16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amsterdam

Voor nieuws, actualiteiten en acties specifiek over Lyme-Borreliose.
Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 14 Aug 2024, 19:38

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=510#p30616

Evenementen - Deutsche Borreliose-Gesellschaft (DBG): 4 - 5 oktober 2024 France, Margny-lès-Compiègne: 4th European Crypto-Infections Conference: Chronic Conditions & Post Infectious Syndromes Induced By Infections Such as Lyme Borreliosis and Long Covid
Current Status - Future Directions; Bron https://www.borreliose-gesellschaft.de/?Veranstaltungen

Agenda; Bron https://www.borreliose-gesellschaft.de/ ... ISH%20.pdf
....Face-to-face for healthcare professionals. Online for healthcare professionals, patients and the public..

..4 oktober 2024: 11:20 Options for the Treatment of Long Lyme - Dr John (Jack) Lambert..

..5 oktober 2024: 9:10 Long COVID - Review Of Long COVID, Similarities With Long Lyme - Dr John (Jack) Lambert

De arts van Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) (Dublin) werkt met de kostbare supplementen van 'Just Herbs Europe' (Scotland Edinburgh; Bron https://www.just-herbs.co.uk/ en Events; Bron https://www.just-herbs.co.uk/blogs/conf ... brid-event en Bron https://www.just-herbs.co.uk/blogs/conf ... conditions ) zie video en slides van 14 maart 2023. The Academy of Nutritional Medicine (AONM)/ArminLabs (Duitsland) - Dinsdag 14 maart 2023 om 19:00 UTC - Dr Lambert Long Covid from a Clinical Perspective - Follow Up Q&As; Bron https://aonm.org/view-past-webinars/ en Bron https://aonm.org/long-covid-webinar-series/ en :arrow: Slides; Bron https://aonm.org/wp-content/uploads/202 ... ive-lr.pdf
Follow up Q&A (vragen & antwoorden); Bron https://aonm.org/wp-content/uploads/202 ... ective.pdf

Zullen de (nieuwe) Lyme/chronische Lyme/neuroborreliose/Post-lymeziektesyndroom/Long Lyme patiënten én de (nieuwe) Long Covid/Post-Covid-syndroom (PCS) patiënten kunnen gaan verbeteren, herstellen of genezen met natuurlijke behandelingen als de genoemde supplementen ( :arrow: zie Slides!)? Nee!

De arts werkt met de kostbare en niet-gevalideerde/IVD ('in-huis ontwikkelde test')/RUO Research Use Only testen van collega Tezted (Finland) fabrikant!; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=510#p30616 en denken zij in samenwerking met de Publicatie van 25 juli 2024; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/13/8/693 bewijs te kunnen leveren? En daarmee de medische én de wetenschappelijke wereld (wereldwijd) te kunnen overtuigen?; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=490#p30551

Gilbert van Tezted (Finland) fabrikant! en Lambert van Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) Dublin (Ierland) en de Reviewer 1; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/13/8/693/review_report werken samen in de 'Advisory Panel' van AONM; Bron https://aonm.org/about/

Er wordt reeds jarenlang samengewerkt! Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) conferentie 14 september 2019 Dublin - 'Tick-borne Disease Diagnostics: The Good the Bad and the Ugly - Dr. Leona Gilbert'; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNqk3HNHUTc

In een kritisch artikel van de wetenschapsjournalist Schneider van 14 februari 2023 - Chronic Lymerics (Tezted Finland); Bron https://forbetterscience.com/2023/02/14 ... xcellence/ is opmerkelijke informatie genoemd dat goed is te verifiëren.
MDPI - Special Issue Information van de gast auteurs L.G en J.L; Bron https://www.mdpi.com/si/microorganisms/94X32914N7
..Dear Colleagues,
Recently, it was reported that the estimated rate of global Borrelia burgdorferi seropositivity is at 1.2 billion people, and that tick-borne diseases are on the rise. In some countries, tick-borne diseases are not recognized as major health issues, and cases are not officially reported. In addition, in a field of polarized conversation with respect to Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Debilitating Symptom Complexes Attributed To Ticks (DSCATT), or Chronic Lyme (CL), research-based evidence should be allowed to take a place in the narrative. To circumvent the rise in tick-borne disease cases, it is imperative that emerging research in tick-borne pathogens and diseases becomes a focus for many stakeholders and receives the attention it deserves. This Special Issue, entitled “Emerging Research on Tick-Borne Pathogens and Diseases”, seeks the submission of original research papers and comprehensive reviews to create a more inclusive account. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide cutting-edge research that will improve awareness of tick-borne diseases, with the hope that basic research in this area will allow actionable clinical studies to improve awareness and patient outcomes..
..Now Tezted sells also tests for molds and COVID-19..

..He previously advertised for Tezted product Tickplex e.g.:

O’Loughlin S; Avramovic G; Lambert JS (2019) 'The use of TickPlex Plus in diagnosing Lyme Disease: A comparison to the standard testing methods'. In Irish Journal of Medical Science doi: 10.1007/s11845-019-02130-4; Bron https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 19-02130-4

It was an abstract for the Summer Student Research Awards 2019 at the UCD School of Medicine.

In short, L.G and J.L are the perfect team to run an MDPI special issue.

Reimer told me this: “It’s sad to see MDPI provide a platform for the pseudo-scientific side in the Lyme wars.“..

Het reeds in 2019 aanprijzen van de niet-gevalideerde TickPlex test..
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -)
Volume 188, supplement issue 11, December 2019; Bron https://link.springer.com/journal/11845 ... supplement
Publicatie 22 november 2019
Study - 'The use of TickPlex Plus in diagnosing Lyme Disease: A comparison to the standard testing methods' by O’Loughlin S1, Avramovic G2, Lambert JS1, 2
1 UCD School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
2 Department of Infectious Disease, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, University College Dublin, Eccles St, Dublin 7, Ireland.
..Standard testing (ST) for Lyme disease (LD) targets the spirochete form of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. This study aims to compare ST to a new testing platform, *the Tickplex plus (TPP), which tests for spirochetes, round bodies and co-infections. This study will assess if this broader scope of testing improves the diagnosis of persistent LD.
For this cross-sectional study a chart review was performed of 216 charts, with 28 participants deemed eligible. Results from the TTP, ST, self-reported symptom scores and blood tests were extracted. Descriptive statistical analysis, Cohen’s kappa and paired t-tests were used to compare results.
There was a 39.29% agreement between TPP and ST (Cohen’s k: 0.1119). No participants received positive results on ST and negative results on TPP. 59% tested positively on TPP but not ST. 22% tested positively on both TPP and ST. 19% received negative results from both tests. All groups improved with treatment but this was not statiscially significant (p=0.765, p=0.251 p= 0.640). 90% of all participants tested positively for co-infections. 60% of participants with negative results for LD, tested positively for co-infections. 100% of those who tested positively for Borrelia, responded to round bodies, while 75% responded to spirochetes.
As round bodies are associated with persistent infection 1 and co-infections are common in Ireland 2 , their prevalence is unsurprising but unaccounted for by ST. The TPP demonstrates the importance of their inclusion in a comprehensive assay for the diagnosis and management of persistent LD. Further research with a larger sample size is warranted.
1. Garg, K., et al., Evaluating polymicrobial immune responses in patients suffering from tick-borne diseases. Sci Rep, 2018. 8(1): p. 15932.
2. Zintl, A., et al., Ticks and Tick-borne diseases in Ireland. Ir Vet J, 2017. 70: p. 4.
Presenting Author: Sarah O'Loughlin
Supervisor: Prof John Lambert
Co-Supervisor: Ms Gordana Avramovic..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Do 15 Aug 2024, 15:24

