics, Secaucus, NJ, USA; LabCorp, Burlington, NC, USA; BioReference, Elmwood Park, NJ, USA; Pacific Toxicology Laboratories, Chatsworth, CA, USA), local state laboratories (i.e., Sunrise Medical Laboratories, Hicksville, NY, USA; NorDx, Scarborough, ME, USA; Affiliated Laboratory Inc., Rutland, VT, USA, AccuReference Medical Lab, Wappingers Falls, NY, USA), specialty laboratories for tick-borne diseases (Imugen, Norwood, MA, IgeneX, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, Hamilton Township, NJ, USA; Stony Brook Lyme Disease Laboratory, Stony Brook, NY, USA; Milford Molecular Diagnostics, Milford, CT, USA; Galaxy diagnostics, Morrisville, NC, USA; Immunosciences Lab, Inc, Los Angeles, CA, USA), and functional medicine laboratories (Aeron Lifecycles Clinical Laboratory, San Leandro, CA, USA; Labrix Clinical Laboratory, Clackamas, OR, USA; Genova Diagnostics, Asheville, NC, USA; Great Plains, Lenexa, KS, USA; Diagnos-Tech, Kent, WA, USA; Doctor’s Data, St Charles, IL, RealTime Laboratory, Carrollton, TX, USA). More than one laboratory was used for each patient depending on laboratory capability, patient insurance, and availability in their home state (Galaxy diagnostics were not available in N.Y.).

Measurement of environmental toxins was done by both blood and urine testing. A urine DMSA challenge through Doctor’s Data was used to evaluate heavy metals (not just blood testing), since metals can leave the bloodstream and accumulate in tissues where they are no longer measurable, compartmentalizing in body tissues. DMSA effectively competes with tissue binding sites, releasing metals from sequestered sites, which then redistribute into the blood as a stable complex, and are then eliminated in the urine where they can be measured [109]. Patients were not tested with a DMSA challenge if there was evidence of significant sulfa sensitivity. Pesticide levels were measured by both blood (LabCorp) and urine analysis (PacTox Laboratories), and mold testing was done by urine analysis through the RealTime Laboratory in Texas, using liposomal glutathione (2 g) and sauna therapy prior to measurements [110]. G.I. evaluations included an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy if there was a history of GERD and/or colitis; H. pylori analysis was done by blood (and occasionally breath test, endoscopy); stool and microbiome analysis (bacteria, parasites, fungi) were done through both local laboratories and Genova/Metametrix. Liver function testing was done through local and national laboratories, with ultrasonography if NASH was suspected.

Testing for Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD) and food allergies included serum histamine, tryptase, chromogranin A, and IgE blood tests, respectively, (occasionally IgG4 delayed food allergy hypersensitivity testing was performed), when clinically indicated (MCAD can also be associated with POTS) [86]. Tilt table testing with or without small fiber biopsies and autonomic/electrodiagnostic testing (EMG) were done through private neurology and hospital settings (i.e., New York University). Sleep testing by polysomnography was done through Accusom (Novasom) home sleep testing (GlenBurnie, MD, USA) and in hospital settings with board certified pulmonary physicians (diplomates of the American Board of Sleep Medicine, Darien, IL, USA). A brief description of the tests and methods of evaluation for the 16 MSIDS variables appears on Table 1..

..'We can accurately classify the Lyme Status of an individual using the HMQ with an 87% accuracy'..?
The validation study for the Horowitz MSIDS Questionnaire (HMQ), proving that it is quite accurate, can be found below. It was done in 2017, and validated among 1,600 individuals in :arrow: three medical practices, who were both healthy and sick, i.e., suffering from chronic Lyme disease.
:arrow: Empirical Validation of the Horowitz Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome Questionnaire for Suspected Lyme Disease. Maryalice Citera*, Ph.D., Phyllis R. Freeman2, Ph.D., Richard I. Horowitz2, M.D., International Journal of General Medicine 2017:10 249–273 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28919803
https://www.dovepress.com/empirical-val ... ticle-IJGM

The results of a detailed statistical validation study by 2 Ph.D. psychologists at the State University of New Paltz showed that the Horowitz MSIDS Questionnaire (HMQ) showed convergent and divergent construct validity, as well as predictive validity. What does this mean? We can accurately classify the Lyme Status of an individual using the HMQ with an 87% accuracy. Compare that to standard two-tiered testing (STTT) using an ELISA and Western blot, which has an accuracy of about a coin flip i.e., 50%..
..'how to use the MSIDS Questionnaire (HMQ) to help diagnose Lyme disease..'?
..'information about Validation for This Questionnaire'..?
..'We can accurately classify the Lyme Status of an individual using the HMQ with an 87% accuracy'..?
..'Empirical Validation'..?