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=340#p30016 en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=400#p30177

De inhoud van het nieuwe boek (NB: kost veel geld $199 is €196; eBook €149) van Gilbert - 'Borrelia burgdorferi Methods and Protocols' zal bij menigeen de wenkbrauwen kunnen doen fronsen; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 716-3561-2 en 'Table of contents (18 protocols)'; Bron https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/ ... 3561-2#toc

14 augustus 2024: Tezted (Finland) - Chapter 8 Revealed ( :arrow: wordt herhaald; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=400#p30177 ..); Bron https://www.facebook.com/tickplex/
..Chapter 8 Revealed.
Revolutionizing Lyme Disease Diagnosis: The Power of Borrelia Phages
Researchers Jinyu Shan, Ying Jia, and Tatjana Mijatovic are pioneering the fight against tick-borne infections with a new potential diagnostic approach: Borrelia-specific phages.

Using the accuracy of real-time PCR, the method targets circulating bacteriophage DNA, allowing a direct detection of Borrelia that is much better than traditional PCR tests.

Why phages? These viruses, which are intimately linked to their bacterial hosts, are usually more abundant in the blood, thus enabling a higher rate of detection. Plus, they can distinguish between different Lyme and Relapsing Fever-causing Borrelia strains, ensuring accurate diagnosis from early to late stages..
..'Revolutionizing Lyme Disease Diagnosis: The Power of Borrelia Phages'..?
..'Why phages? These viruses, which are intimately linked to their bacterial hosts, are usually more abundant in the blood, thus enabling a higher rate of detection. Plus, they can distinguish between different Lyme and Relapsing Fever-causing Borrelia strains, ensuring accurate diagnosis from early to late stages'..?

Is het gestelde juist?
:arrow: Met de kostbare experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test (Red Laboratories - België) kan géén diagnose Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l) en of B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever worden gesteld!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 20 Aug 2024, 18:46

In herinnering..
20 oktober 2022: 'Proefschrift M.E Baarsma: Lymeziekte | Ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek en klinische aspecten' Hoofdstukken 11 en 13; Bron https://dare.uva.nl/search?field1=keywo ... startDoc=2
Chapter 13: Dutch summary | Nederlandstalige samenvatting
..Het laatste hoofdstuk van dit proefschrift (Algemene Discussie/General Discussion) reflecteert op de vele eigenschappen van de voorgenoemde studies. Ik zal twee belangrijke overwegingen noemen in deze samenvatting. Ten eerste zou ik willen betogen dat het belangrijk is om het werk aan verbeterde diagnostische tests voor LB voort te zetten. Mijn onderzoek op dit gebied - onderzoek dat ik niet had kunnen doen zonder de hulp van zovele collega’s - geeft enkele aanknopingspunten voor verbeterde diagnostiek van LB, maar het heeft niet het wondermiddel opgeleverd voor de problemen die er op dit vlak bestaan. Er is dringend behoefte aan verder onderzoek in de vorm van zorgvuldig opgezette en uitgevoerde studies naar een variatie aan veelbelovende diagnostische technieken. De hoofdfocus van deze onderzoeken moet wat mij betreft liggen op het vinden van een test die LB zo snel mogelijk na de infectie kan vaststellen en die een onderscheid kan maken tussen een huidige en genezen infectie.

Het tweede punt betreft het concept ziekte, specifiek voor wat persisterende LB-geassocieerde symptomen betreft. Ik bespreek verschillende historische voorbeelden en twee filosofische perspectieven op het concept ‘diagnose’. Ik beargumenteer vervolgens dat onze definities van ziekte en gezondheid niet uit steen gehouwen zijn, maar afhankelijk zijn van huidige wetenschappelijke kennis en maatschappelijke overtuigingen. Ik betoog verder welke belangrijke impact een diagnostisch labelof het gebrek daaraan – kan hebben op een patiënt. Deze overwegingen kunnen ons helpen bij onze benaderingen van persisterende LB-geassocieerde symptomen en de mensen die daaraan lijden, ongeacht de oorzaak van hun ziekteverschijnselen..

Een nieuw interessant Review artikel!..

Oxford Academic Journal
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Volume 230, Issue Supplement_1, 15 August 2024, Pages S62-S69
Publicatie 14 augustus 2024
Review - Journal Article: 'Persistent Symptoms After Lyme Disease: Clinical Characteristics, Predictors, and Classification' by M E Baarsma, Joppe W Hovius Bron https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39140720/ en Bron https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/23 ... ogin=false
Persistent symptoms after an infection have been described for a number of infectious diseases, including Lyme disease. Studies have confirmed a moderate but consistent increase in the prevalence of such symptoms after Lyme disease, though the risk increase varies dependent on study design and the definition of persistent symptoms. Various possible predictors have been proposed, including a dysregulation of the immune system, metabolic changes, increased sensitization to pain signals, cognitive-behavioral factors, or-controversially-the persistence of the causative Borrelia bacteria or remnants thereof. Research on the precise roles of any of these factors is still ongoing.

The lack of biological underpinning also makes it difficult to assess with certainty which patients’ (generally nonspecific) persistent symptoms are etiologically related to the previous Lyme disease episode and which are not, particularly as these symptoms occur in the general population relatively frequently. The diagnostic criteria for posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome have shown their usefulness in both clinical and research settings but leave out a number of patients whose symptoms may fall just outside said criteria. Though the relationship between these symptoms and the previous Lyme disease episode may be very uncertain, we would argue that a uniform description and classification of these patients will aid in future research and patient management, regardless of the eventual underlying cause.

Thus, we argue for an inclusive classification system for all persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease in order to promote validation of patient experiences and perspectives, while also maintaining scientific nuance regarding the very uncertain etiology of these patients’ symptoms..

..In any given year, the average human being will go through several infections. Some of these infections will pass asymptomatically, others may give a mild cough or some loose stools, and yet others might lead to severe illness or death. Unfortunately, eradication of the infectious agent is not always the end of all troubles. Persistent symptoms after an infection have been described for an array of pathogens, such as Epstein-Barr virus, Coxiella burnetii, and more recently, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [1].

Persistent symptoms also occur after an episode of Lyme disease (LD) [2, 3]. The literature provides a wide array of persistent systemic symptoms that are attributed to a prior LD episode, including fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, and cognitive difficulties, to name a few [4]. In an attempt to better classify these symptoms, guidelines have recognized posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) as a separate diagnostic entity [5]. Its most commonly accepted diagnostic criteria are derived from the 2006 guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America [4] (Table 1)..

..Importantly, PTLDS as a diagnosis does not cover all persistent symptoms after a confirmed LD episode. Some patients may have persistent inflammation of a joint after treatment, so-called postantibiotic Lyme arthritis [3]. Others may have symptoms caused by residual damage to nerves, joints, or the skin after an LD manifestation at those sites [3]. While rare, cases of persistent Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato infection after recommended antibiotic treatment have been described, specifically in those patients whose objective LD manifestations do not subside after treatment [3]. Finally, it is important to note that the definition of PTLDS does not cover systemic symptoms other than the 3 core symptoms mentioned in Table 1, symptoms lasting <6 months, or those that do not sufficiently impact daily functioning. It neither covers symptoms that are attributed to LD in some other way, for example, because they occurred after an undocumented or dubious LD episode, or occurred after a tick bite without subsequent LD manifestation..

..As we mentioned earlier, some patients may have symptoms other than the core 3 mentioned in Table 1 or symptoms that subside after 5 months. Others may have persistent symptoms that occur after an undocumented LD episode, or after a tick bite without subsequent LD manifestation. Given the frequent occurrence of nonspecific persistent symptoms in the general population and an ever more tangential connection to a prior LD episode, we would argue that the likelihood that these patients have a problem that is attributable to LD decreases very quickly, but that it is not zero. Such patients may report to LD expertise centers for analysis [35–45] or may self-identify as a chronic Lyme patient [46–49], and doing so, form a part of the “Lyme community,” irrespective of whether their symptoms are the result of a Borrelia infection, based on current medical science..

..In that respect, it could be beneficial to have an inclusive labeling system that includes all symptoms attributed to LD. This would contribute to the inclusion of a fuller spectrum of patients for research purposes and a uniform classification of such patients. Similar initiatives have occurred with respect to other difficult-to-define illnesses. Guidelines on fibromyalgia have moved away from requiring tender-point count, and guidelines for chronic fatigue syndrome have also become more comprehensive [50–52]. Both guidelines explicitly mention their applicability for research purposes. Similarly, researchers studying hyperemesis gravidarum observed that there was no fixed disease definition in studies [53], hampering comparability between them, and have since completed a Delphi project to resolve these issues [54]. A recent study by Pagen and colleagues identified an identical problem with respect to persistent symptoms after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [55]. They assessed 6 definitions of post-COVID-19 and showed that these definitions directly influenced the accompanying prevalence in their study population [55].

But a classification system and accompanying label does much more than merely enable researchers to “speak the same language.” For one, a diagnostic label gives the patient a term to use when speaking about their illness. Not only is this practical, it also gives a certain validity to that illness [56]. No longer is the illness merely a subjective feeling of the patient, it now has a name that is recognized by an authoritative source (the doctor). A label (diagnosis) frequently serves the starting point for treatment and gives a certain expectation about the future (prognosis). Finally, it opens the door to many formal and informal societal advantages [56]. It allows one to take time off from work, to receive certain insurance payouts, or just to not do the dishes today. To the patient, a label is much more than just the answer to a clinical riddle.

We would argue that researchers and physicians should promote efforts to create inclusive labeling for persistent symptoms after LD, while also being mindful of its pitfalls. One should not forget a thorough differential diagnosis when classifying certain symptoms as “attributed to LD,” or risk missing a potentially serious or treatable condition. This caveat is further accentuated by findings from previous studies, which have found considerable numbers of alternative diagnoses in patients referred to LD expertise centers [35–41, 44]. An inclusive classification system does not mean that “symptoms attributed to LD” are the same as Lyme disease itself. Inclusive labeling does not imply that we should currently initiate prolonged courses of antibiotics or treatment with immunomodulatory medications for these symptoms, as such treatments have not yet been shown to be effective in high-quality studies. Coming from a biopsychosocial perspective [57], we would argue it would also be prudent to include studies on rehabilitation therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy as potential strategies for supportive care for persistent symptoms after LD.

We are cognizant of the argument of some patient advocates that studies on nonbiological mechanisms or treatments without direct biological targets distract from truly important research priorities or are even disrespectful to patients. While we understand where this is coming from, we consider it unethical to withhold potentially efficacious therapies from patients who are suffering today. Research on potential biological origins of persistent symptoms after LD should continue, but we should not ignore avenues to improve patients’ lives by fixating on one part of the biopsychosocial model and ignoring the other two.

Some might argue that inclusive labeling inherently promotes a certain definition creep, because it promotes the association between certain nonspecific symptoms and LD. However, we would counter that patients and the public are already abundantly making such associations. In that respect, a tailor-made inclusive labeling system would promote validation of patient experiences and perspectives, while also maintaining scientific nuance regarding the very uncertain etiology of these patients’ symptoms. Foremost, however, it would enable the inclusion and uniform classification of patients with symptoms that fall (just) outside the criteria for PTLDS but that are attributed to LD in some way. We put forward that, especially in specialized, academic LD centers, discussing these nuances and considerations would be beneficial for both physicians and patients..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 21 Aug 2024, 14:54

..As we mentioned earlier, some patients may have symptoms other than the core 3 mentioned in Table 1 or symptoms that subside after 5 months. Others may have persistent symptoms that occur after an undocumented LD episode, or after a tick bite without subsequent LD manifestation. Given the frequent occurrence of nonspecific persistent symptoms in the general population and an ever more tangential connection to a prior LD episode, we would argue that the likelihood that these patients have a problem that is attributable to LD decreases very quickly, but that it is not zero. Such patients may report to LD expertise centers for analysis [35–45] or may self-identify as a chronic Lyme patient [46–49], and doing so, form a part of the “Lyme community,” irrespective of whether their symptoms are the result of a Borrelia infection, based on current medical science..
Er worden punten genoemd die goed zijn om eens over na te gaan denken..

Waar moeten de (nieuwe) Lyme patiënten of chronische Lyme patiënten of andere (zoekende, hoopvolle of wanhopige) zieke mensen goed op letten? Lees en leer meer; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30574

De Lymevereniging omarmt vanaf 2018 allerlei omstreden alternatieve/holistische behandelingen (bijvoorbeeld algemeen bestuurslid; Bron https://lymevereniging.nl/potentieel-be ... e-verrips/ ..'Na mijn 1e stamcelbehandeling knapte ik steeds meer op en kon ik er af en toe een project naast doen. Na mijn laatste behandeling bij Patrik Beaumont was ik volledig genezen, waar ik tot op de dag van vandaag ontzettend dankbaar voor ben'..). En omarmt allerlei na validatie onbetrouwbaar gebleken testen, en of allerlei niet-gevalideerde testen van commerciële laboratoria in Nederland of in het buitenland!