Is het gestelde juist? Empirisch onderzoek? De EliSpot-iSpot test en de Spirotest zijn na validatie onderzoek; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=430#p30228 onbetrouwbaar gebleken! De Nanotrap test is niet geschikt gebleken voor Europese Borrelia stammen!; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=450#p26499
.. :arrow: Methods
Study 1 examined the construct validity of the scale examining its factor structure and reliability of the questionnaire among 537 individuals being treated for Lyme disease. Study 2 involved an online sample of 999 participants, who self-identified as either healthy (N=217) or suffering from Lyme now (N=782) who completed the Horowitz MSIDS Questionnaire (HMQ) along with an outdoor activity survey. We examined convergent validity among components of the scale and evaluated discriminant validity with the Big Five personality characteristics. The third study compared a sample of 236 patients with confirmed Lyme disease with an online sample of 568 healthy individuals..

..Use a panel approach with indirect and direct tests to confirm a clinical diagnosis:
Indirect tests:
- C6 ELISA (preferred in European patients and US patients, as it includes B. afzelii, B. garinii, and B. burgdorferi).
- IgM and IgG Western blots (pay attention to Borrelia specific bands: 23 [OspC], 31 [OspA], 34 [OspB], 39, 83/93). These can be present with different Borrelia species.
- ELISpot, Lymphocyte Transformation Test (LTT)
- Spirotest (CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL19)

Direct tests:
Nanotrap (urine Ag testing with OspA)

Other testing: other Borrelia species (including relapsing fever, B. miyamotoi) can cause Lyme-like syndromes. Check antibodies, PCR
Check coinfection testing if there is a malaria-like illness (Babesia spp.), atypical skin rashes resembling “stretch marks” (Bartonella spp.), and/or severe atypical clinical manifestations (rule out rickettsia, Q-fever, tularemia)..

:arrow: We acknowledge and thank Sonja Siderias, LPN, Renee Nelson, Haley Moss Dillon, PhD, and our health care colleagues at Sojourns Community Health Clinic, Westminster, VT, USA, and Naturopathic Health Center, Southbury, CT, USA, for their assistance with our research. We would also like to thank Christina Covington for her help conducting a pre-test study and the SUNY New Paltz Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) for providing funding for that summer program. The authors thank Basant Puri and Sunny Duerr for their valuable statistics suggestions and the three anonymous reviewers of this article for their very helpful comments and recommendations..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 07 Aug 2024, 17:25

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=500#p30585

De inhoud van het nieuwe boek (NB: kost veel geld $199 is €196) van Gilbert - 'Borrelia burgdorferi Methods and Protocols' zal bij menigeen de wenkbrauwen kunnen doen fronsen; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 716-3561-2 en 'Table of contents (18 protocols)'; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 3561-2#toc

7 augustus 2024: Tezted (Finland) - Chapter 7 Revealed - Introducing CYTOSPOT: The Next Generation in Intracellular Cytokine Staining and Detection; Bron https://www.facebook.com/tickplex/
..Chapter 7 Revealed.
Introducing CYTOSPOT: The Next Generation in Intracellular Cytokine Staining and Detection

Leading researchers Luis Calderilla-Barbosa and Jose Luis Flores-Sevilla developed #CYTOSPOT, which represents a breakthrough in immunological assays.
#CYTOSPOT is an advanced intracellular staining technique designed for precise cytokine detection in individual cells using flow cytometry. This innovative approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of T-cell responses by measuring multiple parameters simultaneously - a significant step beyond the capabilities of traditional methods like LYMESPOT.

By applying this method after a short culture of cells, followed by fixation and permeabilization, CYTOSPOT excels in identifying immune responses to various stimuli, especially those related to #Lyme disease.