:arrow: Hiermee worden de (nieuwe) Lyme patiënten in Nederland absoluut niet goed geholpen! Ter verificatie; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=480#p30480 en ter verificatie; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=480#p30481

Door de Lymevereniging werd genoemd een platform te zijn voor: 'zelf behandelingen', niet-reguliere behandelingen, bioresonantie, behandelingen in het buitenland' 19 april 2018 'A Brand New Day' - presentatie kandidaat-bestuursleden; Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDAXNq6nbXA vanaf 4.20 minuten.

Met de kennis van nu.. rijzen er vragen: uit de Enquête 2016 van de Lymevereniging (onder 661 leden) blijkt: gebruikte testen LTT (25%) en CD57 (15%). Dat percentage is door de jaren heen zeker veel hoger geworden.
Hoeveel leden-mensen van de Lymevereniging en hoeveel mensen die de particuliere initiatieven de 'Survey 2016 (258 deelnemers) en de Survey 2017' (316 patiënten) hebben ingevuld en of mee hebben gewerkt aan MyLymeData/Nederlandse Lyme Monitor 2019 (1.657deelnemers) van de Lymevereniging; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=290#p29876 hebben een juist gestelde diagnose (chronische) Lyme of neuroborreliose gekregen?
Bij bijna 200 deelnemers is de diagnose door een andere zorgverlener gesteld niet bij een Lyme arts maar door zorgverleners/therapeuten uit de alternatieve hoek? Uit het Nederlandse rapport blijkt tevens niet hoe de diagnose Lyme bij de overige 1.457 deelnemers is gesteld; door de huisarts, medisch specialist in het ziekenhuis, Lyme specialist in het ziekenhuis of in de Lyme centra, AVIG Lyme arts, natuurarts, therapeut, Ilads arts in Nederland of in het buitenland (Duitsland, V.S, België, Frankrijk)?

Kunnen het Amerikaanse rapport; Bron https://www.lymedisease.org/2019-mylyme ... lights.pdf en het Nederlandse rapport; Bron https://lymevereniging.nl/wp-content/up ... r-2019.pdf met elkaar worden vergeleken? Nee!

En hoeveel leden-mensen van de Lymevereniging zijn goed verbeterd, hersteld of genezen met kostbare en of kostbare experimentele behandelingen bij de Ilads artsen in Nederland of in het buitenland of bij natuurartsen of therapeuten?

Conclusie & wake-up call: duidelijk is intussen dat de door de Lymevereniging, Stichting Lymefonds/het Lymefonds en Stichting Tekenbeetziekten aangehangen; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=190#p29443 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=230#p29628 verschillende :arrow: zogenoemde 'Lyme-helden' Ilads Lyme artsen in Nederland en in het buitenland en de aangehangen commerciële laboratoria en zogenoemde :arrow: 'Nederlandse vrienden van Tezted (Finland)'; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=200#p29478 in het buitenland de laatste tijd meer en meer :arrow: door het ijs zijn gaan zakken!!!; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=220#p29589 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=220#p29590

En dit was voor mij een Wake-up call: als geteste patiënt (volgens de uitslagen: Borreliose, 7 coinfecties, erg lage waarde Natural Killer Cells, erg lage waarde CD57 NK-cells --> conclusie: Chronische Lyme) bij voorheen: BCA Duitsland/BCA Lab (InfectoLab) heden: ArminLabs (Duitsland) ben ik nog steeds 'not-amused' dat de cellulaire testen jarenlang zijn aangeraden door de Lymevereniging en Stichting Tekenbeetziekten. Ik vertrouwde er toen ook op dat de door de patiëntenorganisaties verstrekte informatie goed was! Helaas zijn mijn toenmalige AVIG Lyme arts (reguliere en complementaire werkwijze én samenwerking met BCA Duitsland (heden: ArminLabs Duitsland voorheen: BCA Duitsland/BCA Lab (InfectoLab)) van de Werkgroep Lyme en/of coinfecties en ik er ook ingetuind.

In het verleden was ik vaak gebeten door teken en nimfen en had ik ACA's (is bewijs voor een late of chronische Lyme-infectie; Bron https://www.tekenbeetziekten.nl/de-teek ... troficans/ en blz.14; Bron https://www.tekenbeetziekten.nl/site/as ... e_loep.pdf) en rashes (rode strepen) op het lichaam gekregen. Ik heb herinfecties (nieuwe nimfen beten) met EM (rode kring) gehad. Verschillende huisartsen herkenden dit niet en namen het niet serieus.
Op basis van de teken en de nimfen beten, de ACA's, rashes en EM, de ziekte geschiedenis en het ziekteverloop heeft een nieuwe huisarts op een gegeven moment alsnog de klinische diagnose van de ziekte van Lyme gesteld en bevestigd. Maar dit was jaren te laat met alle gevolgen van dien!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Wo 21 Aug 2024, 20:16

..We would argue that researchers and physicians should promote efforts to create inclusive labeling for persistent symptoms after LD, while also being mindful of its pitfalls. One should not forget a thorough differential diagnosis when classifying certain symptoms as “attributed to LD,” or risk missing a potentially serious or treatable condition. This caveat is further accentuated by findings from previous studies, which have found considerable numbers of alternative diagnoses in patients referred to LD expertise centers [35–41, 44]. An inclusive classification system does not mean that “symptoms attributed to LD” are the same as Lyme disease itself. Inclusive labeling does not imply that we should currently initiate prolonged courses of antibiotics or treatment with immunomodulatory medications for these symptoms, as such treatments have not yet been shown to be effective in high-quality studies. Coming from a biopsychosocial perspective [57], we would argue it would also be prudent to include studies on rehabilitation therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy as potential strategies for supportive care for persistent symptoms after LD..
Er worden punten genoemd (als onder andere het risico lopen een potentieel andere onderliggende ernstige of behandelbare aandoening/ziekte te missen) die goed zijn om eens over na te gaan denken..

In herinnering..
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Publicatie 16 maart 2024
Open acces article - 'Evaluation and 1-year follow-up of patients presenting at a Lyme borreliosis expertise centre: a prospective cohort study with validated questionnaires' by F R van de Schoor, M E Baarsma, S A Gauw, J Ursinus, H D Vrijmoeth, H J M Ter Hofstede, A D Tulen, M G Harms, A Wong, C C van den Wijngaard, L A B Joosten, J W Hovius, B J Kullberg; Bron https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 24-04770-6 en Bron https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38492058/ en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=430#p30227
..For investigational purposes, a baseline sample was obtained for serological and :arrow: cellular tests from all patients (more details are provided in the supplementary materials)..

..Baseline characteristics and classification
..The majority of patients had received a positive serological test result for LB at some point in the past (77/123, 62.6%). There were 22 patients (17.9%) who had previously sought out :arrow: a non-recommended diagnostic test for LB, such as cellular tests (n = 8), live-blood analysis (n = 2), CD57 + measurement (n = 2), bioresonance (n = 4), and VEGA tests (n = 3). :arrow: Table S2; Bron https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 0-6#MOESM1 shows the reactivity of serological and cellular tests for this cohort of patients at baseline. Cellular tests had more missing data due to invalid test results or test samples that were not processed because of shipment delays [26].

Twenty-six patients (21.1%) were classified as having PTLBS or residual damage. Another 26 patients (21.1%) were classified as having another diagnosis (e.g., multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, type 2 diabetes, HLA-B27-associated spondyloarthritis, or erythema annulare). No diagnosis was made for the remaining 71 patients (57.7%) (Table 1)..

..Patient involvement
Patient representatives were involved in the study design (e.g., the selection of cellular tests) and have commented on the final version of this manuscript. Patient representatives were not involved as study participants..

Part of the Lancet Discovery Science
Publicatie 27 novemer 2023
Article - 'Determinants of persistent symptoms after treatment for Lyme borreliosis: a prospective observational cohort study' by Hedwig D. Vrijmoeth, Jeanine Ursinus, Margriet G. Harms, Anna D. Tulen, M.E. Baarsma, Freek R. van de Schoor, Stefanie A. Gauw, Tizza P. Zomer, Yolande M. Vermeeren, José A. Ferreira, Hein Sprong, Kristin Kremer, Hans Knoop, Leo A.B. Joosten, Bart Jan Kullberg, Joppe W. Hovius, Cees C. van den Wijngaard; Bron https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... ?via=ihub= en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=320#p29940
..In a subset of patients, three pre-market and :arrow: commercial cellular tests were performed, including the Spirofind Revised (Oxford Immunotec, Oxford, UK), the Lyme iSpot (Autoimmun Diagnostika, Strassberg, Germany), and LTT-MELISA (InVitaLab, Neuss, Germany). The latter two are commercially available and were performed at facilities of their respective manufacturers in Germany.21..

BMC Primary Care
Publicatie 2 juni 2022
Open Access - 'Knowing the entire story – a focus group study on patient experiences with chronic Lyme-associated symptoms (chronic Lyme disease)' by M.E. Baarsma, S.A. Claassen, H.E. van der Horst, J.W. Hovius & J.M. Sanders; Bron https://bmcprimcare.biomedcentral.com/a ... 22-01736-5 en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=920#p28577
..Participants also mentioned seeking healthcare options outside the context of regular medical practice. They indicated that they sought out these complementary or alternative medical (CAM) practices in part because it gave them some control over their situation after being disappointed by regular medical professionals..

En zijn medische omzwervingen verstandig? Nee!; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=420#p30218

:arrow: De gevolgen voor de (geteste en te testen) patiënten zijn: een onjuiste testuitslag, een gemiste diagnose, een verkeerd gestelde diagnose, een verkeerde voorgeschreven behandeling, veroorzaakte (blijvende) schade aan de gezondheid.

Conclusie & wake-up call: Veel mensen-patiënten zijn jarenlang(!) en worden tot op heden nog steeds misleid! Patiënten moeten beter leren om zich zélf ook goed in de materie te leren verdiepen en hetgeen dat wordt gepromoot & geadviseerd door anderen (patiëntenorganisaties, patiënten, 'activistische Lyme organisaties&groepen', Ilads Lyme&me/cvs artsen, AVIG Lyme artsen, natuurartsen, therapeuten en behandelaars in privé-klinieken) goed te verifiëren en daarmee het risico te vermijden om ergens (onwetend, in goed vertrouwen, naïef, 'blind') achter aan te gaan lopen of achter zogenoemde op een voetstuk geplaatste 'Lyme-helden' aan te gaan lopen.
Gezondheid is een kostbaar bezit. Een verkeerd gestelde diagnose of een verkeerde experimentele behandeling kan érg schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid. Patiënten kunnen als gevolg van de behandeling ernstige langdurige (of blijvende) klachten (neurologische en of psychische) krijgen en of blijvende schade aan de darmen en de werking van het afweersysteem (immuunsysteem) krijgen. Mensen worden in dat geval niet beter maar zieker!
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Zo 25 Aug 2024, 17:44

Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=510#p30615 en vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=510#p30608

Successful Diagnosis and Treatment of Borrelia miyamotoi in a Patient with Joint and Muscle Pains, ME/CFS, and Cognitive Dysfunction following Tick Bites???..

..Version 1 This version is not peer-reviewed..
Publicatie 22 augustus 2024
Pre-print - Case Report: 'Successful Diagnosis and Treatment of Borrelia miyamotoi in a Patient with Joint and Muscle Pains, ME/CFS, and Cognitive Dysfunction following Tick Bites: A Case Report' by Louis Teulières, Ying Jia, Martha Clokie, Jinyu Shan; Bron https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202408.1562/v1
.. Abstract
Introduction: Diagnosing and managing Borrelia miyamotoi disease (BMD) is challenging due to its symptom overlap with Lyme disease (LD) and the lack of reliable laboratory diagnostics for BMD. This case study demonstrates the use of phage-based PCR (phb-PCR) to identify B. miyamotoi in a patient who had been bitten by ticks.

Case presentation: A female patient aged 46 presented with joint and muscle pain, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, and cognitive impairment after multiple tick bites in Europe. The patient was assessed for LD at the National Reference Centre in Strasbourg using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblot. Additional diagnostics involved screening for Bartonella and Anaplasma antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence, and tests for antinuclear antibodies to check for autoimmune conditions. All serological and immunological tests yielded negative results.

However, the phb-PCR identified B. miyamotoi. Consequently, the patient received treatment for BMD with a regimen of intravenous ceftriaxone, oral azithromycin, and additional intravenous vitamin and mineral therapy. Post-treatment evaluations showed significant improvements in pain levels, cognitive abilities, and fatigue.

Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of direct diagnostic methods like phb-PCR for identifying BMD when serological tests fail. Clinicians should consider B. miyamotoi testing for accurate and timely management of complex TBDs..
..Author Contributions: Louis Teulières and Jinyu Shan co-conceived the idea for this paper. Louis Teulières handled the clinical aspects of the work and provided the outline for the diagnostic and treatment approaches.

Jinyu Shan, with the assistance of Ying Jia, was responsible for the meticulous drafting and critical writing of the manuscript with constant conversation with Louis Teulières. Martha Clokie proofread the manuscript.

Funding: We gratefully acknowledge the main funding received for the study from Phelix Research and Development (Phelix R&D, 37 Langton Street, SW10 0JL London, UK, Charity Number 1156666).

Data Availability Statement: The findings of this case report are detailed within the article. Due to privacy and ethical considerations, individual patient data is not publicly accessible. For inquiries about the study's methodologies and anonymized data, please contact the corresponding author, Jinyu Shan, at the provided email address. Data requests will be considered in line with ethical standards and patient confidentiality.