Dive into the details of our methodology and discover how #CYTOSPOT is setting a new standard for T-cell immune response evaluation in the face of diverse challenges..
..'Introducing CYTOSPOT: The Next Generation in Intracellular Cytokine Staining and Detection'..?
..'Leading researchers Luis Calderilla-Barbosa and Jose Luis Flores-Sevilla developed #CYTOSPOT, which represents a breakthrough in immunological assays'..?
..'a significant step beyond the capabilities of traditional methods like LYMESPOT'..?

Is het gestelde juist? Een 'doorbraak'? De introductie van een zogenoemde 'nieuwe test'? En weer een kostbare en niet-gevalideerde IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test?
De CytoSpot test van Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH(AID)/Genome Identication Diagnostics (GenID)?; Bron https://www.oxfordbiosystems.com/Portal ... erview.pdf

:arrow: Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH(AID)/Genome Identication Diagnostics (GenID) - Product and Service Overview 2023; Bron https://www.aid-diagnostika.com/fileadm ... ersion.pdf
..EliSpot/iSpot test CE-IVD
:arrow: Attention:
Due to the more restrictive regulations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the IVD label is not applicable for the U.S. American market and markets that apply respective FDA regulations. For the US, China and the countries that do not apply the European IVD directive AID Reader Systems are to be applied as RUO..

Luis Calderilla-Barbosa and Jose Luis Flores-Sevilla zijn van Sanoviv Medical Institute (Mexico) en een samenwerkende partner van Tezted (Finland).
De samenwerkende partner Sanoviv Medical Institute (Mexico) werkt al enige tijd met de niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test van Tezted (Finland) fabrikant! en er wordt veel geld verdiend.
Samenwerkende Laboratorium partners; Bron https://www.tezted.com/partners
1) Sanoviv Medical Centre - Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2023 - Tezted campaign; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNyiprYXdao
..As part of Tezted's campaign for Lyme Disease Awareness Month, we invited our partner diagnostic laboratories and clinics to share their vision for the future of Lyme patients and to leave us a message for them.
Sanoviv Medical Institute is a world-class healthcare facility specializing in chronic and degenerative diseases including Lyme Disease.
In this video, the multidisciplinary Sanoviv team of medical professionals, dietitians, and scientists illustrates the successful testing and treatments they use to assist people with Lyme disease.
The Sanoviv team sends a message of hope and encourages patients to be optimistic since improvements are possible..
..Laboratory Tests
Mycotoxin Panel (Qualitative Elisa Toxiplex)
2 Weeks at Sanoviv $21,500 USD.. Bron https://www.sanoviv.com/medical-program ... x-program/ en Bron https://www.sanoviv.com/protocolos/MedicalProgram.pdf

..Chronic Lyme Disease and associated Co-Infections
CD57 Count
Lyme Testing (if indicated by your doctor following treatment)..
Intussen staat er ook op de site; Bron https://www.sanoviv.com/medical-program ... t-program/ genoemd:
..Lymphocyte Panel
TICKPLEX® PLUS (Lyme & co-infections)..

Tezted (Finland) is fabrikant! en ArminLabs (Duitsland) is verkoper! van de kostbare (Basic: £120 is €140) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Basic test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (Plus: £585 is €686) en
:arrow: niet-gevalideerde TickPlex Plus test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test; en de kostbare (£232 is €270) en :arrow: niet-gevalideerde ToxiPlex test/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only test.
Bron https://www.tezted.com/tickplex-validation en Bron https://www.tezted.com/order-tickplex
..TICKPLEX is a CE and *IVD test..

Bron https://www.tezted.com/toxiplex

:arrow: Leer en lees meer; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30595 Na validatie onderzoek is de EliSpot/iSpot Lyme test (Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH (AID)/GenID) van ArminLabs (Duitsland) en de samenwerkende partner Infectolab Americas (Verenigde Staten) onbetrouwbaar gebleken!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 07 Aug 2024, 19:58

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=500#p30603
Bron https://nl-nl.facebook.com/drrichardhorowitz/ 7 augustus 2024:..One of the most frequent questions I get is about testing for Lyme disease. Taking a proper medical history (using the HMQ), doing a differential diagnosis, knowing which tests to order and how to interpret them, the Medical Detective can establish with high probability whether an infection with Borrelia is playing a role in the illness. Please share this with your HCP if they are confused about how to order and interpret testing for Lyme disease..