Acknowledgments: We express our sincere gratitude towards Mr. François-Xavier Louvet for his invaluable contribution to our research. His boundless enthusiasm and unwavering support have significantly enriched our work. We are profoundly thankful for his inspiration throughout this research endeavour.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Ethics Statement: The research conducted and presented in this paper was carried out with strict adherence to ethical principles, respecting the dignity, privacy, and rights of the patient involved. Prior to conducting this study, informed consent was obtained from the patient, ensuring she was fully aware of the research's nature, objectives, potential benefits, and risks. The study was designed and executed with a commitment to maintaining confidentiality and safeguarding the patient's personal and medical information, in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and relevant local regulations. The authors have taken meticulous care to ensure that the research methodologies employed were ethically sound, scientifically justified, and conducted under the appropriate oversight. Furthermore, this paper does not contain any data that could lead to the identification of the patient, and all personal information has been anonymised to protect her privacy. The collaboration between the authors from PhelixRD Charity and the University of Leicester was founded on mutual respect, integrity, and a shared goal of advancing medical knowledge for the benefit of patients suffering from tick-borne diseases..
..'The authors declare no conflict of interest'..?

Is het gestelde juist? Er is géén sprake van onafhankelijk onderzoek en de Case-study kan niet dienen als medisch én wetenschappelijk bewijs. De auteurs en Louvet zijn leden (trustees, mede-oprichters én investeerders!) van Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ & Phelix France (Frankrijk); Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ en Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/about-us/

Ter verificatie:
Stand van zaken Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron http://phelix.info/en/about/team/ & Phelix France (Frankrijk); Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ periode t/m 31 december 2022; Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/about-us/
..During the year, the charity received income totalling £60.205 and incurred expenditure of £80.501, giving a net loss position of £20.269.

Phelix R&D recognised income of £52.908 from RedLab Belgium form the commercialisation of the Phage based test for the year 2022..

..Activity update
Activity 2022:
- Improving the sensitivity of the Phage Based borrelia test with our partner in Belgium, RedLabs, who are in charge of the commercialisation of the Test.
- Exploring new technologies in order to automate the DNA extraction from biological samples.
- University of Leicester and Phelix Research and Development: Trying to redesign a Phage Based test for :arrow: Bartonella sp. as the previous test did not show promising sensitivity.
- University of Leicester and Phelix Research and Development: working on the next research paper on Borrelia Miyamotoi.
- Finalising the documents for the filing of the Patent of the Borrelia phage based test: UK, USA, EU (Patent attorney Murgitroyd law firm)..

..Whilist the trustees are aware of the need to build reserves for a substaniable future. This is not considered necessary at this time due to the support of the trustees..
Interessant is hoe de verdere ontwikkelingen zullen gaan. Er is een tekort van £20.269 (€23.403) ontstaan. De trustees, mede-oprichters en investeerders (Teulières en Louvet (Charity trustees are the people who ultimately exercise control over and are legally responsible for the charity. If the charity is a company these people may also be known as directors or board members)) moeten verschillende leningen (totaal 2022: £382.246 in 2021: £378.492) zien terug te verdienen in de komende jaren.

9 juni 2024: Het lukt de wetenschapper/onderzoeker Shan niet om subsidie gelden te krijgen voor zijn 'Startup'; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&p=30466#p30465

Stand van zaken: European Patent Office (EPO) - Federated register; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... =federated
In Europa is in veel landen het ** :arrow: patent(octrooi) EP3535412 (WO2018083491A1) - 'Phage-based detecition of Borreliosis and means therfor'; (inventors Clokie, Shan en Teulières 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'); Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... n&tab=main ) komen te vervallen (in 2021, 2022, 2023 en 2024).
'Lapse of the patent in a contracting state' - Event history; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... &tab=event
Bij enkel de landen België; Bron https://bpp.economie.fgov.be/fo-eregist ... ?locale=en Frankrijk; Bron https://data.inpi.fr/brevets/EP3535412 Engeland; Bron https://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-ipsum/Case/App ... 17795037.5 is het patent(octrooi) niet vervallen.

..'Clinicians should consider B. miyamotoi testing for accurate and timely management of complex TBDs'..?
Is het gestelde juist? Nee!

:arrow: Met de kostbare experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test van Red Laboratories (België) kan géén diagnose Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l) en of B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever worden gesteld!

Leer en lees meer en ter verificatie: over de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30600 en over Red Laboratories (België); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30594 en; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=180#p29119 en artikel van Apache; Bron https://apache.be/2017/10/04/de-chronis ... e-meirleir
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Ma 26 Aug 2024, 15:35


Successful Diagnosis and Treatment of Borrelia miyamotoi in a Patient with Joint and Muscle Pains, ME/CFS, and Cognitive Dysfunction following Tick Bites???..
..A proprietary phb-PCR test designed to detect B. miyamotoi was employed :arrow: [29]. This test, offered by RED Laboratories, was performed in compliance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and conducted according to the MIQE guidelines [30]. The phb-PCR test has been evaluated using analytical, clinical and tick samples, and its accuracy and reliability have been validated and peer-reviewed, with results published in scientific literature :arrow: [15,19]. The PCR product was sequenced using the Sanger method..

..To evaluate the patient’s progress post-treatment, a series of detailed follow-up assessments were conducted:
..4. Laboratory testing: We conducted phb-PCR on the patient's sample after completing the treatment to confirm the absence of B. miyamotoi..
..'Laboratory testing: We conducted phb-PCR on the patient's sample after completing the treatment to confirm the absence
of B. miyamotoi

..'The phb-PCR test has been evaluated using analytical, clinical and tick samples, and its accuracy and reliability have been validated and peer-reviewed, with results published in scientific literature'..?

De References (Referenties) :arrow: 29, 15 en 19 worden genoemd als medisch én wetenschappelijk bewijs?
29. Shan, J., M.R. Clokie, and L. Teulières. Phage-based detection of borreliosis and means therefor, US11739388B2, PCT/GB2017/053323, WO 2018/083491 2018.

15. Shan, J., et al., Targeting Multicopy Prophage Genes for the Increased Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato (s.l.), the Causative Agents of Lyme Disease, in Blood. Front. Microbiol., 2021. 12: 651217.

19. Shan, J., et al., Combining citizen science and molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and Borrelia miyamotoi in tick pools across Great Britain. Front Microbiol, 2023. 14: p. 1126498.

Is het gestelde juist? Ter verificatie :arrow: Reference 29:
Stand van zaken: European Patent Office (EPO) - Federated register; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... =federated
In Europa is in veel landen het ** :arrow: patent(octrooi) EP3535412 (WO2018083491A1) - 'Phage-based detecition of Borreliosis and means therfor'; (inventors Clokie, Shan en Teulières 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'); Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... n&tab=main ) komen te vervallen (in 2021, 2022, 2023 en 2024).
'Lapse of the patent in a contracting state' - Event history; Bron https://register.epo.org/application?nu ... &tab=event
Bij enkel de landen België; Bron https://bpp.economie.fgov.be/fo-eregist ... ?locale=en Frankrijk; Bron https://data.inpi.fr/brevets/EP3535412 Engeland; Bron https://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-ipsum/Case/App ... 17795037.5 is het patent(octrooi) niet vervallen.

En vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=480#p30475
Ilads Annual Scientific Conference November 7-10, 2024 San Antonio, TX
Vervolg op; Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=330#p30000 Ilads Annual Scientific Conference November 7-10, 2024 San Antonio, TX; Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/ ... n-antonio/
Conference Schedule & Speakers (Conference Schedule* *Subject to change); Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/ ... n-antonio/
..9 November 2024: 8 AM: Combination Sequential Therapies Guided by Highly Specific Direct Diagnostic Methods in Chronic (Persistent) Borreliosis and PLDTS: Selected Case Studies - Louis C. Teulieres, MD, PhD..

..10 November 2024: 8 AM: Case Presentations - Louis Teulieres, MD; Andrew Petersen, DO; Clayton Bell, MD; Tania Dempsey, MD..

In herinnering..
Ilads European Conference Starnberg Germany April 19-21, 2024; Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/2024-germany/
Conference Schedule & Speakers (Conference Schedule* *Subject to change); Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/2024-germany/
..20 April 2024: 8:45 - 9:25 AM: Growing Evidence on RF and B miyamotoi Incidence and Prevalence in Europe, and Neurotropic Viruses–Bacteria Interactions in late LD, PLDTS - Louis Teulieres, MD, PhD..

..21 April 2024: 10 - 10:30 AM: What we learned from testing ticks - Multipathogen study in European ticks - Tanja Mijatovic, PhD..

In herinnering..
Ilads Conference Boston, MA 19-22 October 2023; Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/ ... ce-boston/
Conference Schedule & Speakers; Bron https://www.ilads.org/ilads-conference/ ... ce-boston/
..21 October 2023 8:05-8:40 AM: Phage Borrelia qPCR[/b] Diagnostics in ME/CFS Patients: Results of Several Clinical Studies - Kenny De Meirleir, MD, PhD..

..21 October 2023 10:35-11:05 AM: Bacteria- Viruses Interactions: Implications for Persistent or Slow Infections Diagnostic and Treatments - Louis C. Teulieres, MD, PhD..

..21 October 2023 4:15-4:45 PM: What We Learned from Testing Ticks - Multipathogen Study in European Ticks - Tatjana Mijatovic, PhD..
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Ma 26 Aug 2024, 16:04


..'Laboratory testing: We conducted phb-PCR on the patient's sample after completing the treatment to confirm the absence
of B. miyamotoi

..'The phb-PCR test has been evaluated using analytical, clinical and tick samples, and its accuracy and reliability have been validated and peer-reviewed, with results published in scientific literature'..?

Is het gestelde juist? Ter verificatie Reference :arrow: 15:
Frontiers in Microbiology
Publicatie 15 maart 2021
Study - 'Targeting multicopy prophage genes for the increased detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.), the causative agents of Lyme disease, in blood' by Jinyu Shan, Ying Jia, Faizal Patel, Louis Teulières and Martha R. Clokie; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 7/abstract

Frontiers in Microbiology
OPINION article
Publicatie 13 december 2021
Opinion: 'Methodological Shortcomings in the Study on a Prophage-based PCR Test for Lyme Borreliosis' by Freek R. van de Schoor, M. E. Baarsma, Mariska M. G. Leeflang, Volker Fingerle, Gabriele Margos, Joppe W. Hovius and Alje P. van Dam; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 02131/full en Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2322&start=750#p27953
We conclude that while this technique might be promising, the paper provides more questions than answers, and contains a large number of inaccuracies. We would be interested to see the Ter-qPCR be validated on a cohort of clearly described LB patients and healthy controls from both North America and Europe before we could draw any conclusions on the diagnostic performance of the Ter-qPCR..
Teulières (natuurarts, géén wetenschapper & onderzoeker) van Phelix France (Frankrijk); Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/team/ en de onderzoekers/wetenschappers van Phelix Research & Development (Engeland); Bron https://phelix.info/en/about/team/ en Bron https://zb14927861.phelix.org.uk/about-us/ en Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) hebben tot nu toe (nog) niet gereageerd op het Opinie artikel van het team wetenschappers-onderzoekers.

:arrow: Met de kostbare experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test van Red Laboratories (België) kan géén diagnose Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l) en of B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever worden gesteld! En er kan géén behandeling mee worden gemonitord!

Leer en lees meer en ter verificatie: over de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30600 en over Red Laboratories (België); Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2751&p=30600#p30594 en; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=180#p29119 en artikel van Apache; Bron https://apache.be/2017/10/04/de-chronis ... e-meirleir
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 27 Aug 2024, 12:07


..'The phb-PCR test has been evaluated using analytical, clinical and tick samples, and its accuracy and reliability have been validated and peer-reviewed, with results published in scientific literature'..?

Is het gestelde juist? Dit is gebaseerd op de resultaten van het kleine tekenonderzoek met (slechts) 110 teken getest met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test?

:arrow: ICLB conferentie 2022 Amsterdam; Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=170#p29082 De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) - Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks

De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories België) - Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
What we learned from testing the ticks - the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
Dr Tatjana Mijatovic1
1R.E.D. Laboratories N.V. /S.A., Zellik, Belgium

The high failure rate of tick-borne infection (TBI) testing and treatment underscores the necessity to reassess the pathogen prevalence in infected ticks in order to refine the patients’ testing strategies.

Following an initial small study on 30 ticks we aimed to conduct a large study (110 tested ticks) comparing different testing approaches for tick-borne pathogens. The goal of this contribution is to bring the focus on the importance to enlarge TBI-related testing targets and shed some light on high prevalence of Borrelia Relapsing fever (RF) strains both in ticks and late stage undiagnosed patients.

We used Phage-based real-time PCR test for Borrelia (searching for 3 major Borrelia groups (Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Borrelia miyamotoi and RF group) and Rickettsia, Hybrispot dot-blot multiplex test for 7 TBIs, and various PCRs for Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Bartonella and Babesia testing.

110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed 30% positive for B. miyamotoi, 42% for RF (mainly B.hermsii group), 14% positive for both B.miyamotoi and RF and only 10% positive for B. burgorferi sl. In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains. The positivity rate for other TBIs were: Rickettsia 10%, Babesia 3,6%, Ehrlichia 1,8%, Bartonella 9%, Anaplasma 2,7%. Notably, 32,7% of tested ticks were positive for more than one pathogen. In addition, over 6000 results from patients (mainly late stage/chronic) are showing over 60% of tested samples positive for RF strains (mainly B.miyamotoi and B.hermsii).

This is the first large-scale report on prevalence of Borrelia RF strains in ticks, along with an important percentage of Rickettsia positive ticks and over 32% of tested ticks carrying more than one pathogen. Seen this high prevalence of Borrelia RF in tested ticks, further supported by similar high percentages found in patients, the overall high expansion of undiagnosed TBD cases worldwide might be linked to the screening choice focusing only on B. burgdorferi sl and only rarely testing for RF while the later ones seem to be much more prevalent. Enlarged testing of ticks removed by patients could prevent the onset of chronic disease in bitten patients..
..'the first large-scale report..'?
..'In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains?'..
..'110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed?'..
..'(slechts) 110 teken?: European ticks (mainly from Belgium, France and Norway)?'..