Medical Detective Substack - Let’s Talk About Testing for Lyme Disease, Part 2 - Blood Tests; Bron https://medicaldetective.substack.com/p ... lood-tests
..I recommend igenex.com lab in California, as my first line test, as they use several of the most common strains causing disease to improve their testing. And we have clinically validated their findings for more than 2 decades..

..even one specific Lyme band on an Immunoblot with a high score on the HMQ tells me you have been exposed to a Borrelia species..
..When Blood Tests Aren’t Enough
..*If you suspect exposure to tick-borne co-infections, I recommend a combination of antibody titers, PCR, and FISH (RNA) testing for the most common co-infections, especially Babesia (antibody testing for B. microti, B. duncani, and on occasion, B. odocoilei) and Bartonella species (Bartonella henselae, B. quintana, B. bacciliformis, B vinsonii subspecies, B. elizabethae, Bartonella koehlerae). In many cases, the FISH test (RNA) will be positive for Babesia and Bartonella when antibody and PCR testing are negative, so it’s important to perform a panel approach of different tests to prove exposure. Both IgeneX laboratory and T labs are reliable laboratories that do FISH testing. I’ll discuss the different species of Babesia and Bartonella and how to test for them, with an emphasis on the newest and most effective treatments in future Substacks.

*There are also indirect tests that can be positive for some of these co-infections, if the above tests are negative. One of the most common ones are lymphocyte transformation tests (LTTs), which rely on your memory T cells to prove you had prior exposure to one of these pathogens..
..More Clinical Advice for Confirming a Lyme Diagnosis
The specifics here should help your doctor order the correct tests for you.

I use a panel approach, as mentioned earlier. If I clinically suspect Lyme disease, because of a high Questionnaire score and specific symptoms (like migratory joint pain, migratory muscle pain and/or migratory nerve pain), there are indirect tests (measuring antibody production) and direct tests like those measuring DNA (PCR) or RNA (FISH) as well as antigens in the urine (Nanotrap test for the 31 kdA protein) or phage testing that can be used to confirm the clinical diagnosis.

Indirect testing that can be done on a panel approach (i.e., doing several tests one after the other, if one is negative) includes checking for Immunofluorescent Antibodies (IFA), an ELISA, C6 ELISA (which checks for 3 strains of Borrelia, not one, but also cross reacts with hard tick relapsing fever Borrelia, Borrelia miyamotoi), Lymphocyte transformation testing (LTT, ElispoT), and checking for immune activation (iSpot, Spirotest). You might find that one or two of these tests is negative in a panel approach, but the others can be positive, confirming your clinical suspicion of prior exposure.

I usually start with an ELISA from a local lab, but also do an IgeneX Lyme Immunoblot as first-line testing. In general, the IgeneX Immunoblot alone will be adequate in most cases to provide evidence that you have been exposed to a Borrelia species without a full panel approach. If you do both an IgM and IgG Lyme Immunoblot (remembering that a positive IgM Immunoblot is seen in both early and late disease, and is not a false positive), it is common for an Immunoblot to show evidence of at least one Borrelia specific band after exposure. This is where we play the game Lyme Bingo. Any one of the following bands, whether weakly positive or positive, proves exposure to a Borrelia species: the 23 kda (Outer Surface Protein, i.e., OspC), 31 kdA (Osp A), 34 kdA, 39 kdA (highly specific), and 83/93 kdA band. The 58kdA also has recently been shown to be positive in many cases of those with a chronic Lyme infection.

However, to prove an active infection, polymerase chain reactions (PCR) which looks for pieces of DNA of the organism, or RNA testing, called Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH), can be very useful. PCR testing is a good diagnostic tool you can use from a local laboratory, especially for those who continue to have symptoms but have negative blood tests, but it will only pick up the infection roughly 10% of the time. You’ll likely need multiple samples over time, and from different sources (blood, urine, tissue, spinal fluid, etc.), and these samples should be sent to a reputable specialty lab. Although there are doctors who claim that a positive PCR for Lyme disease can be found in the blood with ‘dead DNA’, debating whether there is in fact an active infection, most scientists do not share that view, as any abnormal DNA is usually cleared from our system within 48 hours. And to be clear, in other diseases, such as hepatitis, a positive PCR for hepatitis B or C in the blood is indicative of an active infection requiring treatment. Double standards are therefore not allowed here!