De 110 teken zijn getest met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde Phelix Phage Borrelia test. Met de Phelix Phage Borrelia test kan géén diagnose B. miyamotoi/Relapsing Fever en of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (ziekte van Lyme) worden gesteld(!). En kan dat ook niet bij de geteste teken worden vastgesteld.
Bron viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2435&start=170#p29084 ..De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories (België)) over geteste teken - :arrow: Presentatie Mijatovic Dublin 2020; Bron https://www.iddoctor.eu/docs/Crypto-Inf ... atovic.pdf en Bron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJd0F-DrFMQ en teken test met de experimentele en niet-gevalideerde 'Phelix Phage Borrelia test'; Bron https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BiXk3m ... FqXJ_/view
..Results of the Tests
Done on Ticks
40% of analysed ticks were negative (no detected pathogens)
60% of analysed ticks were positive for at least 1 pathogen..

..Pathogens found in positive ticks:
Borrelia burgdorferi sl: 17% pos
Borrelia miyamotoi: 60% pos
Borrelia Relapsing Fever Group 23% pos
25% of positive ticks were for 2 pathogens

Unexpected high rate of B. miyamotoi and Relapsing Fever Borrelia Phages in tested ticks..
De 'claims' van Mijatovic (Red Laboratories (België)) - ICLB Amsterdam 4 en 5 september 2022: Posterpresentatie P108 - What we learned from testing the ticks – the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
What we learned from testing the ticks – the use of novel testing approaches uncovered unexpected pathogen prevalence in tested ticks
Dr Tatjana Mijatovic1
1R.E.D. Laboratories N.V. /S.A., Zellik, Belgium

We used Phage-based real-time PCR test for Borrelia (searching for 3 major Borrelia groups (Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Borrelia miyamotoi and RF group) and Rickettsia, Hybrispot dot-blot multiplex test for 7 TBIs, and various PCRs for Borrelia burgdorferi sl, Bartonella and Babesia testing.

110 analyzed ticks by Phage test showed 30% positive for B. miyamotoi, 42% for RF (mainly B.hermsii group), 14% positive for both B.miyamotoi and RF and only 10% positive for B. burgorferi sl. In comparison, Borrelia IVD qPCR detected only 1,8% of B. burgdorferi positive ticks and multiplex Hybrispot revealed 10% positives. Thus, none of 3 different methods used evidenced more than 10% of ticks positive for B. burgdorferi sl, validating thus the results obtained by the Phage test and emphasizing the need to focus on RF strains. The positivity rate for other TBIs were: Rickettsia 10%, Babesia 3,6%, Ehrlichia 1,8%, Bartonella 9%, Anaplasma 2,7%. Notably, 32,7% of tested ticks were positive for more than one pathogen. In addition, over 6000 resultsfrom patients (mainly late stage/chronic) are showing over 60% of tested samples positive for RF strains (mainly B.miyamotoi and B.hermsii)..
Er zitten aanzienlijke verschillen in de percentages van de gepresenteerde onderzoeksresultaten van het tekenonderzoek met (slechts) 110 teken? Interessante data gegevens zullen zijn hoeveel teken pér land uit België, Frankrijk en Noorwegen Red Laboratories (België) heeft getest.
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

Berichten: 7887
Lid geworden op: Wo 29 Okt 2014, 12:14

Re: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 4 t/m 7 September 2022 Amster

Berichtdoor Roxy » Di 27 Aug 2024, 16:35


..'The phb-PCR test has been evaluated using analytical, clinical and tick samples, and its accuracy and reliability have been validated and peer-reviewed, with results published in scientific literature'..?

Bron viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2595&start=520#p30645 ..De References (Referenties) :arrow: 29, 15 en 19 worden genoemd als medisch én wetenschappelijk bewijs?
29. Shan, J., M.R. Clokie, and L. Teulières. Phage-based detection of borreliosis and means therefor, US11739388B2, PCT/GB2017/053323, WO 2018/083491 2018.

15. Shan, J., et al., Targeting Multicopy Prophage Genes for the Increased Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato (s.l.), the Causative Agents of Lyme Disease, in Blood. Front. Microbiol., 2021. 12: 651217.

19. Shan, J., et al., Combining citizen science and molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and Borrelia miyamotoi in tick pools across Great Britain. Front Microbiol, 2023. 14: p. 1126498..
Is het gestelde juist? De Phelix Phage Borrelia test is een experimentele en niet-gevalideerde test. Ter verificatie :arrow: Reference 19:

Frontiers in Microbiology
Sec. Infectious Agents and Disease
Volume 14 - 2023
:arrow: Publicatie 26 april 2023
Study - 'Combining citizen science and molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and Borrelia miyamotoi in tick pools across Great Britain' by Jinyu Shan, Ying Jia, Peter Hickenbotham, Louis Teulières and Martha R.J. Clokie; Bron https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 26498/full
..To investigate the prevalence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and B. miyamotoi in ticks first, we developed a PCR (Bmer-qPCR) that targets the phage terminase large subunit (terL) gene carried by B. miyamotoi. A similar approach had been used successfully in developing Ter-qPCR for detecting B. burgdorferi s.l..

..A similar approach had been used successfully in developing Ter-qPCR for detecting B. burgdorferi s.l. The terL protein functions as an enzyme in packaging phage DNA. Analytical validation of the Bmer-qPCR confirmed its specificity, efficiency and sensitivity..
..The tick pools were analysed using our newly developed Bmer-qPCR to detect B. miyamotoi and our previously established Ter-qPCR for B. burgdorferi s.l. This study revealed that the prevalence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and B. miyamotoi in tick pools in England could be as high as 67.6 and 7.1%, respectively, as compared to those of 78.8 and 4.5% in tick pools in Scotland. Overall, up to 5.2% of tick pools tested positive for both B. miyamotoi and B. burgdorferi s.l., demonstrating presence of both Borrelia species in the same location..
..Bmer-qPCR analytical specificity, sensitivity and efficiency
..Overall, the validation results of the Bmer-qPCR assay for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA suggest that the Bmer-qPCR assay is a reliable and sensitive tool for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA..

..The Bmer-qPCR and Ter-qPCR were conducted according to our established protocol (Shan et al., 2021)..
..Author contributions
..LT proofread the manuscript and provided valuable advice on B. miyamotoi clinical diagnosis and treatment..
..Conflict of interest
..LT is a physician who volunteers for Phelix Research and Development, a charitable organization..
..'Analytical validation of the Bmer-qPCR confirmed its specificity, efficiency and sensitivity..'?
..'Overall, the validation results of the Bmer-qPCR assay for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA suggest that the Bmer-qPCR assay is a reliable and sensitive tool for the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA..'?
~ I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday ~
~ There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow ~
~ So encourage each other and build each other up - Positive connections ~

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