One lab that does a highly sensitive PCR, called a nested PCR, is Dr SH Lee’s lab in Connecticut. The advantage of this PCR test is that there are no inhibitors in the serum interfering with the results (although contamination is still potentially a problem with any lab doing PCR testing, which is why labs like Dr Lee’s enact such strict standards of care).

I find that many of my patients who are PCR negative are positive by FISH for Lyme, Babesia, and/or Bartonella when other tests are negative, because these tests can pick up miniscule amounts of genetic material, and don’t rely on antibody production. When I do my initial and follow-up screening for Babesia and Bartonella, I like to get a FISH test from the very beginning from IgeneX (and secondly from T Labs if negative), because when it is positive, it tells you that is it likely that this organism is going to be a major factor in driving chronic illness.

Remember, some people suffering from chronic Lyme disease and Bartonella do not make adequate antibodies, as their immune system has been adversely affected. They become immune deficient. In this case, FISH testing can be very helpful, as it can detect multiple species of the organism. Also, in patients who are immunodeficient on IVIG (IV Immunoglobulins), or SQIG (subcutaneous immunoglobulins) antibodies for tick-borne testing can be falsely positive because individuals are receiving pooled serum from the general population who have been exposed. A positive FISH test avoids that problem, since it indicates an active infection.

Other direct testing which can be helpful in establishing a clinical diagnosis includes the Nanotrap test (finding the 31 band, Osp A in the urine), phage testing (through Red Labs in Belgium), and culture testing. This has been a controversial method in the past due to issues with accuracy, but IgeneX has recently unveiled a new version.

The key to understand all of the lab testing for Lyme disease is that it’s used to confirm a clinical diagnosis, not the primary way we establish the diagnosis. Taking the Horowitz MSIDS Questionnaire (HMQ) and scoring it, reviewing questions 1 +22 for Babesia exposure, and seeing if you have migratory pain, ALONG with looking at the constellation of symptoms and doing a differential diagnosis, ruling out other diseases…then doing the above tests (especially looking for Borrelia specific bands on an IgM and/or IgG Lyme Immunoblot as a first line test) while checking for physical/dermatological signs of the disease, will allow you to confirm with a high level of clinical accuracy the diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease..
Is het gestelde juist? Met de kennis van nu en de verificatie van informatie roept dit de nodige vele vraagekens op!! En worden de (nieuwe) Lyme patiënten, de huisartsen, de medisch specialisten en de Lyme specialisten (wereldwijd) hiermee goed geholpen? Nee!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7913
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 07 Aug 2024, 20:14


..'.I recommend igenex.com lab in California'..?

IGeneX is een commercieel laboratorium in de V.S. met een *CLIA licence.

Meer informatie over CLIA (US Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments); Bron https://www.cdc.gov/clia/index.html
Is *CLIA the same as **ISO 15189?; Bron https://www.imsm.com/gb/blogs/why-is-is ... important/
..Laboratory testing is incredibly important in the delivery of information-based healthcare outcomes - this is incredibly important in a world where decisions need to be driven by facts, science and data. Any medical laboratory that wants to deliver clinically relevant results that meet the highest ethical standards should become **ISO 15189 accredited..
..Is CLIA the same as ISO 15189?
Accreditation to the ISO 15189 standard does not meet US Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) requirements and cannot replace a CLIA-based accreditation for laboratories in the United States..

ISO 15189 en ISO 13485
De norm ISO 15189 en ISO 13485 zijn verschillende normen. De ISO 13485 norm is gericht op de hele keten van een medisch hulpmiddel. Dat wil zeggen dat het betrekking heeft op de totale levenscyclus van zo’n hulpmiddel. In de norm ligt de nadruk voornamelijk op risicomanagement. Het doel van de ISO 13485 norm is toetsen of de medische hulpmiddelen voldoen aan de norm-eisen en of er zodoende rekening wordt houden met risicomanagement van de gehele keten. De norm is geschikt voor elke organisatie - groot en klein - die medische hulpmiddelen fabriceert en/of levert op de Europese markt.

De **ISO 15189 norm betreft eisen voor kwaliteit én competentie en is een internationale norm die de eisen van het kwaliteits-managementsysteem specificeert die specifiek zijn voor medische laboratoria.
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

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